


Rio needs shareholder approval for the deal to go ahead and a vote is likely to take place in July. 力拓需要股东批准此交易,投票可能在7月份进行。
In 30. 7 percent of all marriages with a wife working outside of the home, her income exceeds that of her husband. 妻子在外工作的所有家庭中,妻子收入高于丈夫的占到了30.
In the first game of the year, suffered a sports hernia, which eventually led to a surgery that took him out for seven games. 在他这一年的第一场比赛中得了运动疝。之后为此接受手术缺席了7场比赛。
During this period, the unspoken rule was that the rate of appreciation would not exceed 6-7 per cent a year. 在此期间,一条不成文的规则是:每年的升值幅度不超过6%至7%。
Palmer is upset that she did not tell him about this, and alludes to a time when she deceived him seven years ago. 帕默对他老婆没有把这事告诉他感到不爽,并暗指她在7年前也骗了他。
One of every seven dollars spent for food in this country goes for the purchase of milk and milk products. 在食物上的花费,每7元中就有1元购买了牛奶或者奶制品。
"I worked for him for seven years and I had no clue, " said Jack Sala, now the engineering manager for Truckee Precision, a B&J competitor. “我为他工作了7年,从不知此事,”杰克·撒拉说,他现在是特拉基精密(B&J公司的竞争对手)的工程经理。
Except for a few top-level hospitals that are open 7 days a week, most hospitals usually close on the weekends or operate for half days. 以往除几家三级医院实行无假日门诊外,大部分医院在周六、日都实行半日制门诊或不开诊。
So I ordered the beers and the total came out to ten dollars, but I only had seven. 所以我点了两杯啤酒,一共10元,但是我只有7块钱了。
Duncan was just as good on defense, and his 7'0 " frame and athleticism made him a natural rebounder on both ends of the court. " 邓肯防守也相当不错。7尺的身高让他在攻防两端都能够统治篮板。
In Grade 7 to grade 8 in the two years, don't you know how much I helped me, really be indebted forever. 在7年级到8年级这二年中,你不知道帮过我多少,我真是感激不尽。
Seven inaugural speeches did not contain the word; six more made use of it just once. 这个词在7次就职演说中完全没有被提到过,而另外六次中只被使用过一次。
Those who don't feel wealthy were asked how much money they would need to feel wealthy. Their answer: $7. 5 million. 那些感觉自己不富有的受访者被问到需要有多少钱才能使他们感到富有,他们的回答是:750万美元。
A ceremony to remember those who died in the July 7th bombings will take place in London today on the 4th anniversary of the attacks. 伦敦将于今天举行恐怖袭击4周年纪念活动,悼念7月7日发生的车站炸弹袭击事件的受害者。
My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday. 我的妹妹只有7岁,但她总能说出我的画是好还是坏。
On November 7, 1872 the ship departed New York with Captain Briggs, his wife, young daughter and a crew of eight. 在1872年9月7日,该船只载着船长Briggs、他的妻子、女儿和8名船员从纽约驶离。
Ethan: He used to be a (6)sergeant in the (7)Yugoslav army. At least if you go downtown, you'll be safe with him. 伊森:他曾是南斯拉夫陆军士官。起码如果你要进城,跟他一起保证安全。
In July China's microblogging services relabelled themselves as "beta" versions, a possible hint that this was all just an experiment. 7月,中国的微博服务商重新贴出了“测试”版的标签,这就像是一条可能的线索,表明所有的一切都仅仅是一项实验。
Gen 46: 7 He took with him to Egypt his sons and grandsons and his daughters and granddaughters-all his offspring. 创46:7雅各把他的儿子、孙子、女儿、孙女,并他的子子孙孙,一同带到埃及。
Rom. 7: 20 But if what I do not will, this I do, it is no longer I that work it out but sin that dwells in me. 罗七20若我去作所不愿意的,就不是我行出来的,乃是住在我里面的罪行出来的。
In July, Madonna's brother said he believed she was committed to her marriage to Ritchie. 今年7月,麦当娜的弟弟克利斯多佛•斯康纳表示,他相信姐姐是忠于里奇的。
At the bottom are the "equity investors" who get nothing if people default on their mortgage payments and the money runs out. 位于最底端的是那些所谓的“股本投资者”(equityinvestors)[7]。一旦按揭借款人出现违约,这些人便一无所获。
One study of girls and boys aged seven to eleven in Aberystwyth, Wales, found the children to be not only knowing but dismissive of TV ads. 在威尔士的阿拜利斯特韦斯,一项对7至11岁男女儿童的研究发现,孩子们不仅了解电视广告,而且持很轻蔑的态度。
TORONTO (Reuters) - "Forgive me a freakout moment here, " I wrote to a woman's-only Internet bicycling forum I've been posting on for years. 路透多伦多7月6日电---“请原谅,我要发疯了。”我在一家只向女性开放的网上自行车论坛中写到。
Allocate enough memory at the beginning of a batch application to avoid time-consuming reallocation during the process. 7、在一开始,就给批量应用分配足够的内存,避免处理过程中的内存重分配耗费时间。
The App Inventor is an easy to use application, as shown in Figure 7. AppInventor是很容易使用的应用程序,如图7所示。
About 100 ships -- seven of them Chinese -- have been attacked by Somali pirates since the beginning of the year. 今年年初以来,约有100多条船——有7艘是中国船只——遭到了索马里海盗的袭击
Aaron Kowalski: Managing diabetes can be just a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week grind that's hard on people and their families. 亚伦•卡瓦斯基:糖尿病护理工作对患者及其家人来说是一种折磨,一天需24小时,一周需7天。
Accompanied by his mother, the boy left his village on Sumatra island in July to undergo treatment in the capital. 今年7月,这名男童在母亲的陪伴下离开了自己位于苏门答腊岛的村子,前往首都进行治疗。
With so much about to happen at home and work, it might not be wise to be away on holiday, especially near the eclipses July 7 and 21. 因为在家庭和工作上将要发生很多事情,所以去度假并不是一个聪明的选择,特别是7月7日和21日左右。