go all out

  • abbr.(=go all-out)全力以赴
  • 网络鼓足干劲;不遗余力;不惜一切代价

go all outgo all out

go all out


关于go的短语_爱问知识人 ... go all lengths v. 竭尽全力 go all out v. 全力以赴 go all the way v. 完全一致 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go ahead 前进,领先;取得进展 go all out 全力以赶;鼓足干劲 go along with 赞同;附合,支持 ...


spare - 英汉词典 ... 备件 spare parts 不遗余力 spare no effort;go all out;do one's best 零配件 spare and accessory parts ...


... 不速之客 gate-crasher 不惜一切代价 spare no effort;go all out;do one's best 布达拉宫 the Potala Palace ...


go -... ... go abroad 出国,去国外 go all out 竭尽全力地,豁出去地 来得快,去得也快 lái de kuài,qù de yě kuài ...



英语常用动词搭配五十组_菲力克斯_百度空间 ... go into 进入,参加 go all out 拼命干,尽最大努力 give up 放弃 ...


英语常用动词搭配五十组_菲力克斯_百度空间 ... go into 进入,参加 go all out 拼命干,尽最大努力 give up 放弃 ...

Although it shouldn't be, Valentine's Day tends to be the one day a year people go all out to show their partner how much they love them. 尽管不应该这样,但是情人节还是人们趋向于一年一次敞开胸怀表达他们是多么的爱着对方。
If you want to go all out on your website, you can put together shopping cart technology, but that be pricey to start out with. 如果你想全力以赴把站点做好,你可以利用一下购物车技术,但开始时费用会有点儿搞。
Go all out with predecessors' effort deeply carving in us in the heart. 把前辈们的努力拼搏深深的刻在我们的心里。
But as an independent, individual developer, I did not have enough resources (read: money) to go all out on advertising just yet. 但是作为一个个人开发者,我没有资源(钱)能象他们那样做广告。
Go all out with a lace dress and vampy lipstick for a Saturday night out. 星期六晚上,穿上花边礼服,涂上vampy口红。
What one expects is nothing but a glorious undertaking which he can go all out for and devote himself to. 对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,只是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好的事业。
Now that they were in place, I was ready to go all out to pass NAFTA in the Congress. 既然这些措施已经到位,我准备竭尽全力要使《北美自由贸易协定》在国会获得通过。
Afterwards, She finally tests went to college, Extremely happy, He then starts to go all out to make money, Then sends continuously for her. 后来,她终于考上了大学,开心极了。他却开始拼命挣钱,然后不断地寄钱给她供她读书。
Austria would go all out to support the Shanghai World Expo, an event sure to be a splendid occasion for the city to remember, Fischer said. 费希尔说,奥地利将尽全力支持上海世博会,这一盛会注定是值得这个城市铭记的辉煌时刻。
I'm determined to go all out to live up to my parents' expectations. 我决心尽自己的全力以赴,对得起父母的期望。
Carlo Ancelotti has called on his side to go all out to win at Messina in a game the coach knows will not be easy. 安切洛蒂知道对梅西纳的比赛不会轻松,他希望球队全力以赴拿下这场球。他将再次祭出上轮对阵恩波利的防线。
So we're going to have to go all out thermonuclear response, stimulate the total cytokine cascade. 所以,体内将要进行的是剧烈的热反应,启动细胞因子的级联反应效应。
Superficial understanding of their understanding of things, because I do not know the pros and cons, also refused to go all out to do. 他们对事物的认识一知半解,因不知其得失,也就不肯全力以赴去做。
As you probably guessed, they have to go all out to swim through sewage to clean out clogs. 你可能会想,他们不得不全力以赴地游过下水道去疏通阻塞。
When you wholeheartedly adopt a "with all your heart" attitude and go all out with the positive principle, you can do incredible things. 当你全心全意地投入“尽心演出”的态度,而能做任何事都以正向原则积极去做,发挥得淋漓尽致时,你将能做到意想不到的事。
It's great that the animation staff go all out with the quality of an anime's first episode. 在动画第一话作画人员都会尽全力真是太好了。
Discover her top three needs and over the next twelve months go all out to meet them. 发现你妻子最需要的三项东西,在接下来的十二个月里竭尽全力地得到它们。
Ordinarily you might prefer a private ceremony, but this year you may go all out with the wedding of all weddings to celebrate your love. 按常理来说,你喜欢秘密的婚礼。不过今年你准备全力以赴举行一场盛大的仪式。
But if you can focus your attention on just one thing at a time and go all-out with it, just temporarily, you can make major strides. 但如果在一个时期内关注一点并竭尽全力,只需很短的时间,你就能取得重大进展。
'We just have to go all-out to make sure that consumers see the benefit' of a new TV, Sony's Mr. Boyd said. 索尼公司的博伊德说,我们必须全力以赴确保消费者了解新电视的好处。
"Go all out, outstanding innovation" is Ming-goal pursued by all employees, "integrity management" is the company's operating purposes. “全力以赴,卓越创新”是铭基全体员工追求的目标,“诚信经营”是公司的经营宗旨。
Is as ignorant as an ineffective, and go all out to be wise moves. 碌碌无为是庸人所为,奋发图强是智者之举。
I am fond of JAVA, if being sure to go all out if acting as the procedure designer, am that the company makes contribution. 我喜欢JAVA,如果要是做程序设计者,一定会全力以赴,为公司做贡献。
It's quite different from being an athlete to go all out for an Olympic medal. 这种感觉与作为运动员去争夺奥运金牌的感觉非常不一样。
Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them; Have great dreams and dare to live them; Have tremendous expectations and believe in them. 要有美好的希望,并全力以赴去追求;要有远大的梦想,并全力以赴去实现;要有宏伟的期望,并深信不疑。
Yet most school systems do not go all out to get the best. 然而大多数的学校在聘请好老师方面并没有全力以赴。
Obviously, my "other half" will go all out to recover the next semester. 显然,我的“另一半”也就全力以赴在下学期复原了。
Go all out to do something kind and compassionate for yourself. Respect yourself, forgive yourself. 尽一切可能做些对自己友善和自我同情的事情吧,尊重自己,也原谅自己。
A fate, and go all out to become the scenery and a heart, adhere to China is sincere. 有一种缘,放手后成为风景,有一颗心,坚持中方现真诚。
Go all out with this spirit of struggle in order to promote unity, will be a difficult task into an opportunity. 具有这种全力以赴的斗争精神才能促进团结,将困难的任务转变成机会。