look to

  • na.依赖;注意;照料;〈美〉倾向…
  • 网络指望;照顾;期望

第三人称单数:looks to 现在分词:looking to 过去式:looked to

look tolook to

look to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... look through (从头至尾)浏览;温习 look to 照管;留心;指望 look up 向上看;查出 ...


SAP字典 - MBA智库文档 ... SAP look at 看 look to 注意 look up 查找 ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... make out 意为“辩认出,理解”,符合句意。 look to照顾,负责”; look out “当心,提防”; ...


look的词组_百度知道 ... look through 审核;仔细查看 look to 注意;依赖 look up 好转,有起色;抬头看,向上看 ;查寻 ...


百度词典搜索_look ... look out1. 小心,当心;注意 look to1. 期望 look up1. 查找:在参考书中寻找并找到 ...


单项选择(英语)_百度知道 ... look at 看看 look to 期待 look for 寻找 ...


2011届高考英语动词和短语动词 ... look through 透过……看去;看穿;浏览,彻底调查 look to 面向,注意 look up 查阅,仰视, …


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... look sb. up and down 上下打量某人 look to 负责,留意 look up to sb 尊敬某人 ...

would obviously look to her as a First Lady to see exactly not just how to dress but how to hold yourself in certain situations. . . 会明显参考第一夫人,不仅去了解如何穿衣,而且了解如何在某些场合下保持自己的姿态…
It has a very stylized look to it, including thousands of rivets and a very retro aesthetic. 它有一个很程式化的外观,包括数以千计的铆钉和非常复古美感。
The second section will take a look to the broad concept of Europeanization of member states politics and policies. 第二部分对成员国政治和政策欧化的宽泛概念进行了关注。
Those of us who look to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder equity have to be in a state of shocked disbelief. 我们当中那些关注放贷机构保护股东股本权益的人,必将处于一种惊疑的状态。
Anything that has lasted for centuries is worth a closer look to see if any part of the concept will work for you. 凡是已延续数百年,是值得细看看看任何部分的观念将你。
Was also never finish, and also look to see enough, the beautiful mother of the motherland, touching, intimate look - think about and see ! 写也写不完,看也看不够,祖国妈妈美丽、动人、亲切的容貌——想想看吧!
In defiance of the State Department they continued to look to Zelaya and his liberal party for Leadership. 他们无视国务院,仍然向往塞拉亚及其自由党的领导。
He said he would look to gain additional perspectives at Cardinal's analyst meeting next week. 他说,在卡地纳下周举行的分析师会议上,他希望了解到更多信息。
Disappearance of a light, we seem to be farther away. Even the distance seemed extravagant, again also do not look to. 消失的一光年,我们好像是更远了吧。连遥望都显得奢侈了,再也望不到了。
Justice Thomas said the court should look to the practices at the time the Bill of Rights was adopted. 托马斯大法官说,联邦最高法院应当留意权利法案颁布实施时期的判案惯例。
Look to the anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. 去看看银莲花,假使你愿意,去瞧瞧豌豆地,抑或是那倔强地将手臂伸过城镇街道的野草。
He was too much of a dog to try to look to be a martyr or to plot revenge. 它只不过是一条狗,所以从不指望做个殉道者,或者尝试着复仇。
up " Drouet from the stand points of wit and fascination. He began to look to see where he was weak. " 他开始用情敌的目光,从机智和魅力的角度来打量他,要找出他的弱点所在。
One fundamental way that we decide what to do in a situation is to look to what others are doing or have done there. 遇到情况时,在决定我们该怎么办时,我们采用的一个基本的方法就是看看其他人正在怎么做或者曾经怎么做。
For the interpretation of that instrument I shall look to the decisions of the judicial tribunals established by its authority. 要得到关于这一工具的解释,我应该看向由宪法权力建立的司法裁判的决定。
Many will look to see how firm his commitment to higher rates really is in the face of the continued sovereign debt troubles in the EU. 许多市场人士将观察面对欧盟持续的主权债务问题,特里谢升息的决心有多大。
We always look to the mountains to see what kind of weather we shall have next, as it always comes from that direction. 我们常常观望群山,以猜测气候的变更,因为天色变化总是从那个方向来的。
Particularly that of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people look to the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion! Wishes you happy holidays! Family reunion! 月到中秋分外明,人到中秋望团圆!祝您节日快乐!合家团圆!
Look to who you were as a child, and that will tell you a great deal about who you are now meant to be. 看看你小时候是怎么样的一个人,然后你就可以看出很多关于你将成为的人的信息。
Q. You and the car look to be in shape. How are the mechanics, with all the pit stop simulations you've done? 你和车的情况看起来都很不错。那从模拟测试中完成进站的情况来看,机械师的状态如何?
"Most likely the Fed will look to the interest paid on excess reserves as the indicator of the stance of interest rate policy, " he said. “最有可能的情况是,联储考虑将超额准备金利率作为反映利率政策立场的指标,”他说。
Her face was pale and sad, but she did not look to have been crying. 她看上去苍白沮丧,但是不像刚刚哭过。
Today, we look to the sky, the sky is still uncertain , the heart of the moral law of those noble, some we need to call again. 而今,我们仰望苍穹,天空仍然明朗,内心那些崇高的道德法则,有些却需要我们再次呼唤。
I no longer look to you to fulfill my dreams. I can only pray to the heavens to have mercy and protect us both. 我现在已不奢望靠你来实现我的梦想,只求上天垂怜,让你我平平安安。
A month later, the friend thought, "Liaokong sure is quiet down there in his well. Maybe I ought to take a look to see how he's doing. " 一个月后,他的朋友想,“了空现在井里没有动静,也许我该去看看他现在怎么样了。”
An envious friend will want what you have, but will look to you as her inspiration or role model, and compete with you to get in the lead. 而羡慕你的朋友想要你所拥有的,但会把你作为对她的激励或是一个榜样,然后与你竞争来超越你。
Take a look to some of the hottest elements for the upcoming season and get ready to energize and update your wardrobe! 来看看下一季度最流行的元素,开始升级你的衣橱,给它能量吧!
During the last few days of this year we ought to take a close look to see what we need to let go of. 在今年余下的最后数天里,我们应当仔细察看自己有甚麽须要放手或放下的事情。
In particular, look to see whether intermediate object fields that should be populated are there or not. 尤其是,要检查应该填充的中间对象字段是否存在。
The young sailor gave a look to see that his orders were promptly and accurately obeyed, and then turned again to the owner. 那青年水手四下环视了一下,看到他的命令已被迅速准确地执行,便又转过脸去对着船主。