see to

  • na.注意;留心;当心;检查
  • 网络负责;照料;留意

第三人称单数:sees to 现在分词:seeing to 过去式:saw to 过去分词:seen to

see tosee to

see to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... see sb. through 关心…渡过难关 see to 负责,注意,照料 see that 要注意使…;务必使… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... see sb. through 关心…渡过难关 see to 负责,注意,照料 see that 要注意使…;务必使… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... see sb. through 关心…渡过难关 see to 负责,注意,照料 see that 要注意使…;务必使… ...


英语—医学 ... second to[ 次于] · see to[ 留心] · send for[ 派人取(请)] · ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... belong to ...( 属于) see to ...( 负责,留意,照料) confess to ...( 坦白,坦承) ...


catch - 英汉词典 ... pay heed to 注意..., 留心... see to 照顾, 注意 see to it that... 一定注意到...; 务必 ...


解密高考英语大纲词汇_免费素材_当知网 ... refer to 提到,指的是,查阅 see to 照看,处理,负责 stick to 坚持,不放弃 ...


四级常用固定搭配 - 英语四六级 免费考研论坛 ... 90、see off 给...送行 91、see to 注意,负责,照料;修理 92、set about 开 …

See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. 又应该谨慎,免得有人疏忽天主的恩宠,免得有苦根子长出来,而累及你们,使许多人因此蒙受玷污。
The back of your eye is covered with light sensitive cells which send messages about what you see to your brain. 你的眼睛后面覆盖着感光细胞,将把你看到的信息发送给你的大脑。
The senate even directs the present and future consuls and praetors to see to it that no injurious consequences to her follow. 元老院甚至责成现在的和将来的执政官和大法官注意不要使她因此遭到任何烦恼。
The method that we see to its middling only tries to analyse, have certain help to the economic activity of the enterprise with its. 我们只对其中常见的方法加以分析,以其对企业的经济活动有一定的帮助。
You'd always see to make it worth it. A pig skin, I never nerfed it. 你得做些值得我付出的事。你个猪头,像被撞过一样。
If I see to do any of those, only a few will find the secret of life. The secret of life must be accessible to EVERY-ONE! 如果我按照其中任意一种方法,那么只有很少一部分人可以找到生命的秘密。但生命的秘密对于每个人来说都必须找到。
I ask you first a series of questions to see to what degree you express these chemicals, and I'm watching who chooses who to love. 第一部分的问题用来确认上述四种物质在你的大脑中是如何显现性状的。最后网站记录下是谁选择了谁。
We've got to keep our people safe, and see to it that the American Dream remains vibrant and alive for our children and grandchildren. 我们需要保障人民的安全,保证我们的子孙依然有鲜活的美国梦。
Please take the matter up at once and see to it that the goods are delivered without further delay. 请您立即着手调查此事以免再延误发货。
I promised to see to the matter promptly. 我答应立即处理这件事。
We must see to it that our young people do not fall captive to decadent capitalist ideas. We must make absolutely sure of that. 一定不能让我们的青少年作资本主义腐朽思想的俘虏,那绝对不行。
I'm proud to report that there's a lot of good folks that are working hard to see to it that we're right a hundred percent of the time. 我自豪的报告,有很多优秀的民族正努力工作以确保我们百分之百的安全。
I promised him to see to the matter right away. 我答应他马上处理这件事.不定式
See to it that you know clearly what God says you may ask of Him. 让我们确实明白上帝对我们的要求,以及祂所说的话。
It is the responsibility of the enterprise architects to see to it that the new applications follow the enterprise IT architecture. 企业架构师的责任是监督新的应用程序是否符合现有的企业IT体系结构。
And I have concocted a questionnaire to see to what degree you express dopamine, serotonin, estrogen and testosterone. 为此,我做了一份问卷调查,以探明人们如何显现多巴胺、血清素、雌激素和睾丸激素的性状。
The criterion that measures the efficiency of these tools, is to see to what extent they could fulfil their missions in practice. 衡量课程体系构造效能的标准,主要是看各种构造工具在使用过程中所达到的合目的程度。
the manager agreed to see to the matter himself. 经理答应亲自过问这件事。
I rose, and went into the garden, as soon as I could see, to ascertain if there were any footmarks under his window. 我才能瞅得见就起来了,到花园里去,想弄明白他窗下有没有足迹。
This vending machine is out of order , Get a mechanic to see to it . 这个自动贩卖机已经坏掉了,让修理工看一下。
Say what you want. She will be my bride, Lord Connington will see to it. I trust him as much as if he were my own blood. 随你怎么说。她都会是我的新娘。康宁顿大人说到做到。我就想血亲一样信任他。
The chemical element lifted to see to see everything of in front, as if deep in thought, go in toward a restaurant. 元素抬眼看了看面前的一切,若有所思,向一家饭馆进去。
Please look the matter up at once and see to it that the goods are delivered without fail. 请立即核查此事,务必确保货物一定发运。
Jupiter, now in Aquarius, will help you see to that, for Jupiter is in an angle that spells pure opportunity for you. 木星,现在在水瓶座,这将有助于您看到的是,在对木星的角度阐述纯机会你。
For the CBRC, the truly delicate decision is going to be whether to see to it that this slowdown continues through the new year. 对中国银监会而言,真正微妙的决定将是是否会允许这种下降势头在明年继续延续。
Would you see to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim? 你负责保证孩子们在游泳之后吃到一顿热饭,好吗?
What are the obstacles that you see to the kind of change that you argue we need. 您认为什么会妨碍到我们需要做的改变?
You must see to it that the objectives of the company and theobjectives of your team members are not at cross-purposes. 你也必须认识到,公司的目标和你团队成员的目标是不能相左的。
We want to see, to feel, to understand, to respond in a new way. 我们渴望以一种全新的方式去看,去感受,去理解和反应。
See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 弟兄们,你们要谨慎,免得你们中间或有人存著不信的恶心,把永生神离弃了。