
美 [fɜrst]英 [fɜː(r)st]
  • adv.第一;最重要的;首要的;最优秀的
  • n.第一个人(或事物);空前的成就;前所未有的事情;最低挡
  • 网络首先;第一次;第一的




1.第一happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st

2.最重要的;首要的;最优秀的the most important or best


大多数含有 first 的习语位于该习语中名词和形容词所在的词条,如 first acquaintance 位于 acquaintance 词条。Most idioms containingfirst are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampleon first acquaintance is atacquaintance .

theres a first time for everything

没有发生的事情并不意味着永远不会发生;什么事情都有第一次the fact that sth has not happened before does not mean that it will never happen


数字翻译成英文_爱问知识人 ... 第三十三 thirty-third 第一 First 第二 second ...


首字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 首席〖 seatofhonour;thefirstplace〗 首先first〗 首项〖 opener〗 ...


...怀恋的 (Of)不是吗 所以第一次出席这种行径也是第一次(First)给民众保举坚信欧华 选取欧华 (Europe and China)末了也祝服 …


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... look v. 看;望;看起来 first adj. 第一的 first name 名字 ...


英语国际音标【附发音器官示意图】_百度文库 ... curly 卷曲的 first 第一个 work 工作 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... must 必须;应当;必定是 first 第一;首次;最初 once 一次;从前,一度 ...

Your first words should convey that you care about her. Show your love for her. 你第一句话要先表达,你是很关心阿嬷的,这就表示你爱她。
I only found a few of the stores interesting enough to describe and I'll share that with you in a moment, but first. . . 我发现只有很少的几间店让我有足够的兴致去描述它们,我会马上与你们分享,但首先…
" Yes, you first sit down, if it was done by Cheng Yakun, he 'd call. " Han Lengyan frowned, looked out of the window, floating in the air. “是啊,你先坐下来,如果真的是成亚坤干的,他肯定会打电话来的。”韩冷烟皱着眉头,目光看着窗外,思绪漂浮在空气中。
Now it seems to you that the task wasn't as boring as you first thought. 现在,对你来说这个任务并没有起初认为的那么无聊。
First, the data is often provided by the rated governments themselves, and he says governments lie. 首先那些资料数据往往是那些被评比的政府自己提供的。他说,政府不说实话。
Or at least, made him re-think chopping her to pieces on first sight. 好吧,至少让他在第一次看到她时对是否要把她撕成碎片进行了三思。
Technically it was the first full year since the end of the Great Recession. 从技术上讲,这是大萧条结束后的第一个完整年度。
There is no exact date for when the first hula hoop was made, but it seems to be an ancient toy. 第一个呼拉圈是在何时被制作出来并无确切日期,但它似乎是个年代久远的玩具。
We are ready to make a very important announcement that prepares the ground for our formal first contact with you. 我们已经准备了一个非常重要的公告,这将为我们正式的接触打下基础。
First there was the button, then came the touch screen - and now we have no phone at all. 先是有按键,后来有了触摸屏——现在我们连电话都不需要了。
Only a few days before, France had also begun to feel the first numbing blows of our weapons. 几天前,法国也开始在我们的武器的威力下迅速瘫痪。
When the train came in, Michael boarded it first and without knowing it, dropped his ticket on the platform as he got into the carriage. 他们来到车站买好了车票,火车进站后,米歇尔先上了车,他们走进车厢时不小心将自己的车票掉在了月台上。
As you know, many people are judged by first impressions, so be sure to make a good one that shows you are hard working and professional. 正如你所知道的,许多人通过第一印象来判断一个人,因此,确保握手要得体,以说明你工作努力,富有专业精神。
What he had heard on the news was the Elvis had died of what was at first to be thought a heart attack. 他只是从新闻中知道Elvis的死因是在刚开始时被认为的心脏病。
Pitch your feet out, keeping your head down and beginning to prepare for your first pull. 甩出你的双脚,保持面部朝下,准备开始第一次蛙泳手划水。
In the first months of my appointment, difficulties and challenges cropped up in large number, but I wouldn't slacken my pace. 在我上任的最初,我面临过许多的困难和挑战,但我不能懈怠,我必须不断前进来克服它们。
This is the first known life form that seems to be able to swap out one of life's fundamental building blocks with another element. 这是首个已知的生命形态,其看似能替换构成出生命的基本要素。
According to family lore, the ring was given as a gift from the collector to his wife in celebration of the birth of their first baby boy. 据该家族记载,这枚指环是该藏家庆祝其长子出生而送给妻子的礼物。
For the world of the first, easy to say and looking at the world people have several sliver of your life? 为天下之先,说来容易,横看世间人,你一生有几次敢为天下先?
A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but "the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest. " 虽然,那些鲜活而生动的记忆来自我生命的最初时光,但是,“牢房一般的阴暗将伴随着我的余生”。
Angela Ortega, 52, who rented a room in her first-floor apartment to German Cabrera, said he was quiet and respectful. 安吉拉,52岁,她把自己一楼公寓的一间房间租给了吉曼*卡布来拉。她说他是个安静,有礼貌的人。
The impact of the crash had smashed Heather head-first into the wind-shield--slashing her face, knocking out teeth and shattering bones. 撞车的冲击力使她的头栽到挡风玻璃上——脸划破了,牙敲捧了,骨头也轧断了。
We are pleased to have transacted this first business with you and look forward to the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit. 非常高兴此次与你们达成第一笔交易,盼望以后能进一步发展双方互利的贸易。
It was the first time since the Great Depression that the Fed had made a loan like this to an entity other than a bank. 自大萧条以来,这还是美联储第一次像这样借钱给一家公司而不是银行。
She felt that this moment of interview for her first job was a tremendous inch in her whole existence. 她感到她的第一份工作的面试机会在她的整个生命中是一个了不起的部分。
I have never been as ridiculously nervous as the moment I handed in my first official draft of "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head. " 我从没有像现在一样的紧张兮兮,当我把我人生的第一份正式剧本呈交上去时,我感觉浑身上下在不停的冒汗。
Of course, the Bellaire High School ninth-grader's first choice would be playing tennis or hanging out with his friends. 当然啦,贝莱尔高中高一的学生在假期中首选的休閒活动仍然还是打网球或是和朋友一起閒晃。
The first time the Orc put his hands up like a megaphone and said, "My life for the Horde" , and the second time something else. 第一次兽人会伸出双手,拢成喇叭状并高呼“为部落献身”,第二次就会做其他动作。
First , if you did not read the scenario , take a peek at it first so all of this makes sense . 首先,如果您没有读过所谈的情况,请先看一下前文,不然你会不知所云。
Moseley was taken aback; he said he wanted to spend time fact-finding first. 莫斯利措手不及;他说他需要先花时间进行实地调查。