
  • abbr.地角;岬角;摄氏度;版权
  • n.英语字母表的第 3 个字母



2.(书写形式)世纪(in writing) century

3.大约,约(源自拉丁语 circa)about; approximately (from Latincirca )

4.(用于烹饪)杯(in cooking) cup

The children all turned A. looked at C. to looking at B. to look at D. look at the famous actress as she entered the classroom. 当那位著名的女演员走进了教室,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。
It is as if, suddenly, the Internet were awash with pictures of the C. I. A. director, Leon E. Panetta, cavorting half-naked on vacation. 这就好像突然间,互联网上充斥着中央情报局(C.I.A)局长昂·帕内塔(LeonE.Panetta)在旅游景点半裸着蹦跳的照片。
If it were linear, then after some time the chance would be zero. I would rather something for which c approaches zero. 但显然不是线性函数关系,因为如果是的话过一段时间之后几率会变成零。
It is essential to realise, at this point, that C and D are, as it were, inseparable. To appoint C alone would have been impossible. 我们有必要意识到到目前(描述的)这个阶段,C和D是不可分割的,只找一个C作副手是绝对行不通的。
"No matter how good a V. C. I could be, " he said, "I could never be smarter than the wisdom of a collective community. " “不管我能成为多优秀的一个VC,”他说,“我永远没法与人们的集体智慧相匹敌。”
The b digit in AL1. x. b. c, is used for iterating down the children of a given group x. c中的数字b用于向下迭代给定组x的子窗格。
C: Thank you. I think I have to talk to the bank representatives. Thank you for your help. 谢谢。我想我必须向银行代表咨询一下。谢谢你的帮忙。
Let me show you a picture. The rule is if I walk along C with S to my left then the normal vector is pointing up for me. 给你们看张图片,“相容”就是,如果我沿着C走,而且S在左边,法向量就是朝上的。
RICHARD: Woah, woah, no wait a minute now. C'mon it's your turn. Ohc'mon. Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark. 理查德:哇,等一下,现在轮到你说了,快点嘛,我不需要确切的数字,就给个大约数就好了。
The low temperature refrigerator features that it has at least one of its compartments in the temperature not higher than -40 deg. c. 低温电冰箱,其特征是在冰箱的间室中至少有一个间室的温度值不高于-40℃。
He shows Michael the blade he took from T-Bag and tells Michael that if he had been ten seconds later, Abruzzi would have been dead. C-Note将他从T-Bag那拿来的尖刀给Michael看,并说如果他当时行动迟了10秒,Abruzzi已经死了。
With an induction-enhanced growl from the V6, the IS C sounded as though it was ready to rumble. 同一个感应增强咆哮的V6发动机,该是C听起来好像准备隆隆。
But I still like this picture as you see Cristiano Ronaldo's face through the net while he hammers his penalty past the dive of Pepe Reina. 但我仍然喜欢这张照片,因为在C罗将点球轰入雷纳的大门时,你可以透过球网看见他的脸。
It takes in a Java object String parameter, converts it in to a C-string, and then writes it out to LogCat. 它获取一个Java对象的字符串参数,将它转换为C-string,然后将它写入到LogCat中。
Chicago, Washington, D. C. , and famously car-centric Los Angeles are also "starting to think differently, " she said. 芝加哥、华盛顿特区、以及以汽车出名的洛杉矶也“开始改变想法,”她说。
I. C. E. issued a public statement saying we had not called them. It was the union cooking that up, as they cooked up many other things. 当然没有.ICE发表了公开声明,说我们没有打电话给它们.是工会一手捏造的,他们还捏造了其他的。
The United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar was travelling behind Ronaldo, at the wheel of his own Bentley, at the time of the accident. 车祸发生时,曼联门将范德萨正开着他自己的宾利车行驶在C罗的后面。
Narrator: morning, B, C and opened his eyes, and suddenly found A up on the bed and full blood, put the XieYin photo. 旁白:天亮了,B,C同时睁开眼睛起床,忽然发现A的床边和身上满是血迹,血印中放着一张相片。
C is the youngest pig. She works all day. She helps her mother to do the housework. C是最小的猪,她整天帮着妈妈做家务。
One of the pages of the book had a list of the names of the 183 defenders of the Alamo, and in the "C" section was the name, Daniel Cloud! 书里有一页是守卫阿拉莫的183名士兵的名单,“C”字头的名录下有一个名字居然是丹尼尔克劳德!
He did not mean to inconvenience hundreds of travelers and shut down Terminal C for six hours, he said. 他没有想到这会令数百名旅客在C航站楼延迟数小时时间。
The finding suggests that it "doesn't make sense to take vitamin C 365 days a year to lessen the chance of catching a cold, " he said. 该发现说明,没有必要为了减少感冒可能性而一年365天每天服用维生素C,他说。
An interrupt can even be delivered between the beginning and end of a C operator that requires multiple instructions. 甚至可以在需要多个指令的C操作符开始和结束之间发送中断。
The president of the convention telegraphed Wright in Washington, D. C. , to see if he would accept. 大会主席在华盛顿给Wright发电报,看他是否会接受。
Oconee County, S. C. , sits on the far west fringes of the state, just a few miles from the Georgia border. 南卡罗来纳州的奥科尼县,坐落于该州的最西边,距离格鲁吉亚州边境只有几英里。
For a few years now, RPG programmers have had the ability to invoke web services using C stubs emitted by the wsdl2ws. sh tool. 最近几年,PRG程序员已经能够使用wsdl2ws.sh工具生成的C存根来调用Web服务。
When I got to C. , I was a bit nervous as he's known for his very physical fits of frustration. 走近C.的时候,我有一些紧张,因为大家都知道,当他受到挫败,他的身体就会产生痉挛。
C: My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very long time. I would like to sing for you now, a love song. 上校:我的奥地利同胞,也许很长一段时间,我将不再见到你们。
I've been a C, C++ and Java programmer for a long, long time, and I never got comfortable with it. 很早以前我就已经是一个C、C++及Java开发者了,我并没有觉得哪里不舒服。
A little research and I found a sports memorabilia shop in D. C. 只是查阅一些资料然后我在特区找到了一个体育纪念品商店。