
  • 网络1990年代




But in the 1990s, scientists in the United States and Europe failed to find many such growths or to perceive a risk from them. 但在20世纪90年代,美国和欧洲的科学家未能发现非息肉病性呈这样的增长的态势,或意识到它们能带来的危险。
The only modern equipment seems to be a limited number of Yak Shmel artillery spotting drones bought from Russia in the 1990s. 唯一现代化的武器装备似乎就只有区区几架上世纪90年代从俄罗斯进口的雅克-大黄蜂无人火炮侦察机。
How much of the gap between Japanese and American economic performance since the mid-1990s can be explained by demographics? 从1990年代中期以来,日本和美国的经济表现之间的差距有多少可以用数据表格来说明?
The Corpus Christi case was one of a series of challenges Koch Industries faced in the 1990s over environmental issues. 科珀斯克里斯蒂斯一案是20世纪90年代挑战科赫公司环保问题的一系列案件之一。
This is what people meant, back in the 1990s, when they said the Internet would be a disruptive force on a global scale. 当人们在90年代的时候说互联网将在全球范围内掀起一股颠覆性的力量,所表达的就是这个意思。
He also signed off on creating the company's PlayStation unit in the early 1990s, which became one of its biggest businesses. 在上世纪90年代初期,大贺典雄还签署文件创建了索尼PlayStation业务部。PlayStation后来成为该公司最大的业务之一。
Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s. 年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。
"He ought to understand our ways, " says an American intelligence officer who dealt with him in the 1990s. And he does. 九十年代与他打过交道的美国情报官员称,“他应该明白我们的规矩”,而事实也是如此。
Dr Pope said there was no doubt that the past decade was on average hotter than the 1990s. VickyPope博士说,毫无疑问,过去十年的平均比90年代更热了。
"It was an easier time to be a CEO in the 1990s, " he said. “在上世纪90年代担任首席执行官要轻松一些,”他表示。
Some suggest that several years of rising markets risk creating a sense of complacency similar to the stock market bubble of the late 1990s. 一些人提出,几年来市场的不断上涨,可能会带来一种自满情绪,类似于上世纪90年代末股市泡沫时期那样。
The original premise of Felicity made it out as a drama with comic touches, a sort of 1990s The Wonder Years set at college. 《大学生费莉希蒂》的初衷是想拍程带有喜剧效果的电视剧,有点像20世纪90年代在大学里取景的《纯真年代》。
A popular rule of thumb in the 1990s was that countries should be able to cover a year's worth of debt obligations. 20世纪90年代非常盛行的经验之谈是国家应有能力偿还一年期的债务。
The U. S. economy is limping along, unemployment is still high, and gasoline demand for this time of year is at its lowest since the 1990s. 美国经济正在一瘸一拐地前行,失业率依旧高企,一年中这一段时间对汽油的需求达到了上世纪90年代以来的最低点。
People who knew Obama in the early 1990s said he made it clear that he aspired to run for public office. 90年代熟识奥巴马的人们称,他明确地表示要投身公共事业。
By at least the late 1990s, he began to take out huge loans to support himself and pay debts. 至少,从上世纪90年代末开始,他便开始借入巨额贷款来维生并且还债。
It would have to be a multistep process, just like the introduction of the euro itself during the 1990s. 整个过程必须分成多个阶段完成,就像上世纪九十年代推出欧元时那样。
she had a vague recollection of seeing Deng's article in the early 1990s, but its content did not stick. 她依稀记得在90年代初读到过邓的文章,但不太记得内容。
But dramatic though it was, the dot-com crash did not actually come close to erasing the excesses of the 1990s. 然而,虽然网络股的坠落极富戏剧性,但是事实上,它并没有将放纵的90年代产生的泡沫消除殆尽。
During the credit boom of the early 1990s and 2000s the conventional view was that it did not matter. 在1990年代初到2000年代信贷膨胀的时期,传统的观点认为债务不是问题。
It has dramatically reduced debt and improved its credit rating since the financial crisis of the 1990s and is now financially stable. 上世纪九十年代金融危机以来,墨西哥的债务额大幅减少,信用等级大幅提高。目前,墨西哥金融稳定。
The asset management corporations--known as AMCs--were set up in the late 1990s to help clean up the major banks' balance sheets. 这些资产管理公司是上世纪九十年代末为帮助清理大型银行的资产负债表而设立的。
In the late 1990s, I attended a spinning class and thought it was one of the best workouts I had ever had. 上世纪90年代末,我参加了一个动感单车班,当时我认为这是我做过的最棒的健身项目之一。
The Asian financial crisis hit China just as it was making a painful economic adjustment after the bust of a credit boom in the mid-1990s. 亚洲金融危机降临的时候,中国正处于九十年代中期信贷暴涨后艰难的经济调整期。
But the famine of the 1990s, in which more than a million people might have died, inevitably resulted in a deep questioning and cynicism. 但是90年代的饥荒夺去了超过50万人的生命,不可避免地引发了怀疑和质问。
Mr Munoz says that in the heady days of the early 1990s he was making $20, 000 a month from his cut of the money earned by his dancers. 穆尼奥兹说在1990年初生意红火的时候他每个月可以从手下的舞女们那里收20000美元的份钱。
The key question of course is why did foreign lending to the U. S. pick up so much in the mid-1990s. 当然,关键的问题是:为什么上世纪90年代中期美国从外国借款的数额增长了这么多?
That system began to break down in the 1990s as the job market and housing were privatized. 但这个体系在上世纪九十年代开始分崩离析,就业市场和住房都开始私有化。
As recently as the early 1990s, India was as rich, in terms of national income per head. 就在20世纪90年代初期,就人均国家收入而言,印度与中国一样富裕。
With a few exceptions, the corporate sector had not gone on the kind of borrowing spree seen in the late 1990s. 公司企业方面有些例外,还没有出现上世纪90年代末的那种“借贷狂欢”。