go to bed

  • na.睡;同床;【印】付印
  • 网络上床睡觉;去睡觉;就寝

go to bedgo to bed

go to bed


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... morning n. 早晨;上午 go to bed 上床睡觉 job n. 工作;零工;任务;职位 ...


什么时候不加冠词?_爱问知识人 ... Dinner is ready. 饭准备好了。 go to bed 去(上床)睡觉 go by bus 乘汽车去 ...


中考英语总复习词组翻译练习_百度文库 ... 去医院(看病) go to 就寝 go to bed 上大学 go to college ...


不能按字面直译的词... ... go on strike 举行罢工(而不是继续罢工) go to bed 在报刊用语中为:付印 house flag (商船上的) …


儿童英语每天学一点 ... Today is Friday. 今天是星期五。 Go to bed. 睡觉去 Tree, 树 ...


英语选修8单词表_百度知道 ... 17. be away from 远离…… 20. go to bed 上床休息 21. make the bed 铺床 ...

If you do not love into food, clothing, count the money, go to bed these real life, it is not easy for long-term. 恋爱假如不落实到吃饭,穿衣,数钱,睡觉这些实真实在地生活中去,是不轻易持久地。
If a guy likes you a lot, he hopes you won't agree to go to bed with him on the first date. 假如他很喜欢你,他并不希望你第一次和他的约会时就同意跟他上床。
'No matter - I'm not accustomed to go to bed in the long hours. One or two is early enough for a person who lies till ten. ' 不要紧的。我不习惯在床上躺很长时间。一两点对于一个早上睡到十点的人来说是早的了。
Looking on the bright side, it looks like I'll get to go to bed a little earlier than I'd hoped to tonight. 想想好的一面,似乎我今晚可以比期望的早一点儿上床睡觉。
Clint and I vowed to go to bed early, but we ended up having so much fun we closed the place down. Clint和我发誓要早点睡觉,但我们结果一直聊到关门。
I love to clear my head and have a bit of thinking time when I go to bed, and white walls definitely help add a sense of calm. 上床睡觉之前我喜欢晴空头脑做些思考,而白色正好让人平静。
I told the children to go to bed, but it went in one ear and out the other, and they're still here. 我叫孩子们睡觉,可他们把我的话当耳边风,还在那不动。
Tom dragged his feet when told to turn off the TV and go to bed. 当汤姆被告知关掉电视,上床睡觉时,他慢吞吞的,故意拖延。
I was going to have my examination the next day. "When can I go to bed? " I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not. 明天就要考试了,我问自己:“什么时候才能上床睡觉呢?”我没有回答,事实上我不敢。
Finally, the child jump tired, father on the steps the child go to bed, the child is still tightly at a father's shirt. 最后,孩子跳累了,父亲踩着舞步把孩子抱上床时,孩子还依然紧紧地拽着父亲的衬衣。
"I had to tell her to go to bed, " he said. “我不得不对她说,去睡觉吧。”他说道。
When I suggested that he should go to bed he said he could not sleep; he wanted to go out and walk about the streets till day. 最后我建议他该去睡会儿觉,他说他睡不着,他要到外面去走个通宵。
He did not go to bed until he had brushed his coat and folded it up with great care. 他刷净衣服裤子,仔仔细细叠好,然后上床睡了。
He heard me all through in silence, and then, in a broken voice, begged me to let him go to bed. 他默默地听完我这些责难,始终没有作声,最后才用哭丧似的声音恳求我,让他去睡觉。
IF I go to bed later than usual, I usually have a midnight snack which consists of just a bowl of congee and a salted duck egg. 我晚睡的时候通常会吃宵夜,只要一碗稀饭和一个咸鸭蛋就可以了。
no , natasha and i often do not go to bed till past two , please stay a little longer . we will have supper. 不,我和娜塔莎有时到凌晨三点钟都还没睡呢再坐一会,我叫准备晚餐。
He was too unhappy, it must be nothing but a dream, and his mother was alive, and Emma would come up presently and go to bed. 他委实太不幸了,这一切想必是场幻梦;他母亲还活着,埃玛一会儿就会上楼来睡觉的。
You might be feeling down or you are procrastinating . Maybe nothing is working out for you today. You just want to go home and go to bed. 有时候你的心情很糟糕或者懒散拖沓,也许你一整天都没有任何计划,你只是想窝在家里好好睡一觉。
Then, re-read your sheet at once before you go to bed and once when you wake up for a few days prior to your speech. 其次,每天睡觉前诵读一次你的讲稿,然后到了临近演讲那几天,每天一醒,限度遍讲稿。
Jack didn't stop watching TV until his mother asked him to go to bed last night. Jack昨晚直到他妈妈让他去睡觉才停止看电视。
Write down whatever is bothering you before you go to bed. Get it out of your head and onto paper. 在上床睡觉前把困扰你的事情写下来,让它从你的头脑中转移到纸上。
I usually play games with her. She often listens to me when I tell her a story. I go to bed with her. I think I can't sleep without her. 我常常同她一块儿做游戏,我讲故事时她常当真地听,她往往伴我入眠,没了它我真觉得还睡不着哩。
I decided to check in early with Madame and go to bed, and I put the yearbooks away. 我收好了年刊,我要提前向法国夫人报名,然后上床。
She had a time (in) trying to get the naughty children to go to bed. 她费了好大劲才设法让淘气的孩子们去睡觉。
The children were unwilling to turn off the TV and go to bed. 孩子们很不情愿关上电视上床睡觉。
If there was one thing Myrtle hated it was to be told she ought to go to bed earlier. 如果有一件事默特尔最讨厌的话,那就是让她早一点上床睡觉。
all I could do was to go to bed, meaning to lie there till the sky once more became visible. 我所能做的只是安睡,意味着躺在那里,直到天空又一次的明朗起来。
You still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood . 每天晚上入睡前,你总是要细细回想每个细节,无数次发问自己究竟是哪里做错或被误解。
What's up, Julia? I was just getting ready to go to bed, but that's okay. 是什麽事啊,茱莉亚?我正准备上床,但是没关系。
I used to think how inconvenient it must be to have to go out in rain to go to bed. 我常常想在下雨天,去睡觉肯定要往外走,这该有多么不便啊。