
美 [sɑb]英 [sɒb]
  • v.呜咽;抽噎;啜泣;哭诉
  • n.抽噎(声);啜泣(声);呜咽(声)
  • 网络哭泣;抽泣;抽搭

过去式:sobbed 第三人称单数:sobs 现在分词:sobbing





求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /snub( 责骂) /sob哭泣) /soothe( 安慰) ...


大学英语精读单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... cactus n. 仙人掌 sob vi. 啜泣;呜咽 disgrace n. 耻辱;丢脸的人(或事) ...


大学英语精读单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... cactus n. 仙人掌 sob vi. 啜泣;呜咽 disgrace n. 耻辱;丢脸的人(或事) ...


2013江苏高考英语_短语_必考点_试题 - 豆丁网 ... weep 呜咽地哭 sob 抽泣 burst into tears /burst out crying - 6 - 20 “找/查” ...


监督贴 ... hitherto 到目前为止的 271 sob 哭泣 哭诉 272 military 军用的 273 ...


啜_百度百科 ... [sip tea] 啜泣 [sob;whimper] 抽噎;抽抽搭搭地哭 [take bean] 以豆为食 ...


抽字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 抽打〖 whip;lash〗 抽搭sob〗 抽调〖 transfer〗 ...

Narcissa let out a noise that might have been a dry sob and covered her face with her hands. 纳西莎发出了一点声音,像是无泪的抽泣,然后用手捂住了脸。
Of course, pet. Zoe's arms spread wide and a tender smile lit her eyes. Carman, with a little sob , flew into her arms. “当然,小宝贝。”佐伊张开双臂,眼中闪烁着亲切的笑意。卡门呜咽着扑进她的怀抱。
But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gave him two dollars. 但是这个英俊而年轻的男人告诉我他需要钱买汽车票去见他濒死的妈妈,所以我给了他2美元。
Heng shook his head silently, but after a few moments another sob escaped, and again he tried to cover up his crying. 兴慢慢的摇了摇头,但过了一段时间以后又发出了抽泣声,他试图掩饰自己的抽泣。
I hate to tell you this, but it was nothing but a sob story. 非常好。你知道吗,他是我共事过的最亲切的一个老板。
Heng shook his head, but after a few moments another sob escaped, and once more he tried to cover up his crying. 可是,没过多久,他又抽泣了一声。而且他又一次竭力地掩盖自己的哭泣。
His father was an SOB, and, in fact, he was another comedian with an unhappy childhood, but then we were off and running. 他的父亲是一个大混蛋,事实上,他也是个有着不幸童年的喜剧演员,然后我们就开始跑题了。
The countess, with a deep sob, hid her face on her daughter's bosom, while Nikolay got up, clutched at his head, and went out of the room. 伯爵夫人忧悒地啜泣,把脸藏在女儿怀里,可是尼古拉站了起来,心惊胆战,从房里走出去了。
She looked at him again, but now her eyes were full of tears and she could not repress a sob. 她又对他望了一眼,但这回她眼里充满了眼泪,而且止不住哭泣起来。
But now his occasional sob turned to a steady , silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs. 但是现在他不时的呜咽声变成了平稳的哭泣,他的眼睛紧逼,他把拳头放在嘴里试图去停止自己的呜咽。
Philip did not answer, and in a moment she broke into a sob. 菲利浦没有答腔,突然她抽噎起来。
But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother, so I gxdye him two dollars. 但是,这个看上去挺不错的年轻人告诉我他需要钱坐公共汽车去看他那快要死的妈妈。他说得这么悲惨,我就给了他两块钱。
But on my way home I saw him get into a new car and drive off and I knew now he had told me a sob story. 可是,我在回家的路上看见他上了一辆新车后就开走了。我这才知道他说的事全是假的。
She was weeping silently, the corner of her calico apron lifted to her eyes, occasionally suppressing a long, quivering sob. 她在默默地流泪,用印花布围裙的一角擦拭着眼泪,不时地强忍住一声长长的、颤颤的呜咽。
And I looked so serious that Dora was frightened, and began to sob bitterly on my shoulder. 我显得很认真,竟把朵拉吓哭了,她靠在我肩上痛苦地抽泣起来。
But in less time than it takes to drink two cups of tea Baoyu was back again. The sight of him made her sob convulsively. 没两盏茶的工夫,宝玉仍来了.林黛玉见了,越发抽抽噎噎的哭个不住。
But, I felt in addition only need sob the matter is, teacher only then with me said that my CCA is not CHOIR, after I hear, must cry. 可是,唯一另我感到要哭泣的事情就是,老师才和我说我的CCA不是CHOIR,我听到后,要哭了。
repeated the Pigeon, but in a more subdued tone, and added with a kind of sob, 'I've tried every way, and nothing seems to suit them! ' 鸽子重复着,可是已经是用很低的声音在说话了,然后还呜咽地加了一句:“我各种方法都试过了,但是没有一样能叫它们满意!”
It's just aggravating, you know. People come up and ask you for money all the time, tell you some kind of a sob story. 这实在是烦人,你知道,人们不停的跑来问你要钱,告诉你各种各样的悲情故事。
She had been restraining herself in the presence of her father all the morning; but now, that long-pent-up sob might come forth. 一上午,她在父亲面前尽力克制着自己,可是现在,这长久压抑着的啜泣不得不爆发出来了。
He told me a real sob-story of how his wife had gone off with his best friend. 他告诉我他的妻子与他最好的朋友私奔这件伤心事。
If the next generation loves you again, I must place you I at heart, protects you with that warm breath, no longer lets you sob for me. 如果下辈子再爱你,我要把你放在我心里,用那温暖的气息呵护你,不再让你为我哭泣。
But on my way habitat I easy st he get into a new bike or drive off or I understanding here he get talked me a sob story. 可是,我在回家的路上看见他上了一辆新车后就开走了。我这才清楚他说的事全是假的。
It would be difficult as the core routines used in the Seventeen or Bust client are written in heavily hand-optimized assembly language. 那样做是很困难的。就相当于使用复杂的汇编语言来编写SOB的核心。
Men and women looked as if they were about to sob as they staggered toward the library. 男性和女性看起来好像他们是抽泣,因为他们对图书馆交错。
When he embrace his mom and me with his arms open wide, I felt my throat choke with sob. 当他敞开双臂拥抱妈妈和我时,我感觉自己的嗓子哽住了。
The child started to sob when he couldn't find his mother. 孩子因找不到他妈妈哭了起来。
When he embraced me with his arms open wide, I felt my throat choke with sob. 当他敞开双臂拥抱我时,我感觉自己的嗓子哽住了。
Even if flowers wither, the sea sob, our love still exists as before, not waiting for the next life, only in this life, or every life. 纵使花儿谢掉,海儿哭泣,我们的爱情还依旧存在,不等来世,就要今生,还要生生世世。
Stroking the gate frame, Chou Chin thought, "I will never pass through this gate again. " He felt sad and began to sob. 周进抚摸着那门框,心想:“今生今世再也不会跨这门槛了。”一时悲从中来,哽咽着不知如何是好。