sign on

  • na.签字聘用[就聘];签字承认;作工作记录
  • 网络登录;签约雇用;签约受雇用

第三人称单数:signs on 现在分词:signing on 过去式:signed on

sign onsign on

sign on


现在有一些单一的登录sign on)系统不仅可以减轻管理员的负担,而同时还提高了安全级别。


sign是什么意思啊? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... sign up 签约雇用,签约参加 sign on 开始广播;签约雇用 sign for 签收 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... sign in 签到;签收 sign on 签约受雇用 keep silence 保持沉默,不讲话 ...


sign是什么意思啊? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... sign up 签约雇用,签约参加 sign on 开始广播;签约雇用 sign for 签收 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(S6) ... sign on 开始 sign on 签订雇用合同 sign position 符号位 ...


《金刚》剧情介绍 ... pull out v. 离开 sign on v. 签约任用 vaudeville n. 歌舞杂耍 ...

And Samaras said he would not sign on behalf of any party where the proposed aid by the EU conditions. 并且,萨马拉斯还表示,他不会代表所在党签署任何由欧盟提出的援助条件。
Choose a safe, quiet place to meditate. Turn off the phone. Put a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Relax. 选择一个沙发,一个宁静的地方进行冥想。拔掉电话线,把“请勿打扰”的牌子挂在门上。放松自己。
It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard. 在一间门上写着小心豹子的废弃厕所里某个上锁的文件柜的柜底上。
He did not, as far as anyone knows, wear a sign on his back saying "Kick me, " although he might as well have. 就我们所知,他虽然没有在背后写上:踢我吧,但他真应该这麽做。
The KDC supplies the ME with single-sign-on credentials in the form of a Key Encryption Key (KEK). 所述KDC向所述ME提供密钥加密密钥(KEK)形式的单点登录证书。
Single sign-on uses the centralized server for authentication, so the same credentials can be used for accessing any of the client systems. 单点登录使用集中的服务器执行身份验证,可以使用相同的凭证访问任何客户机系统。
Organizations and roles must be easy to administer and possibly rely on a Single Sign On infrastructure. 组织和角色必须要易于管理并可能依赖于单点登录设施。
As a reminder that the sky is not the limit, the Winter Chamber of Commerce posted a sign on Highway 70, the main road into town. 在此提醒说,天空没有极限,商务厅公布了冬季公路70,进城的主要道路标志。
The pretty girl seems to be able to put an Indian sign on any man near her . 那个标致的女郎似乎有一种能使接近她的男人着迷的魅力。
Todd Stern, who leads the American climate change negotiating team, said he was pleased to see China and India sign on. 美国气候变化谈判团团长ToddStern对于中国和印度的加入表示欢迎。
Combine the vibration of this planet with that of the sign on the eleventh house cusp and the vibration of the ruler itself. 联合把这些行星的共振与那第十一宫宫头和那宫主星的本身的共振的标记。
And it will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the Lord brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand. 这要在你手上作记号,在你额上作经文,因为耶和华用大能的手将我们从埃及领出来。
User can double click on any of the entry to visit the website which makes it easy to verify sign-on passwords. 用户可以双击条目的任何访问该网站,可以很容易地验证登录密码。
SAML is often touted as a provider of a single sign-on (SSO) mechanism. SAML常常被吹捧提供了一种单点登录(SSO)机制。
A sign on the window warned against breaking the glass and urged rescuers to call a hazardous materials team, he said. 他说车窗上贴着一个警告不要打碎玻璃的标志,并提示人们请毒物处置队来处理。
As he is looking for the creature's owner, he is met by a person who gives him a business card with a weird sign on it. 在寻找的过程中,男孩遇见一个人,给了他一张有古怪标记的名片。
It was hard to figure out a non-frenzied way to get from here to there, and I began nudging Rebecca to sign on for another year. 届时要想从从容容地离华返美真是太难了,因此我开始怂恿白佩琪在中国多干一年。
Now, a sign on the front door of the McDonald's prominently warns potential thieves of the spray's presence: "You Steal, You're Marked. " 现在,麦当劳快餐店的前门贴有一醒目标牌,警告可能作案的窃贼此处装有喷雾装置:“你一偷,便被标识。”
Password management. Enables users to have a single set of credentials to sign on to the company information systems. 密码管理—使用户能够用一组凭证登录到公司的信息系统。
Each of these subdirectories contains both a sign-on screen JSP (login. jsp) and a data-confirmation JSP (confirm. jsp). 每个子目录都既包含登录屏幕的JSP(login.jsp),也包含数据确认JSP(confirm.jsp)。
When i got there it was a small building dedicated for students with dyslexia with a sign on the door saying "There are 2 building 45's" . 等我吭哧吭哧走到了,发现这是一栋为有阅读障碍的学生建的小楼,门上有个小条写着:“这有两个45号楼”。
An absent- stoerkeeper came back from lunch and saw a sign on his door which read " Out to lunch " . So he sat down to wait for himself . 一个健忘的店员外出吃午饭回来时看见自己店门上写着“外出吃午饭”的字样,于是他就坐下来等着自己。
With Mutombo saying again that he is ready to sign on for one last NBA season, Morey on Monday forwarded the contract to him. 随着木桶伯答应签最后一个赛季,莫雷于周一把合同传给了他。
Create the digital equivalent of hanging a "Do Not Disturb Sign" on the door. 在门上挂上一块“请勿打扰”的牌子吧。
I guess that i could be qualified as a respected person if I am authorized to sign on patient's passport pictures in canada? 我被授权在病人的护照申请照片上签字,我猜我应该算得上受人尊敬的人了吧?
Finally, in a touching, "I wish you bon voyage" music, all sign on the same sense of blessing in a Microsoft T-shirts to Luo Lang . 最后,在一曲感人的《祝你一路顺风》音乐声中,大家在一件微软T恤衫上签下了自己对罗浪主席发自内心的祝福。
The existing single sign-on systems are usually not easy to be deployed, and they have a limitation in password security protection. 现有的单点登录系统通常存在部署开销大、口令安全性保护不足等问题。
Order backlogs had been on a downward trend through 2009. And the company reports that customers are still reluctant to sign on for work. 2009年订单储备呈下降趋势,公司报告说客户签约开工仍属勉强。
The oath has triggered lots of good discussions, but when 50% of your students sign on to something, that's a conversation not a culture. 当然宣誓也带来了许多好的讨论,但当只有50%参加宣誓时,那只是一种谈话而不是一种文化。
I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. 我要声明一点:我不会签署任何一项在以后十年增加赤字的医疗法案。