soy sauce

美 [sɒɪˌsˈɔːs]
  • n.【食】酱油
  • 网络分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种;豉油;打酱油

soy saucesoy sauce

soy sauce



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woly的主页 - 日记 ... Instant noodles 方便面 Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种 Avinger 醋 ...


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假使是打酱油(Soy sauce)的菜鸟,能对你开怀直言的人,便是你的挚友。却也能捧得了多数NBA球员憧憬的冠军奖杯。


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食品英文名称 - 豆丁网 ... black vinggar 酱油 soy sauce 蚝油 oyster sauce 麻油 ...

sugar six money, flour paste 3 money, onions, ginger and a little bit of soy sauce mixed with a good opening tune. 糖六钱,面酱三钱,葱,姜,酱油一点点的良好开局调混合。
But before we could be so diplomatic, Rich said, "You know, all it needs is a little soy sauce. " 但是我们还没能来得及说一些这样圆滑得体的话,里奇就说。“你知道,这菜只需要加一点点酱油。”
Sushi made with seaweed tends to be a little higher in sodium, as is the soy sauce that each piece is dipped in. 用海草做的寿司钠含量挺高的,就像用酱油浸过一样。
Mix bonito sauce, cold boiled water, soy sauce, white vinegar and sugar, dark soy sauce and keep in chiller until ready to use. 将日本鲣鱼汁、水、酱油、白醋、砂糖、黑酱油调和、冷冻然后备用。
My dear grandmother passed away a few years ago, and I never got to make soy sauce with her. 我亲爱的阿嬷几年前过世了,我一直都没有跟她一起在大热天的时候做酱油。
And do not, under any circumstances, try to improve her mother's food by dousing it with soy sauce. 还有,记得在任何情形下,都不要往你女友的母亲碗里倒酱油。
Play soy sauce is oneself buy bill, oneself should have no doubt, not others pay money, don't need to give others see bill. 打酱油是自己买的账,自己要心里有数,不是他人付的钱,不需要给别人看账单。
Meanwhile, the Japan Industry Pavilion in the Puxi area is rolling out a new brand of icecream. It has a bit of soy sauce added in. 同时,在浦西的日本产业馆也推出了一种加入了些酱油的新款冰淇淋。
ingredients to be legitimate: Douban must be authentic Pixian, a knife cut thin, thick soy sauce can be linked to the sidewall. 配料要正当:豆瓣一定要正宗的郫县豆瓣,用刀剁细,酱油要浓稠可挂瓶壁。
Can be a little more like the sweet flavor of sugar, salty like to add some soy sauce. 喜欢甜的可以稍加些糖提味,喜欢咸的加些生抽即可。
Cut the garlic garlic velvet on the bowl, to a little bit of soy sauce. 切的碗大蒜天鹅绒,在酱油少许。
Mike: Yes, and with a whole host of other condiments, too, like soy sauce, ginger, scallions, garlic, and spicy pepper. 麦克:对。还可以放多种调料,如:酱油、葱、姜、蒜、辣椒。
A great example is soy sauce: the ubiquitous flavoring is so high in added salt that it's awful for your blood pressure. 有个很好的例子就是酱油:这种无处不在的调味品,由于加了过多的盐而使得它对血压来说简直可怕。
It is first boiled, and then dipped in a soup made of soy sauce, salt, sweet sake, and bonito shavings as it is being eaten. 吃荞麦面条时先煮熟,然后蘸上由酱油、盐、甜酒和鲣鱼干做成的汤汁。
Live conch tastes great and has tender texture, which would not deteriorate even overcooked. Can be served with soy sauce. 新鲜响螺肉质鲜嫩,即使久煮也不会老韧,煲汤后不必弃掉,可点酱油食。
Please put a little of this horseradish in the soy sauce , mix it well and then dip the raw fish in it before eating . 请把一些山葵放在酱油里,搅拌好,在吃生鱼片以前沾一点。
Soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, and other seasonings add richness to a dish without covering up the natural flavor of the ingredients. 此外,通过添加酱油、糖、醋和其他佐料来增加一道菜肴的风味而又不掩盖其自然风味。
Microorganisms can be used to transform raw foods into gastronomic delights, including cheeses, pickles, sausages, and soy sauce. 微生物可以将各种食品原料转化成易于消化的制品,包括干酪、泡菜、腊肠和酱油。
Jason, can you run to the convenient store downstairs to get me a bottle of soy sauce and one of vinegar? 杰森,你能不能帮我到楼下的便利商店去买瓶酱油和醋回来?
We are the agent of Pearl River Bridge Soy Sauce and distributor of many brands. We are now importing a wide range of Argentinean Wine. 本公司亦为珠江桥牌酱油餐饮装的代理,现正积极从事代理入口多种阿根廷葡萄酒。
In northern China, dumplings are dipped in vinegar and soy sauce, and often eaten with a piece of raw garlic. 在中国北方,人们通常把饺子蘸着酱油和醋吃,同时还吃大蒜。
Top with cabbage wrapped bundle to help Yan, pour on the cake pan soup (soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, cooking wine and adult). 顶层用白菜帮包裹扎严,倒上酥锅汤(酱油、醋、白糖、料酒和成)。
Local residents line up to buy soy sauce and vinegar from a time-honored brand in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, on January 25. 1月25日,镇江市民在一老字号商铺排队购买酱油和醋。
In the production of the soy sauce, add to microzyme had become an important production ink for the flavor of the soy sauce. 酱油生产中添加酵母菌以增加酱油香气是一个重要的生产环节。
However, because soy sauce is salty, eliminate any other salty spices. 不过,因为酱油很咸,就不要用其他含盐的调料了。
[production process] (1), shred meat with a little soy sauce, salt, cooking wine mix well with the wet starch is good, mix some oil. 一点点酱油,盐肉切丝,烹饪与湿淀粉拌匀酒好,把一些石油。
Therefore, attention shall be paid not to place such articles as soy sauce bottle, and etc. , directly on the cabinet stand. 例如,不锈钢台面沾到盐分就有可能生锈,因此平时还应该注意避免将等物品直接放在台面上。
Therefore, no matter pusher fish in troubled waters made from soy sauce is still, all nominal is "fermented soy sauce" . 不法商贩因此浑水摸鱼,不管酱油是配制还是酿造,全都标称是“酿造酱油”。
The fish is cooked in one of three patented sauces (soy sauce, seafood sauce or tomato sauce) until boiled, when vegetables are added. 鱼在三种获得专利的调料(黄豆酱、海鲜酱或者番茄酱)中煮,直到水开,再加入蔬菜。
Frist, cut of meat to skillet, stir well placed after the beans, put a little salt . soy sauce. chilli and garlic put some fried can do. 首先,切好肉片,把它放入锅中翻炒,炒好后放入豆干,放入少许的盐,酱油,白糖,再放点辣椒大蒜翻炒一下就可以了。