set aside

  • na.搁置;拨出;驳回
  • 网络留出;取消;挑出,留出

第三人称单数:sets aside 现在分词:setting aside

set asideset aside

set aside


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最新实用英汉国际金融词典 - MBA智库文档 ... settlement for account 账期结算 set aside 拨出 settlement for cash 现金结算 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... set apart 使分离;使显得突出 set aside 挑出;不顾;取消 set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟 ...


2011最新版考研英语词汇下载 - 英语 考研论坛 ... set about 开始,着手 set aside 留出,把----搁置在一边,驳回 set at 袭击 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... serve as 作为,用作 set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝 sit for 参加 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... serve right 活该;给应得的待遇 set aside 提出;把…置于一旁 set out 制定,打算 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... set about 开始,着手 set aside 留出,拨出;不理会,置于一边 set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍;使 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... set apart 使分离;使显得突出 set aside 挑出;不顾;取消 set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟 ...

The bank reserve requirement refers to deposits banks are required to set aside as a reserve, which reduces their lending ability. 银行的存款准备金指的是国家规定,储蓄银行都必须设置的一部分资金,以进行其日常的资金借贷活动。
He said small restaurants without a separate room should set aside at least 70 percent of their area for non-smokers. 他说没有独立房间的小餐馆应该设立至少70%的区域来提供给不吸烟的人。
But amid the tension, there was an inkling Tuesday that differences could be set aside, if only for a moment. 尽管局势紧张,但周二有迹象显示分歧可能会被搁置一旁,哪怕只是短暂的一刻。
Within months, the whole budget that had been set aside for the year had been used up. 几个月后,当初留做一年用的预算就已经消耗殆尽了。
One office in a hotel is often set aside to handle reservations. 旅馆往往另设管理预订房间业务的办公室。
How much MORE time should you set aside to figure out the path that will make you happy? 需要多少时间留下来考虑将会使你感到愉快的方法?
They suggested that the agencies should play a less influential role in determining how much capital banks should set aside to cover risks. 他们建议,在决定银行应该储备多少资本金以抵御风险方面,应该削弱评级机构扮演的角色。
Set aside some money each month, even if it's only a little, to pay for that vacation, or for that house you've dreamed of buying. 每个月存点钱,即使数额相对于一次旅行或者你想要买的房子很少。
I began to reject, to renounce, to set aside what I had gathered and little by little I approached my goal. 我开始拒绝,放弃我所积累的东西,把他们放在一边。一点一点地我接近了我的目标。
Maybe I should set aside just a minute a day to count my blessings and say "thank you" . 或许,我应该每天留出一分钟时间,细数一下拥有的幸福,然后,真诚地说一声:“谢谢!”
They set aside the wise old saying, "perfect is the enemy of good, " because reviews seem to demand that we strive for perfection. 他们不顾明智的古老格言“完美是良好的敌人”,因为审查似乎要求我们争取完美。
The Americas were also known as Columbia, after Columbus, prompting the name District of Columbia for the land set aside as the U. 美洲国家也被称为哥伦比亚之后,哥伦布,促使名称哥伦比亚特区的土地预留作为美国首都。
But if you do not stop, you will not be able to give your body some time to relax. Set aside a time each day to relax. 生活是忙碌的,但是如果你不停下来歇一歇的话,就不能给身体足够的时间去放松。
They set aside other activities, face in the direction of the Muslim holy city of Mecca, and kneel down in worship. 他们把其他事情放到一边,面向圣城麦加的方向,跪下礼拜。
Let us set aside for the moment the question of expense. 让我们暂时把费用问题搁在一边。
Each week she tried to set aside a few dollars from her salary. 她每周都设法从工资中存下几美元。
You do not necessarily need to use it right now, but as long as you set aside a couple of characters for it you can add it later. 您目前不一定需要使用该限定符,但是只要为其留出了几个字符的空间,以后您就可以添加该限定符。
A book, of course, can be set aside, with a little regret, perhaps, but with no sense of permanent loss. 当然,一本书可以被放在一旁,可能会有些惋惜,但不会有永久的损失。
Roman hopes she's inspired young women to set aside their inhibitions and reach for the stars, just as she did. 罗马希望她的启发年轻女性抛开禁忌和达到的明星,就像她。
I decided to set aside my own pre-conceived beliefs about Jesus as a Muslim and treat the sources with objectivity. 我决定放下自己作为穆斯林对耶稣先入为主的信仰,客观地看待史料。
This information tells the compiler how much room to set aside and what kind of value you want to store in your variable. 这个信息会告知编译器留出多大空间以及你的变量存储什么样的值。
From maintenance point of view, to set aside at least should be withdrawn from the pedals and maintenance staff room. 从修理的角量看,起码答不去出撤出脚踏板和修理职员回身的外际。
Regulators in the G20 want to reduce the role of credit rating agencies in determining how much capital reserves banks must set aside. G20监管者亦希望削弱信用评级机构对决定银行资本储备规模的影响。
All that is required is a bit of imagination and some time set aside for fun. 这些都需要一些想象力和为娱乐留出一点时间。
Van Gogh immediately laid his own clothing out on the bed, set aside enough for one change, and determined to give the rest away. 梵高立即脱下衣服放到床上,决定只留下一套衣服来换穿,把剩下的都捐出去。
Set aside a week or two that you can focus on your sleep and not allow disruptions or changes to your sleep schedule. 设定关注你一周或者两周的睡眠时间,不可打断和改变你的睡眠计划。
In the U. S. , banks are unsure how much extra capital regulators will require them to set aside. 在美国,银行家们对资产监管人员还将要求他们而外拨出多少钱。
This issue is the most obvious, and in many ways the most vexing in the long term: How much money do we need to set aside? 这个问题最为突出,从很多方面来看,也是一个长期最令人头疼的问题。我们需要拿出多少钱来解决适应问题?
It ordered banks to set aside provisions equivalent to at least 130% of loans that are likely to turn sour. 该机构命令各家银行拨出至少相当于潜在问题贷款规模130%的准备金。
Reserves are provisions for future liabilities and indicate how much money should be set aside now to reasonably provide for future payouts. 准备金用来解决未来的负债,提示应该预留多少钱给将来的支出才算合理。