start with

  • v.以…开始
  • 网络以……开始;从…开始;首先

start withstart with

start with


八年级英语知识点总结_百度知道 ... 4. hardly ever 很少 5. start with 以…开始 6. try to do sth. 试着去做某事 ...


四级词组短语_百度文库 ... make it 成功做某事 start with 从……开始 sth 帮助做某事 1.6 ...


1 - huiyudeni006_fzc的日志 - 网易博客 ... start out 出发,开始,着手 start with 首先,第一 stay away 不在家,外出 ...


2011届高考英语必备词组复习 ... start from 从...开始 start with 就此开始 start in 开始 ...


Carácter « 手 » - Dicionário de sinogramas ... 人手[ manpower] 入手[ start with] 弱手[ incompetent person] ...


英语翻译(请详细回答)_百度知道 ... 7. make a face 扮个鬼脸 13. start with 以……为开始 1. go down on one′s knees 跪下 ...


景观设计基础_互动百科 ... 4.2 设计程序( design process) 4.3 设计入手start with) 4.4 艺术布局( art layout) ...

All this seems to start with the behavior of the fetus, which is hardly a model of quiet diplomacy when entering strange territory. 所有这些看起来都是从胎儿的行为开始的,而当它进人陌生之地时根本说不上是个静悄悄的外交家。
To start with, China is ready to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with many countries. 首先,中国准备和许多国家加强科学技术合作。
While earn a little, but the heart is still quite happy about it. At least I start with a small boss Well. . . 虽然只赚了一点点,但是心里还是挺高兴的。起码我也做起了小老板了嘛…
You'll start with an innocent purchase, and the next thing you know, you're buying a new living room. 你将开始与一个无辜的购买,而接下来的事情你知道,你买了新的生活空间。
Now, if it is all right with you, let me start with my explanation of the product. 如果没有问题的话,现在我先从产品简介开始。
Note that the name of the catalog file must start with a prefix catalog_ as shown in Listing 7. 请注意,目录文件的名称必须以前缀catalog_开头,如清单7所示。
The sun wake us up, as it was shining right into our huts. A wonderful day to start with. The breakfast was not for me. 阳光照进了我们的小屋,把我们从沉睡中唤醒,美妙一天就这样开始了。
Since the "central dogma" thesis cuts across traditions, I might as well start with my own. 既然“中心教条”的理论打乱了传统,我就开始我自己的传统吧。
Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject to start with the proof of this idea. 幸运的是对关于这个话题的每个讲座或每本书都以这个证据或这个想法开头已经没有必要了。
Most TCP sessions start with one endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with a SYN -ACK packet. 我们知道,绝大多数的TCP会话的建立,都是通过一端先发送一个SYN包开始,另一方则回发一个SYN-ACK包的过程。
To start with, he walked in the park for a while every morning, and then a month later he began to jog. 起初,他每天早晨在公园散散步,过了一个月他开始做慢跑运动。
Of course, delaying optimization until you know it's needed is a good idea, so you should at least start with a simple fitness formula. 当然,把优选推迟到您认为有需要的时候,这是一个好主意,那么您在开始的时候,最起码得有一个简单的适应性公式。
Support systems start with you offering to help others, perhaps teammates, attain their highest goals. 支援系统是从你帮助别人的贡献开始,或许队友,实现了他们最高的目标。
Let's start with easy to think of a place to answer this question. 我们先从容易想到的地方来回答这一问题。
I had a phone conversation and her mother. but she did not start with your back to the school. or in schools happy! 我有和妈妈通电话。不过她没有说起你又回到了学校。还是在学校开心吧!
It is hoped that this month tripartite patrols around Kirkuk will start, with government and Kurdish troops to be overseen by American ones. 政府和库尔德部队本月有望分成三个小组在基尔库克周围进行巡逻,并接受美国军队的监督。
So if we start with books, you know, sort of where are we? Well, first you have to, as an engineer, scope the problem. 假设我们从书籍开始,就从我们现有的资源着手首先,作为一个工程师,你必须要衡量一下问题的范围,有多少数量的图书?
Let's start with this: In his Cavs debut, Antawn Jamison appeared as if he'd never played an NBA game before. 让我们先从这开始:在他的骑士处子秀中,AntawnJaminson的表现让他看来像从来就没有在NBA打过球一样。
Using this technique, the tester does not start with a set of test cases or any other pre-defined testing script. 使用这个技术,测试人员不必以一系列测试用例开始,也不用其它预定义的测试脚本。
I'd start with an easy to care for houseplant like an umbrella tree or amaryllis or a potted tomato plant out on the deck. 我会从易于照顾的盆栽如伞树或桂顶红或盆栽番茄开始。
For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept -- what you think you want to do -- then broaden it. 作为任何一家职位搜索引擎,你都需要从目标设定开始—你想做什么工作—然后再扩展它。
A neuroscientist trying to understand how people recognise objects would thus start with this simplest of systems. 一个神经学家尝试研究人类怎样用如此简单的神经系统来辨认目标。
How does it make sense to step back and think of it in terms of individual social dualism to start with? 如何降低这种要求并言而有理,同时也兼顾个人在社会中的双重性呢?
It may seem strange to start with a tip on CSS in an article on XSLT, but I'm often asked "Are the two style sheet languages compatible? " 在讨论XSLT的文章中以关于CSS的技巧作为开始似乎有些奇怪,但有人经常问我“这两种样式表语言是否兼容?”
Let's start with your childhood. What was that like? 让我们从你的童年开始你的童年是怎么样?
I will like to know what you do for a living, as you know a journey of thousands miles start with a step and i believe that we have started. 我想知道你生活中都做些什么,正如你们所说,千里之行始于足下,我相信了解这些我们已经开始了我们的友谊。
The key is to start with something in the range above and to take a few test shots to see how the exposure works. 关键是以高于这个范围的某个值开始,继而实验性地照几张来看曝光怎麽样。
One of the songs they sang was an unofficial anthem of the secret services called "What Does the Motherland Start With? " 他们唱的歌曲中有一首情报部门非官方的颂歌取自老苏联时期的电视剧主题歌叫“祖国从何开始”。
It's common to think of the breath as the air passing in and out through the nose, and this can be a useful perception to start with. 一般认为气是指出入鼻腔的气息,可以把这个辨识当作有用的起点。
When it's time for a rest, start with your eyes. Focus on something far away bu looking out of a window. 当到时候休息的时候,从你的眼睛开始,把眼睛集中到窗外远处的物体上。