set out to do

  • 网络着手做;着手做某事;开始做

set out to doset out to do

set out to do


英语词语!_百度知道 ... set aside 留出;拨出 set about doing= set out to do 着手做 stand by 袖手旁观 ...


英语固定搭配 ... serve me right: 我活该 set out to do sth.: 着手做某事 snails pull themselves on: 蜗牛拖着身体往 ...


一级词汇 ... set out 出发 set out to do 开始做 set about doing 开始做 8. ...


新概念第三... ... keep: 使......处于某种状态 set out to do sth. 开始着手做某事 it would not prove difficult, 是不难做到的 ...


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... set down 记下,写下,制定 set out to do 开始着手做 set up 建立,创建 ...


高中英语词组大全1_文档下载_文档资料库 ... set out 出发,启程 set out to do sth 开始做某事 set up 建立 ...


set out 出发;着手干(set out to do) set up竖起,创设,开办 11.a series of…一系列的;一套(邮票等) series 单复数同形两套邮 …

After a while, I start to realize that what I originally set out to do may not even be what I should be going after. 过了一段时间后,我开始意识到,我本来不可能甚至都不做,我应该走了以后。
But I never seemed to accomplish all I set out to do. Sometimes I'd accomplish none of it. 但是,似乎我从未完成过我准备做的事。
"Off the field, yes, " Beckham said, when asked this week if he had accomplished what he had set out to do in the United States. “在球场之外,当然,”这周当被问及是否实现了当初来美国的目的时,贝克汉姆这样说。
And for the next decade, the bold general does precisely what he set out to do, conquer. 在接下来的十年内,这位果敢的将领履行了他的计划,征服。
as it may be to criticise those who set out to do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. 许多的慈善机构表现得很不负责,虽然我们这样责备这些从事善行的人可能显得不礼貌。
For her, it wasn't about winning the other runners or winning a prize, but about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter what. 对于她,它不是关于赢取其他赛跑者或赢取奖,而是关于精整什么她下决心做,不管。
I knew how hard it would be, but Obama has not been able to deliver what he set out to do. 我知道这会有多难,但奥巴马从没针对他的承诺作出过什么。
Some people take that to be cocky or conceited, but I wasn't going to let anybody tell me that I couldn't do whatever I set out to do. 有些人将我的这种想法视为骄傲或自负,但我不会让任何人对我说我做不到自己想做的事。
Bear Stearns's "shotgun marriage" to J. P. Morgan "is not the sort of thing we set out to do, " he told the audience. 他告诉听众,贝尔斯登与JP摩根的“强迫婚姻”不是“我们安排的计划”。
For often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. Let me explain. 因为,通常,去完成你设下的目标不是最重要的。请让我说下去。
One of the things that they set out to do first was, of course, to scare us, and to show the stupid frosh they were boss around here. 高年级同学们准备做的第一件事,当然是吓唬我们,向这些愚蠢的新生显示他们才是这里的老大。
Barely more than a year has passed since the start of his campaign, and already Alexander has accomplished all that he set out to do. 亚历山大的征战开始不到一年,他就达成了当初所有的目标。
Much of the time when we set out to do something, we go in with a mindset of trying. We attempt to do it. 很多时候,当我们开始着手做某事请,都是抱着试试看的心态。
For her, it wasn't about beating the other runners or winning a trophy, it was about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter what. 对于她来说,比赛的目的并不是战胜其他的选手,或者夺取一份奖品,而是完成她已经开始做的事情,不论这个事情是什么。
"Much of what I set out to do has been accomplished, " Prof Sheppard said in the official release. “我要达成的目标大多已经达成,”谢普德教授在一份官方新闻稿中说。
So if we want to help the orangutans -- what I actually set out to do -- we must make sure that the local people are the ones that benefit. 因此,如果我们想要帮助红毛猩猩--我实际上做的是--我们必须确保当地人民是受益者。
For often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. 通常,完成你计划好要做的事,并不重要,请听我的解释。
When is the last time any Japanese policy maker set out to do something, and seemed to accomplish it? 上次日本决策者开始着手做事、并看上去完成任务是在什么时候?
Yet you're are optimistic about life, and it never occurs to you to suspect that you won't do whatever it is you set out to do. 你对生活是很乐观的,而且你从来不会有这样的想法,怀疑你自己无法做到你决定要做的事。
It's not the work I set out to do. So I was at a Grateful Dead benefit concert on the rainforests in 1988. 这不是我当初想做的工作。1988年我曾经出席一场‘感恩而死’乐队关于热带雨林的公益演唱会。
When you set out to do a landscape, "start with the sky first, top to bottom. " 当你构图风景画的时候“先从天空开始,从上到下。”
Dear ones, everything you set out to do, can be done with love, compassion, and with pure thought. 亲爱的人儿,一切你着手要去做的事,都可以用爱、慈悲和纯洁的念头去完成。
The moment I got home, I set out to do my homework. 我一到家,就开始做家庭作业。
And he hears those of us who need a little boost when we have set out to do something special for someone we love. 当我们准备为所爱的人做些特别的事,他听到了我们的祈祷,“帮”了我们一把。
There are those in our reality who do not believe that we can accomplish what we have set out to do with you. 在我们实体中有那么一些不相信我们能完成我们着手同你们一起做的。
Turnout was very low, at about 18%. But even so, it seems clear that Philadelphians want Mr Nutter to finish what he set out to do. 投票者很少,还不足18%,但这足以清楚地表明:费城人民希望迈克尔·纳特完成他未尽的事业。
When we realized that we haven't done everything we've set out to do, we become subject to the guilt inflicted by our own minds. 当我们发觉起初要做的任何一件事情都还没有完成,就出现了自我施加的罪恶感。
Modern educational theory that students set out to "do" science, rather than using the ear "hearing" science. 现代教育理论主张让学生动手去“做”科学,而不是用耳朵“听”科学。
Goals create confidence. There's hardly any greater confidence booster than achieving something you have specifically set out to do. 目标创造自信。几乎没有什么能比完成自己特别设定要做的事更能提升信心了。
That's exactly what I set out to do. 这正是现在我要做的。