spring up

美 [sprɪŋʌp]
  • na.跳上来;发生;萌芽;出现
  • 网络涌现;迅速生长;突然出现

第三人称单数:springs up 现在分词:springing up 过去式:sprang up 过去分词:sprung up

spring upspring up

spring up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... spread out 伸开,展开;传播 spring up 涌现;发生;迅速长出 go on the stage 上舞台,当演员 ...


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... split up 分裂,破裂,离婚 spring up 出现,涌现 spruce up 修饰,装饰,打扮 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... spread out 伸开,展开;传播 spring up 涌现;发生;迅速长出 go on the stage 上舞台,当演员 ...


与时间相关的同义词整理 ... pop up 突然出现 spring up 突然出现;迅速生长 a while back 不久以前,刚才 ...


英语短语 - 英语短语596 ... stop off 中途停下 spring up 萌芽 ❖ by comparison 相比之下,比较起来 ...


与时间相关的同义词整理 ... pop up 突然出现 spring up 突然出现;迅速生长 a while back 不久以前,刚才 ...


spring 该怎么理解?... ... spring over 跳过 spring up 跳上来, 发生, 萌芽, 生长, 出现 make a spring at sth. 向某物扑去 ...


Dr Suess的单词本 - 我的n词酷 ... [突起] soar [兴起] spring up [倡议] sponsor ...

Unconsciously, it seems to make people experience a tough life spring up and a tough power continuing. 冥冥中,似乎让人体会到了坚韧的生命在涌动,强韧的力量在延续。
And other wonders did the child, and flowers were seen to spring up beneath his feet, where there had been naught but barren ground before. 这个孩子还行使了其他奇迹,人们看见花儿在他脚底下长出来,那里以前什么也没有,只是一块荒地。
The British nation did not spring up in a generation. 不列颠民族不是在一代人的时间内崛起的。
They spring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color. 当雨后地表还潮湿时它们就迅速发芽,然后在一个短时间里,给沙漠铺上绿色地毯。
But, after all, one of those poor words of mine may spring up in his heart as a good seed some day. 不过,说不定有一天,我对他说的这许多话,也许会有一句像一粒种子一样,在他的心里发芽生长。
Wide spread let cairns spring up in every land - That in the Light of the World mankind may trust! 让凯恩斯在每块土地广泛传播-世界的人类是可以信任的!
Then they began to spring up in an increasing numbers and complexity each year. 之后,每年都冒出来更多、更复杂的谷圈。
Even if the Pirate Bay were put out of business another similar service would be sure to spring up in its place (indeed, others do exist). 即使海盗湾被关,另外一类似网站很快将替代其位置(这样的网站确实存在)。
Protests began to spring up in the central square in Damascus and then moved south to Dara'a. 抗议在大马士革中心广场首先爆发,然后向南推进到达拉。
But to make the most of it, the world needs more refineries of a certain design, and those do not spring up overnight. 然而要充分利用它,就需要更多经特殊设计的炼油厂,这显然不可能一蹴而就。
As you move forward with the changes expect the unexpected, as some will spring up all of a sudden and will surprise you if not delight you. 由于你们发展向前,随着改变被以不被期待的方式期待着,因为一些事情将完全的突然涌现,并且就算不会使你高兴也会让你惊奇。
Those industrialists were devoted in the non-governmental charity activities, and promoted "it" spring up in late Qing Dynasty. 实业家积极投身于大规模的民间赈灾活动,有力的促进了晚清时期“义赈”活动的兴起。
Like, if you need to have him pick up the laundry on the way back from office, he might "suddenly" have a very important meeting spring up. 例如,你如果要他在下班回家的途中去洗衣店取回洗完的衣服,这时候他会突然告诉你他临时有一个非常重要的会议。
Along with green consumption spring up in global, green enterprise will turn into new pattern and dominant enterprise. 随着绿色消费在全球的兴起,绿色企业将成为未来的新型主导企业。
This child lived, in this absence of affection, like the pale plants which spring up in cellars. 那孩子就这样生活在缺乏爱的状态中,有如地窖中萎黄的草。
On the plus side, the project's proposed scale means that small businesses will spring up to charge, repair and enhance the machines. 在周边效应上,工程提议规模表明小型企业将涌现收费,修理并且提升那些机器。
Since reform and opening policies of the perfect spring up all over to promote small and medium private enterprises. 改革开放以来各种政策的完善,促使中小型民营企业的遍地开花。
It enables you to take a balanced approach to life by dealing with the constant negative thoughts which spring up. 它使你能够通过处理掉不断涌现的负面想法来采用平衡的方法面对生活。
More units of government develop as new towns and suburbs spring up in what were previously fields. 在原先的田野上建起了新的城镇和郊区之后,政府部门也随之而增加了。
Pizza parlors began to spring up in more and more places as hungry people started to eat this one-dish food on a regular basis. 比萨店在地方开始越来越出现作为饥饿的人民开始经常吃这一盘食物。
Over time, I hope more translation communities spring up to solve this language problem on the Web. 随着时间推移,我希望诞生更多的翻译社区来解决网络上的这个语言问题。
Until the covenant is rewritten the industry is likely to continue to be paralysed and will remain so until new houses spring up. 在契约改写之前,私人股本行业可能一直处于停滞状态,直到出现新型机构。
Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. 来自先前世界的植物形式犹如种子那样正开始蓬勃生发[在SW-II里描述的那样,作用和即将来临的事情#1]。
SPIEGEL: Evenso, problems usually spring up in many relationships. 明镜:尽管如此,问题还是经常在各种关系中出现。
Well, bananas are normally grown from suckers which spring up around the parent plant, usually just above the plant. 香蕉通常从根长起,从老根周围长出新枝,常常高出植物。
They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up. 他们没有Iolaus这样的朋友帮他们用滚烫的烙铁把九头蛇怪的脑袋斩草除根,于是刚打碎一个脑袋,又长出来两个。
Although they may appear dead, they sometimes spring up to attack, so always be on alert. 它们也许看上去已经死去,但有时它们也会奋起战斗,时刻处于警戒状态。
Flames from a distant cluster of houses would suddenly spring up close at hand, traveling at the speed of a forest fire. 火焰会从远处成片燃烧的房屋那里,以森林火灾的速度,突然跳到你的近旁。
Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind. 我突然起了疑心。
There are dozens of tools for managing social networks, and new ones seem to spring up weekly. 管理社交网络有很多工具,新的工具几乎每周出现。