seeing that

  • na.“seeing”的变体;“seeing as/that”的变体
  • 网络鉴于;因为;既然

seeing thatseeing that

seeing that


大学英语四级常用词组 ... see with 同意 seeing that 鉴于…,由于…的缘故 seek out 搜寻出 ...


Grammar新编英语语法(下)_岸江_新浪博客 ... considering that 因为,考虑到 seeing that 因为,既然 notwithstanding that 尽 …


Grammar新编英语语法(下)_岸江_新浪博客 ... considering that 因为,考虑到 seeing that 因为,既然 notwithstanding that 尽 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... see with 同意 seeing that 鉴于…,由于…的缘故 seek out 搜寻出 ...


科教研习班进行流程 ... 六、完形转换( Gestalt Switch) 一、看到( Seeing That…) 二、看成( Seeing As…) ...


...后 将草图细分成“看成”(Seeing as)和“看到后”(Seeing that)两阶段,根据她的 研究,设计师在设计过程中不断交替做着 …


北京市第四中学高三英语非谓语动词热点透析 ... proposing doing 建议(做某事) seeing that 考虑到。 practice 后跟动名词做宾 …

An old man who sold tobacco, seeing that I was taking a picture of him, got fidgeted and hurriedly adjusted his clothes in embarrassment. 那位卖烟草的大爷,发现我在拍他,立刻露出笑容,不好意思地整理了一下衣服;
Caroline took a candle , and went quietly all over the house , seeing that every window was fast and every door barred . 卡罗琳拿了一支蜡烛,悄悄地到各处巡视一番,看看每扇门窗是否关严闩牢。
Hello all! Seeing that there was no guide on animations , I decided to make one! 大家好。看起来这里并没有什么关于动作的教程,所以我决定自己做一个!
Upon seeing that he was the young man she had admired so long, Lilly felt her heart beat faster. 看到大卫就是她长久以来暗恋着的那个年轻人,莉莉感到心砰砰直跳。
The porter still gazed, trying to look indifferent. Then, seeing that Hurstwood was about to go on, he said. 茶房还在盯着他看,想做出无动于衷的样子。然后,看见赫斯渥还要往下说,茶房就打断了他。
"Have no, however I seem to be in the head of seeing that corpse and wear a mask. " , And then add a way: "It is a gold mask. " “没有,不过我好像看到那尸体的头上,戴着一个面具。”顿了顿,又补充道:“是黄金面具。”
Seeing that his young nephew was enchanted with the beauty of the girl, he made preparations for the wedding. 当他看到这姑娘的美貌使他的侄子为之倾倒时,便为他们的婚礼做准备。
Zhukov, seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead, decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy. 朱可夫在观察到日本人在进攻苏军的桥头堡后,决定对日军的侧翼发动反击。
OPEC then began to add extra barrels in the fall of 2007, seeing that supplies were tight and prices were beginning to soar. 在2007年秋季,由于看到供应吃紧,价格开始上涨,欧佩克开始增加产量。
Seeing that he was not able to persuade the other committee members, he gave in finally. 他发现自己无法说服委员会的其他成员,只好做出让步。
Seeing that quite a few comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off. 由于好些同志都没有来,我们决定将会议推迟。
"All of that just breeds uncertainty and I think you are just seeing that reflected in the market, " he said. 如此种种滋生了不确定性,我想你们仅仅是看到了来自市场的反应,他说。
My aunt went in and the old woman, seeing that I hesitated to enter, began to reckon on me again repeatedly with her hand. 姑妈进去了,我却踟蹰着,不敢向前;老太太见我害怕,便连连招手。
Seeing that there is often poor visibility, the site chosen as an airport is not appropriate. 鉴于这里能见度经常欠佳,所以选为机场是不适当的。
Indeed, seeing that his expenditure was only one-fourth of his income, he might have been called a prosperous man. 因为他的进款,只用四分之一就够他用度了,所以他实在可以算得上是一个发财的人。
He gave Tanya a hug and, seeing that her face was like thunder, whisked her into the private party room. 他给了坦尼娅一个拥抱,见她的脸像雷公一样怒气冲天,便迅速把她拉到私人派对的房里。
The topic leaves me wondering at random moments just how much my brain is seeing that I don't know about consciously. 这个话题让我不时想搞清楚我的大脑到底看到了多少没意识到的景象。
Seeing that no agreement would be reached at the meeting, they decided not to pursue the matter any more. 他们发现在会上不可能达成任何协议,于是决定不再继续讨论此事。
After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose. 我犹豫了片刻,在看出他的态度不会发生改变后,站了起来,一拳打在了他的鼻子上。
Seeing that there were less than half the members present, the meeting had to be postponed. 鉴于到会的成员还没有过半,会议只好延期举行。
China's growth is helping the rest of the world and our interest is seeing that growth continue but to evolve into a more balanced growth. 中国的增长正在促进全球其它国家和地区的发展,我们希望看到中国保持增长,但要演变为更均衡的增长。
Not seeing that civilization is a structure slowly built up by orderly procedure and respect for law, he is all for immediate action. 他并不认为文明是经由有序的过程和对法律的尊重,缓慢搭建起的结构,他崇尚的是即刻行动。
Suddenly, Ailikesi relieves self in the air burst before long as if seeing that this aircraft hops off. 突然,艾利克斯仿佛看见这架飞机起飞不久便在空中爆炸。
Do not seek vision through your eyes, for you made your way of seeing that you might see in darkness, and in this you are deceived. 不要透过你的肉眼去寻找慧见,因为你已自行摸索出在黑暗中去看的方式,这就是你受蒙蔽之处。
Arnold: Seeing that it's rush hour now, it might take us up to an hour and a half. 阿诺:由于现在是交通尖峰时间,我们可能要花上一个半小时。
Seeing that the Jin troops were retreating, the Chu troops thought that the enemy troops were afraid, and began chasing them. 楚军见晋军后退,以为对方害怕了,马上追击。
That children should love their parents is expected; seeing that love in the pride of a little boy working as a shoeshine in Peru is not. 人们期望孩子爱他们的父母;却没有奢望满怀自豪的秘鲁擦鞋童拥有这种爱。
Seeing that you live next door to Mrs Blake, you ought to be able to recognize her. 既然你与布莱克夫人是隔壁邻居,你该能够认出她。
Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? 亚伯拉罕必要成为强大的国,地上的万国都必因他得福。
We are now seeing that the Middle Kingdom can help rekindle a boom in a region that it once appeared to doom. 现在我们看到,中国可以帮助那些经济一度低迷的地区重振雄风。