cool down

  • na.使…变凉;〈非正式〉冷静下来
  • 网络冷却;缓和运动;平静下来

第三人称单数:cools down 现在分词:cooling down 过去式:cooled down

cool downcool down

cool down


消防专业词汇英语翻译(A-C) -亿城英语 ... cooking range hood 炉灶排烟罩 cool down 冷却 cool explosive 低爆热炸药 ...


5分钟缓和运动cool down):很重要的五分钟,除了消除运动时肌肉积聚的乳酸,以免运动后肌肉酸痛,亦有助学员调校呼 …


Drop - 英汉词典 ... settle down 平静下来 cool down 冷静下来 turn down 拒绝 ...


社会工作专业英语词汇(C2) ... cool color 冷色 cool down 平静下来 Coolidge effect 库立奇效应 ...


英语短语搭配 - 豆丁网 ... close down 停业;打烊 cool down 变凉;使冷静 copy down 记下,抄下 ...


... 10. 等待 wait for 11. 冷却下来 cool down 12. 不同种类的水果汁 different kinds of fruit juice ...


我把它放在看点三是想给它降降温(Cool down)……从上一站巴西对意大利的大发888美女荷官来看,你每天若看见众生的过失 …

The fartlek can be a difficult workout, and if you don't warm up and cool down, you could have some very sore muscles the next day. 由于法特莱克强度大,如果不进行热身和冷身,您隔天可能会肌肉酸痛。
A relationship can be repaired if that is what you want, so take a few days to cool down and think first about what you'd like to do. 如果你愿意,某段关系也可以被修复——你要先让自己冷静几天,并且考虑清楚你到底想做什么。
The move essentially reduces the amount of money available for loans, and is an attempt to cool down the economy. 此举实际上削减了可用来贷款的资金数额,目的在于给经济降温。
The problem for the tyres is temperature fluctuation: they heat up in the braking area and then cool down on the straight s. 这里的问题是胎温不稳定:他们在刹车区温度很高,到了直道又降了下来。
The workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are trying to cool down the fuel rods inside the nuclear reactors. 福岛第一核电站的工作人员正努力冷却核反应堆内部的燃料棒。
By the time it reaches a deep red, the makers reckon, it might be wise for an online trader to take a break and cool down. 当它变成深红色的时候,发明者认为,对一个在线投资者而言,明智的选择就是,休息一下,将头脑冷静下来。
Yet it may not prove so easy to cool down such a hot economy. 还不可能这么容易证实给这么热的经济降温。
Hold it, Mike. You won't accomplish anything by hollering at him, right? You are worked up till now. Why not wait until you cool down a bit? 迈克,忍一忍。对他叫喊解决不了问题,对吗?你们现在都很激动。为什么不等你们都冷静一点呢?
With the coextrusion process, the polymer layers are heated up to a high temperature and let cool down in air. 随着共挤过程中,聚合物层加热至高温,让空气中的冷却下来。
The BBC's Chris Hogg says the plan is to use the helicopter "water-bombing" again on Friday in an attempt to cool down the nuclear plant. 英国广播公司的克里斯霍格说,这个计划是使用直升机“水炸弹”周五再次企图降温核电厂。
As the chain reaction has been halted, the residual fuel should cool down to safe levels even without cooling sea water within a few days. 核裂变会停止,在没有海水的冷却下,几天后残留的燃料会降温的安全线下。
South Korean officials are trying to cool down a sizzling media demand for rumors and speculation about the North Korean leader's condition. 韩国官员试图为媒体对有关金正日健康状况的传闻和揣测的热情降温。
Japan has taken measures to cool down into the sea, European and American experts said that, for the moment the situation is not optimistic. 日本方面已经采取注入海水的降温措施,欧美专家表示,从目前看情况不容乐观。
Indeed, policies that cool down hot money can be cast as the kind of prudential and anti-cyclical measures now in vogue. 实际上,给热钱降温的措施,如今被视为一种谨慎和反周期的举措,因而正大行其道。
at him, right? You're all worked up now. why not wait until you cool down a bit? 忍一忍。喊叫解决不了问题。你们现在都很激动。为什么不等你们冷静下来呢?
In the last decade , an MBA diploma was the hot ticket for a bright prospect in career . Now , it begins to cool down . 在过去十年中,MBA证书是美好事业前程的通行证。如今,它已不如以前炙手了。
Giese is furious. He tells them both he doesn't want them around the base for a while, until things cool down. Giese愤怒了.他告诉他们两人在事情降温以前,他不希望他们在基地多逗留他希望他们外出去26号基站回避一下。
Stopping at a stream to cool down I take the opportunity to clean some of that mud off my radiator. 流停止在一个冷静下来,我借此机会,清理淤泥散热器把我的一些那种。
Campana chuckled. "Hey, you'd better cool down, Anthony --- you're getting to be a real party animal! " 坎帕纳吃吃地笑。“嗨,你最好冷静下来,安东尼——你快变成一个真正喜欢结群生活的动物了!”
Wait for quietly, penitence ground embraces you after waiting her to cool down. 静静地等着,等她消气后后悔地去抱你。
The heat treatment of metal is process which put the metal in some medium and heat to a fit temperature, and keep some time then cool down . 金属热处理是将金属工件放在一定的介质中加热到适宜的温度,并在此温度中保持一定时间后,又以不同速度冷却的一种工艺。
Whatever the explanation and despite the divergence, there are signs that both regions will cool down in the second half of the year. 不管原因是什麽,也不管这种分歧,但确实有迹象表明下半年欧美经济增速都将放缓。
Another tip: Before popping open your ice-cold can of soda, hold it to the back of your neck for a quick cool-down. 另一个贴士是:在砰的一声打开冰镇的苏打水前,把它放在你的脖子后面能迅速地为你降温。
Invitation to be friends, Sunday walk as a walk, but to the people unwittingly Park, PM The weather can be considered cool down. 应友人之邀,周日出去溜达溜达,无意之间却来到了人民公园,下午的天气倒也算凉快。
The more solar energy the ocean absorbs during the summer, the longer it takes in the fall for the water to cool down enough to freeze. 因此,海洋在夏季吸收越多的太阳能量,那么在秋季就需要更长的时间来冷却海水,使它结冰。
BBC News---The Chinese government is desperately trying to cool down an overheating property market. 日,中国政府正努力遏制过热的房地产市场。
So users can increase the minimum RPM speed of the fans to release and dissipate more heat and thus cool down the system. 这样用户就可以提高最低rpm的速度球迷释放和散失更多的热量,从而冷却系统。
Sure, a warm-up and cool-down may add a few minutes to your exercise routine, but they also might help you stay healthier. 肯定的是,热身和降温活动可能会让你的锻炼时间有所增加,但是它们也可能帮你保持更健康。
BBC News---The Chinese government is desperately trying to cool down an overheating market. 日,BBC新闻,中国政府正在拼命试图抑制过热的房地产市场
Transfer the croutons onto kitchen pepper to remove excess oil. Set aside for a while to cool down. 放在厨房纸巾上吸乾多馀的油分,放置一会儿,使之冷却。