
美 [ˈɡloʊb(ə)l]英 [ˈɡləʊb(ə)l]
  • adj.全球的;全球性的;有关全球大局的;全面的
  • 网络全局;全局的;整体

global Economy,global recession,global strategy,global war,global player


1.全球的;全世界的covering or affecting the whole world

2.整体的;全面的;总括的considering or including all parts of sth




高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... tourism n 旅游;观光 global adj 全球的;球形的 communicate vi 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息 …


Liran - 博客园 ... genericity 泛型 global 全局的 global object 全局对象 ...


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... given 给定;已知 global 全局; 整体 global maximum 全局极大值; 整体极大值 ...




高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... tourism n 旅游;观光 global adj 全球的;球形的 communicate vi 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息 …


急求常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 192. globe n. 地球,世界;地球仪 193. global a. 全球的;总的 194. scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏 …

How much further China eases monetary policy is bound to reflect the leaders' views of how deeply the Chinese and global economy may slow. 中国的货币政策将进一步放宽到什么程度,这势必反映出中国领导人对国内和全球经济可能放缓程度的看法。
Two months ago, the Vatican instructed bishops that they must make it a global priority to root out sexual abuse of children by priests. 两个月前,梵蒂冈向主教们发出指令,必须将根除神父虐童现象作为全球的主要工作。
We sincerely hope to work with you to leverage our global resources to develop simultaneously more room! 我们热忱地希望与您合作,利用我们与全球同步的资源共同开发更广阔的空间!
Regulators can fine Microsoft up to 10% of yearly global turnover without seeking evidence if the company doesn't stick to this commitment. 如果微软不信守这项承诺,欧盟监管部门将在不需要明显证据的情况下对其处以多达年销售额的10%的罚款。
Any definitions that do not appear inside a scope are part of the global scope and there can be only a single global scope. 任何未出现在某个作用域中的定义都是全局作用域的一部分--只有一个全局作用域。
"Toyota is going to have to do a lot of work itself, by switching more quickly to global platforms and using more common parts, " he said. “丰田自己不得不做大量的工作,包括更迅速地切换到全球平台,使用更多通用部件等,”他说。
Some of that change was good, but ultimately it gave us a few giant, powerful, global companies bound by no clear standards of behaviour. 有些改变是好的,,但最终带给我们的是少数几家势力庞大的全球公司,没有明确的行为准则对其加以约束。
He said trade protectionism was his top concern, in terms of the global economy's outlook. 他说,贸易保护主义是影响全球经济前景的头号负面因素。
Banking stocks have been falling heavily since the global financial turmoil began to unravel. 尽管如此,全球金融危机爆发以来,印度银行股遭受重创。
understand that this declaration and representation will be relied upon by the Company and the Sole Global Coordinator in deciding . 明白贵公司及独家全球协调人将依赖本声明及陈述,以决定是否就是项申请分配任何香港发售股份;
After a couple dismal years of sales due to a global recession, manufacturers are exhibiting a renewed sense of creativity. 因为全球经济衰退,在经历了一段销售低迷期后,制造商们又在展示他们新的创造理念。
Between 1980 and 2008 global investment was some $700 billion a year less than it would have been had the trend of the 1970s persisted. 若与保持1970年代的趋势相比较,从1980年至2008年,每年全球投资减少了大约7000亿美元。
Dear Hearts, each of you is a human Light point, interacting with all others, to produce a global web of focused consciousness. 亲爱的心,你们各自是一人类光点,与他人互相作用影响,产生一全球意识聚焦网。
"Oh, I don't know, " said the congressman. "How about global warming, universal health care, or stimulus packages? " as he smiled smugly. “噢,我不知道,”国会议员说:“聊一聊全球变暖,社会医疗或经济刺激计划怎么样?”他洋洋得意地说。
It had to be decided whether WIPO was to be part of the solution in reforming the global IP system or be a problem in the global IP system. 必须确定WIPO到底是在改革全球知识产权制度方面解决办法的一部分,还是全球知识产权制度中的一个问题。
China's was the biggest economy, with its workshops and textile mills accounting for up to one-third of global manufacturing. 中国曾经是世界最大经济体,其国内工坊和纺织厂的工业产量最多曾占世界总产量的三分之一比重。
McDonald's so much a global business like this, I think, from 1955 to the present, McDonald's is able to "century-old" , but our enterprise? 麦当劳这么大的一家全球企业尚且如此,我想,从1955年到现在,麦当劳是可以做到“百年老店”的,但是我们的企业呢?
In terms of the global financial community, ATM claim to be a 20th century one of the greatest inventions. 对于全球金融界来讲,ATM算得上是20世纪最伟大的发明之一。
The European Union, another traditional global leader, will need at least another year or two to sort out the euro mess. 另一个传统意义上的全球领袖——欧盟(EU)至少还需要一两年时间,才能厘清欧元区的乱局。
Bonnell said he expects next year's sales to be flat, or even decline, depending on how the global financial crisis plays out. 邦内尔说他预计明年销量将持平甚至下滑,取决于全球金融危机的走势如何。
Australians seeing the stockmarket at its lowest level in two years are "living with the hangover of the global financial crisis" , he said. 他说,澳洲人把两年来股票市场的最低点看做是全球金融危机的残余物。我们仍然处于全球经济衰退的持续影响之下。
Many analysts have urged China to cut down on its exports as a way of correcting the current global imbalances. 很多分析家敦促中国降低出口以解决全球失衡。
It is difficult to imagine such a heterogeneous group finding issues on which their joint interest is at the expense of the global interest. 很难想象这样一个混杂的集团能够找到一个牺牲全球利益、获取联合利益的议题。
In Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, we found a global leader who can inspire millions of women and girls around the world. 在智利前总统米歇尔·巴舍莱身上,我们看到了一个能够激励世界各地千千万万妇女和女孩的全球领袖。
The boat market was down in every continent of the world due to global recession. 纵观全球市场,北美遭受的打击最大,冲击最小的是欧洲。
Two years ago, we met together at a time of great uncertainty, as we faced the threat of a global influenza pandemic. 两年前,我们举行会议时,正面临一场全球流感大流行的威胁,局势极不确定。
Scoring is only time that has not come up with the ball, when all global access after the match ended, automatic lights extinguished. 这时只能打进球,却拿不出球来,当全部球打进后,球赛结束,灯光自动熄灭。
In the next decade of global emissions to be able to run from the peak, any delay can cause serious consequences. 在未来10年内全球排放量能够从高峰值迅速下降,任何拖延可能造成严重的后果。
I was up in the high Arctic to tell a story about global warming, inspired in part by the former Vice President's wonderful book. 我在北极讲述全球变暖的故事,部分受到副总统的著作的启发。
The session had been a back-and-forth one, with traders weighing new signs of global recession against promising signals for the U. 周一股市一直上下拉锯,交易员在全球衰退的最新迹象和美国金融业及房地产市场出现的良好信号之间进行权衡。