laid off

  • na.解雇;关闭;停歇;(临时)解雇期
  • 网络下岗;失业;被解雇

第三人称单数:lays off 现在分词:laying off 过去式:laid off

laid offlaid off

laid off


2012稳派英语试卷_百度文库 ... C. called on 拜访…;号召…; A. laid off 使… 下岗; B. put off 推迟; ...


[转载]MBA英语核心词汇2_MichaelWang_新浪博客 ... 58 label 标签 59 laid off 下岗,解雇 60 traced 追溯 ...


...从雇员的薪金支票中扣除一笔小额的保费;如果因裁员而失业(laid off),就可以在寻找新工作的期间,申领「就业保险金」来 …


生活英语Unit15:Further Education进修 ... -- admire 钦佩;欣赏 -- laid off 被解雇 -- consider 考虑,细想 ...


精华资料:英语词汇 词根+联想记忆_新东方在线 ... A.laid out 安排计划展开 B.laid off 裁员 C.laid down 制定政策 ...


laid off是什么意思|laid off的中文意思... ... laid off : 解雇 laid off被裁员 be laid-off : 下岗 ...


...的是成年人虽未工作但积极在找寻工作,或者正等候暂时资遣Laid off)后之复职,以及处於新旧工作转换期之工作者。


BBC World News 2013-04-29 附文本 -... ... up to 直到;做… laid off v. 临时解雇 try to do 试着做某事;试手 ...

The gunman reportedly was a 41-year-old man of Asian descent who'd recently been laid off from his job with IBM. 据媒体报道,凶手41岁,是一名近期被IBM裁员的亚裔男子。
In the current economic downturn, the firm has no doubt already laid off a good number of bright young peo-ple like Ms Clinton. 在美国当今经济不景气之际,这家公司无疑已经裁减了大量的像克林顿小姐一样聪明的年轻人。
But workers who worry about being laid off are unlikely to go spend, regardless of how much money fiscal stimulus puts in their pockets. 然而,无论财政刺激方案发放多少补助到消费者口袋,担心被裁员的劳工还是不可能消费。
Criticized for overexpansion, the company has closed hundreds of stores and laid off thousands of employees over the past two years. 讽刺的是由于过度膨胀,公司在过去两年里已经关闭了数百家商店解雇了上千雇员。
If you were laid off in an across-the-board cutback, say so; otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision, the result of your action. 如果你是因为在一次公司裁员中被裁掉的,诚实的说出来,否则就表明此举是你的决定,你的行动的结果。
She recently found a job at a real estate company after being laid off in 2008 and is now able to splurge on lunches and dinners out. 2008年被解雇的她最近在一家房地产公司找到了工作,现在可以花钱下馆子吃午饭和晚饭了。
Unlike union workers laid off from idled factories, salaried workers have no safety net of health care or guaranteed income for a year. 与工会工人被闲置工厂解雇不同,有薪金工人被解雇后每年是没有医疗保障和救济金的。
These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are. 在整个经营周期中招聘或解雇这些工人,与美国对雇员的做法也无不同之处。
In her 50s, she, too, was laid off, from her supervisory job of 15 years, and she moved in with her elderly mother. 她50岁,被工作了15年的公司解雇了,搬来和老母亲住。
The work there was seasonal, and there was a great deal of hardship among the employees when they were laid off each winter. 那里的工作带有季节性,所以每年冬天雇工们被解雇时,日子是很难过的。
After further conversation, I knew that he had become homeless after getting laid off from his job and dropping out of college . 进一步交流之后我知道在他丢掉工作从学校辍学以后已经无家可归了。
But then the company got slammed by the global crisis, and she was laid off in January, just a few weeks after her wedding. 可是公司在全球危机下垮了下来,她也在1月份被公司解雇,那时她结婚才没几个星期。
And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates? 在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢?
Their misery is not as familiar as that of the laid-off workers of imploding corporations, but it is often more tragic. 他们的苦难不像下岗职工或者濒危企业的,但通常更加凄惨。
Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way out of her difficulties by opening a day nersery. 从纺织厂下岗半年后,她开了一家日托所,为自己找到了一条出路。
A year ago consensus held that China faced feeble growth and social revolt by an army of millions of laid-off workers. 一年前,人们普遍认为,中国面临增长疲弱的局面,而数百万失业大军将造成社会动荡。
He said the couple had been laid off for economic reasons. 他说这对夫妇被停职是由于公司经济的原因。
If you want to avoid being laid off, be prepared to state how your contributions will benefit the company. 如果你想避免被裁员,那就要准备好陈述你做出的贡献能够让公司获得哪些利益。
He was actually laid off from his job because he wouldn't accept a small demotion in title because he felt it was a blow to his dignity. 实际上他离开这个工作是由于接受不了被小小地降职,因为他觉得对于自己的自尊心来说是一个打击。
Jimmy was laid off. But he landed on his feet and found a better job very soon. (吉米被解雇了,不过他却能逢凶化吉,很快便找到了理想的工作)。
He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company , because of the depression . 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。
Less than a fifth of the planned half a million workers are reported to have been laid off by the end of March. 截止三月底,原计划500,000的工人有不到五分之一的人被解雇。
Eg. Jimmy was laid off. But the fell on his feet and found a better job very soon. 吉米被解雇了。不过他逢凶化吉,很快便找到了更理想的工作。
With the exception of the famous actors, every person we see fired in the film is not an actor but a real life recently laid off person. 片中所有被解雇的人员,除了一部分是由知名演员扮演外,剩下的全部由来自现实生活中刚刚被解雇的普通人扮演。
He had laid off his hat and gloves and was now fidgeting with the little toilet pieces which were nearest him. 他已经脱下帽子和手套,现在正摆弄着离他最近的那些小化妆品。
She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off. 她很感激的是她保住了自己的工作而大多数工友都下了岗。
Like it said in the news article, if in the unfortunate event that you're laid off, make sure you know what your entitled to first. 就如这则新闻中说到的,如果在那最糟糕(不幸)的情况你遭到裁员,你需要搞清楚你的相关权益。
Martha's friends all came over to her house to commiserate over being laid off at the company. 玛莎的朋友都来她家,对她被公司解雇表达安慰之意。
The bank laid off 260 employees in Seattle when it moved its call center to India as part of its cost-cutting initiative. 当该银行为了实施初步的节省成本措施而将其客服中心迁往印度时,他们解雇了西雅图260名职员。
Rhonda benefited from these subsidies after she was laid off from her job. 朗达在失去工作后可以从这些补贴中受益。