cry out

  • na.大叫;喊着要求
  • 网络大声呼喊;喊叫;吆喝

第三人称单数:cries out 现在分词:crying out 过去式:cried out

cry outcry out

cry out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cry off 取消(买卖、契约等) cry out 大声呼喊;大声抱怨 cut across 抄近路穿过,对直通过 ...


漫画英语必备短语_百度百科 ... come up to 来到 cry out 喊叫 cut off 切断 ...


要加什么偏旁_百度知道 ... [~??(nia3o)] 细腰。b.娇美。 [cry out] 吆喝 [sound of birds' singing] 虫叫的声音 ...


for teaching use - 博客大巴 ... keep silent 保持沉默 42. cry out 大声叫喊 43. hundreds of polka dots 成百上千的圆点 44. ...


2011年职称英语考试:卫生类重点词... ... (give credit to/ 相信;信任;称赞); (cry out/ 喊出声,抱怨); (beyond cure/ 不可救药); ...


字典中 呐 字的解释 ... (1) 小声说话[ whisper;speak in a low voice] 呐喊,大叫[ cry out] (1) 表示提醒注意[ mind] ...


LOL各英雄经典语录_lol吧_百度贴吧 ... Barbs! 倒钩! Cry out! 哭出来! Whip vine! 鞭藤! ...

But man must be saved, he must come out of this somehow, and my urgent demand to find God is the cry out of a great anxiety for man. 但是人类必须被拯救,他无论如何都必须走出来,我想要找到神的迫切愿望是为人类而深深焦虑的呼喊。
Not compared with people, but beg to surpass himself, to cry to cry out, to tears of excited smile smile out of the growth of the character. 不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭就哭出激动的泪水,要笑就笑出成长的性格。
and had not the smallest doubt (nor have I now) that there would be a general cry-out upon her extreme good luck. 直到现在,我都毫不怀疑,如果大家得知她居然获得这么好的运气,准会大声赞叹。
Needless to say, it is a tremendous experience for the soldier to be able to cry out his sorrows to a host of sympathetic listeners. 不消说,战士能向这么多充满同情的听众畅诉自己的苦楚,产生了非同小可的影响。
Loken sighed. That would be a sad day indeed. Men would cry out for Abaddon's return, but he would never come. 罗肯叹了口气。那将是一个令人伤感的日子,人们将呼唤他,祈求阿巴顿的归来,但他将再也不能回到人类中间。
No matter how much I eagerly looked up, tears or blurred eyes. No matter how much I strong turned, the next second or cry out sound. 不管我多么倔强的抬头,泪水还是模糊了双眸。不管我多么坚强的转过身,下一秒还是哭出了声响。
On seeing her mother, the little girl began to cry out. 这个小女孩一看见她的母亲就大哭了起来。
Yi, who has listed singing as one of her hobbies, said her first reaction on reaching the ISS would be to cry out: "Wow! " 李素妍说唱歌是自己的一大爱好,她说她抵达国际空间站后的第一反应会是大叫一声“哇喔”。
My feet seem to cry out, but I ignore them, along with the shaking my arms are doing, as they struggle to hold on to Itachi's heavy form. 我的脚似乎在哭泣,但我不理会他们,随着摇我的胳膊在做什么,因为她们要努力保住印达重形式。
For you see that these things must be accomplished thus, and that even they bear them who cry out "O Cithaeron. " 因为你看到这些事情是必须如此完成的,甚至那些喊出“啊,天啦”的人也忍受了它们。
The survivors deserve better than a cover-up , however, and the dead wordlessly cry out for the truth. 幸存者值得比隐瞒更好的一个结果。死难者无言地呼吁真相。
4Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing? b. 4狮子若非抓食,岂能在林中咆哮呢?少壮狮子若无所得,岂能从洞中发声呢?
She struggled, she began to cry out for mercy, but I held her fast, forcing back her head and staring down into her face. 她想挣开,开始哭着求饶,可是我紧紧掐着她,把她的头往后扳,盯着她的脸看。
Fear gripped her, turning her bowels to ice; but she did not panic and did not cry out for help. 恐惧向她袭来,心像结了冰;但是她并没尖叫着喊救命。
I ran out into the courtyard and began to cry out to other members of the apartment building to come in to the courtyard. 我跑到院子里,拼命向这栋公寓的其他人喊,让他们赶紧跑到院子里。
There will be a day when watchmen cry out on the hills of Ephraim, 'Come, let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God. 日子必到,以法莲山上守望的人必呼叫说:起来吧!我们可以上锡安,到耶和华我们的上帝那里去。
Mark 10: 47 When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! ' 他听见是拿撒勒的耶稣,就喊着说:“大卫的子孙耶稣啊,可怜我吧!”
He grabs the shard and slowly pulls it out, trying his best not to cry out in pain. 他捏住碎片慢慢拔了出来,虽然疼痛,但他尽力没有叫出声来。
She did not cry out; her tears were exhausted. 她哭不出来了,因为眼泪都已哭干了。
Oh, to have such vivid impressions of His person, and work, and glory that we may with heart and soul cry out to His praise! 既然对神性、上帝的工作、和祂荣耀的国度,有这样的认识,我们就禁不住要开口赞美。
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. 他听见是拿撒勒的耶稣,就喊着说,大卫的子孙耶稣阿,可怜我吧。
Before he could cry out or push her hand away, there was the sound of dimes dropping in the teapot. 他还没来得及喊出来或者把她的手推开,茶壶里一个一角硬币掉落的声音传了出来。
On August 15th the mayor, Tom Barrett, was leaving the Wisconsin State Fair when he heard a woman cry out for help in the parking lot. 八月十五日,市长汤姆巴雷特参加完威斯康星州会展活动正欲离去,忽然听到停车场传来女人的求救声。
He cry out in fright as the dark figure approach. 那个黑影向他逼近,他吓得叫了出来。
It's pie-in-the-sky for him to cry out for more dedicated teachers. 因此,他呼吁培养更多兢兢业业的教师无异于寻求一张空头支票。
And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. 耶稣说,我告诉你们,若是他们闭口不说,这些石头必要呼叫起来。
On hearing her voice on the tapes , I started to cry out for the first time for her sickness and death . 当我听到录音带上她的声音时,我第一次为她的生病和死亡哭出声来。
And He answered and said, I tell you, If these shall be silent, the stones will cry out. 耶稣回答说,我告诉你们,若是他们默不作声,这些石头都要喊叫起来!
And yet vast inland areas cry out for development. 然而,广大的内陆地区仍亟须解决最基本的发展题目。
Even though it hurt, the bull did not cry out in pain. 尽管疼得厉害,牛还是不发一声。