let down

  • na.使失望;放下;丢面子
  • 网络失望沮丧;辜负;松劲

第三人称单数:lets down 现在分词:letting down

let downlet down

let down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... let alone 不干涉;不碰 let down 放下;降低;使…失望 let go 放开;释放;发射 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... let alone 不干涉;不碰 let down 放下;降低;使…失望 let go 放开;释放;发射 ...


破土重生 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... Inside Of Me( 心底深处) Let Down( 失望沮丧) Give Me Your Name( 给我你的名字) ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... let me down 让我失望 9 let down 使失望;放下;辜负;减速下降 let off 放出;准许…暂停工作;宽恕 ...


英语短语搭配 - 豆丁网 ... lay down 放下;制定;兴建 let down 放低;使失望;松劲 pull down 拉下;拆除 ...


高三英语知识点总结 ... 23、live through 度过 25、let down 使某人失望,不帮助 29、by accident 偶然 ...


成人三级英语常考词汇_百度文库 ... let alone 别碰,别打扰,要不要说 let down 让…失望 let go of 放开,松手 ...

Mr James said he felt let down by the show's producers, who allowed him to go on the show. James说他感到非常失望,因为是制作人亲自允许他参赛的。
She had no right to feel let down, Siyu thought. Nevertheless, it disappointed her that Professor Dai had not told him much about her. 思玉想自己无权感到被鄙视,然而她对戴教授没有把自己的情况告诉他感到很失望。
Aziraphale healed bicycles and broken bones; he longed to steal a few radios, let down some tires, that sort of thing. 像亚茨拉菲尔会忍不住修理自行车和治愈骨裂那样;他则有扎破几个轮胎,偷几台收音机的冲动。
And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. 我就从窗户中,在筐子里从城墙上被人缒下去,脱离了他的手。
Six of the crew, of whom I was one, having let down the boat into the sea, made a shift to get clear of the ship, and the rock. 六个船员,连我在内,把汽艇放下海去,想尽办法脱离大船和礁石。
It does not mean, however, that you will lock yourself up in a tower and wait for your Prince Charming to ask you to let down your hair. 但这并不是说你得把自己关在塔上,等待你的白马王子出现。
The threat has by no means receded, and we would be very unwise to let down our guard, or slacken our preparedness measures. 这个危机决没有消退,所以我们放松警惕或应对措施是非常不明智的。
4When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. " 讲完了,对西门说:“把船开到水深之处,下网打鱼。”
Traders took solace in the hawkish demeanor of the ECB seemingly forgetting how they were let down by the bank at the last meeting. 在欧洲央行的强硬姿态下,交易商看来得到慰藉,似乎忘记了在上次会议上怎样被央行所“辜负”。
Mrs. Yao shouted to the maids to let down the bamboo screen at the front of their covered cart, and not to peep out too much. 似乎每个人都已坐好,姚太太向丫鬟们喊说她们要放下车前的竹帘子,不要老是向外探头张望。
Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her. 莴苣姑娘立刻垂下她的发辫,女巫顺着它爬了上去。
Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, having let down the blinds, was about to leave the room, Natasha called her to her. 娜塔莎躺着,但是当玛丽亚公爵小姐放下窗帘要出去时,娜塔莎把她叫到身边。
On this point I'm awfully ashamed that I've probably let down you and uncle , as well as fetch the negative affections to the Company. 在这一点上面,我感到很惭愧,觉得辜负了您以及以夫叔叔的期望,也对公司早造成了不好的影响。
As his interest wore off , he began to let down . 随着兴趣的减弱,他开始松劲了。
The top floor (pool and snack bar) was kind of a let down, as I was expecting something more from such a large hotel. 顶楼(池和快餐店)是一个失望,因为我期待这样一个大酒店更多的东西种类。
So if you were looking for a whole array of novel VoiceXML tricks and techniques, you may feel that you've been let down. 因此,如果您期待一整套VoiceXML“技巧与技术大全”,或许会感到失望。
And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and so escaped his hands. 而我竟被人用篮子从窗口,沿著城墙系下,逃脱了他的手。
But if the generals have not always done well by the politicians, the politicians have far more often let down the generals. 如果说将军们经常与政客不和,那是因为政客们太多次让将军失望。
I knew it as well as anyone, but I momentarily let down my guard and exposed myself unnecessarily to a deadly virus. 我和其他人一样,对这一点十分清楚,但在那一刻我还是放弃了防御,把自己暴露在致命病毒面前。
We've been let down so many times by the importers, who always seem to be late delivering the goods. 进口商们已多次令我们失望,他们似乎总是要推迟交货。
I was told my girlfriend was speaking ill of me. That's a real let-down. 我听说我女朋友说我坏话。真是失望。
The main difficulty I found was to make it to let down. 我感到做伞的最大困难是要使伞能收起来。
But if there is no reciprocation, flirtation or feelings, then your heart might be in for a let down. 但是如果你的知己并没有对你的互动、调情和爱意感情,那么,你的心或许应该放下了。
Corruption is still built into a system of patronage and ethnic share-outs that invariably leaves the mass of poor Kenyans feeling let down. 腐败仍渗透于国家的任命制度与各民族职位的平均分配中,这样就让众多的贫穷肯尼亚人感到失望。
Or, if you trusted an investor, you may have been let down at the last minute when the money was not delivered. 或者,如果你相信一个投资者,你可能会在最后一分钟因为资金没有注入而失望。
There is also a sense that Japan would let down its closest ally if it did not endorse Mr Obama's Honolulu push. 此外,如果日本不力挺奥巴马在火奴鲁鲁的举措,它大概会让最亲密的盟友失望。
The singer George Michael has said he feels he's let down young gay kids by being a bad role-model. 歌手乔治·迈克尔近日表示,他让少年同志感到失望了,因为他成了他们的反面教材。
He was in a coach with the hood let down and a carriage apron completely covering it. 载着他的是一辆轻便马车,车厢关得严严实实,车篷也放下了。
Egg station was quite a let down, the egg omelette was not cooked at all on the inside. 鸡蛋真是让人失望,里面完全都是生的。
Brave Russians who still demand that their rulers face up to the awful past may feel let down if others settle for half-truths. 勇敢的俄罗斯人,仍然在要求他们的统治者直视糟糕的过去,而其他人却满足于半真半假的事实,这可能会让他们觉得失望。