concentrate on

  • na.集中在;专心于
  • 网络全神贯注于;专注于;集中精力于

第三人称单数:concentrates on 现在分词:concentrating on 过去式:concentrated on

concentrate onconcentrate on

concentrate on


人教版高中英语必修5单词 - 豆丁网 ... adj. concentrate 集中;聚集 vt. concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于 amateur 业余爱好者 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词 - 豆丁网 ... adj. concentrate 集中;聚集 vt. concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于 amateur 业余爱好者 ...


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... concentrate 集中;聚集 concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于 study 学习;研究 ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... concentrate 集中 concentrate on 专注于 study 研究 ...


... 1. should be allowed to… 应该被允许…… 8. concentrate on集中精力于…… 14. get in the way of sth./doing sth. 妨碍某事 ...


catch - 英汉词典 ... catch sight of (短暂地)见到, 注意到 concentrate on 集中于; 全神贯注于 concentration on 注意力集中于 ...

He said the International Monetary Fund should concentrate on doing a better job of monitoring the build-up of financial risks. 他表示,国际货币基金组织(IMF)应当专注于更好地监控金融风险的蓄积。
I used to out every evening but I've decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies. 我以前每天晚上出去玩,但我已决定改过自新,多多呆在家里,集中精力学习。更详细。
Damn, Novak is still moving like a headless chicken on the court. He needs to stop chewing gum and concentrate on the game instead. 靠,诺瓦克在场上还是象个无头苍蝇。不要再嚼口香糖了,他必须把注意力集中在比赛上。
Mindfulness and wisdom concentrate on this point, trying to discover what this knowing really consists of. 念注与智慧集中在这一点上,要了解它到底由什么组成。
Her worry makes it impossible for her to concentrate on her work . 她忧伤使她不能把精力集中到工作中来。
But if such crawling does not come naturally, I'd skip that too and concentrate on trying to enjoy the day as much as is possible. 但如果这种邀宠来得不那么自然,我也宁愿放弃,并尽可能地专心享受那一天。
Ask her to tell you when she's near the top, and then pull back for a few minutes to kiss and concentrate on other parts of her body. 请她告诉你什么时候她快要达到高潮了,那时退出来几分钟,亲吻和爱抚她的其他部位。
Aquino, facing his first major test barely two months after taking office, said he would concentrate on preventing a repeat of the incident. 阿基诺刚刚上任两个月,这是他上任以来面临的首次重大考验。他说,他将集中精力,防治此类事件再次发生。
The rooms were small, but it did not disturb us, as our purpose was to concentrate on the city, not spending much time in the hotel. 酒店的房间比较小,但这并没有困扰我们,因为我们的注意力都集中在这个城市上,而不是花太多的时间待在酒店。
Now we have to concentrate on the Bundesliga and at least make sure of our place in this competition (for next season). 现在我们必须专注德甲联赛,最起码要保证我们在下赛季欧冠比赛中的席位。
It shocked me out of my fear, and I started to concentrate on my wisdom eye and observe the behavior of this stranger. 我吓了一跳,恐惧感顿时减少了,集中注意力在智慧眼,开始端详这个陌生人的举动。
Can we stop spending our energy on such news for a week and concentrate on anti corruption struggle for the sake of a better future? 我们能不能不要再在这类新闻上花这么多的时间和精力了呢?为了一个美好的未来,还是花点力气在反腐败斗争上吧!
Please turn off the TV, because the noise will make it difficult for her to concentrate on her homework. 请把电视关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,无法专心地做作业。
By all means concentrate on all that is good and wholesome as it is of benefit to you and everyone else. 请务必把意识的焦点放在【善念】与【健康】的思想上,因为这会利益你与所有其他人。
At this point, the voice, no longer audible but what I'd call telepathic , instructed me to concentrate on a fuzzy red line in a black void. 这当儿,那个声音,不再听得见了,但那个我称之为心灵感应的东西,指示我集中注意力到黑暗虚空中的模糊红线上。
Intelligence tests measure a range of mental abilities, whereas most people naturally, and happily, concentrate on just a few. 智力测试考量的是一系列精神能力,而大多数人只是自然地、愉快地专注于其中的几项。
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the US should concentrate on its own rights issues and stop interfering. 外交部发言人洪磊说美国应该关注他们自己本国的人权问题并且停止干预别国。
Don't concentrate on your lack of options; concentrate on the thousands of dollars you'll save by not having to eat out for a whole year. 不要过于在意你的选择少;关注一下你一年下来不必在外面吃而省下来的几千美元吧!
My teacher told me to concentrate on my lessons. He said I would not be successful if I went through life being a clockwatcher. 老师告诉我上课要全神贯注。他说如果我一辈子都老是看钟表的话,是不会有成就的。
We need every player fit, including Wes and Rafael but obviously I've got to concentrate on my own fitness and get myself ready. 我们需要每个球员,包括维斯和拉斐尔。但显然我要集中于自己的状况,让自己做好准备。
No one appears to be missing their toys, and I can once more concentrate on my internet shopping wish list. 办公室里似乎也没人惦记他们的玩具。我嘛,又能把心思放到自己心仪的网上购物单上了。
Unless the company is going to go bankrupt, some people will survive; I'd concentrate on making sure that I was one of them. 除非你的公司打算破产,否则总有一些人能幸存;我会尽全力设法确保我就是其中之一。
The first decision was to concentrate on the Ford brand and sell off the PAG businesses even if it meant taking a loss. 第一个决定就是把精力集中到福特这个品牌上,然后就算亏本也要把PAG的业务出售。
Though it is a bit odd when you're trying to concentrate on kissing and there's a cameraman moving around you. 还有我觉得有摄影师围着你转的前提下去集中精力去接吻让人感到有些不适应。
The meeting is expected to concentrate on finals preparations ahead of the announcement of a date for a general election. 这次会议预计将集中完成各项准备工作正式公布大选日期。
To put you in such a position that you can fully concentrate on the final steps that will lead you to Ascension. 为了把你们带入这样一种位置就必须要求你们全神贯注的做好最后的步骤,那将引领你们抵达扬升。
Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate on my work? Stop hassling me with that trivial nonsense. 你没有看见我在专心工作吗?不要拿一些无关紧要的琐事来烦我。
Mr. Brown, are your children always kicking up a row like this? I cannot concentrate on my paper. 布朗先生,你的孩子们是不是总是这样子大吵大闹的?我不能集中精力写我的论文。
Concentrate on your writing style and your ideas, rather than trying to master HTML in two weeks. 专注在你的写作风格和想法,而不是在两星期内成为HTML高手。
Speaking about the fact that if he's late or not in the evening, is not opportune, why must we concentrate on the player. 谈论他是否在深夜外出,我认为这并不适当,我们更应该关注的是他球员的身份。