stand up for

  • na.拥护
  • 网络支持;维护;坚持

第三人称单数:stands up for 现在分词:standing up for 过去式:stood up for

stand up forstand up for

stand up for


田园 - mimi - 网易博客 ... 1. 微风 a gentle breeze 2. 支持 stand up for 3. 有原则的人 a man of principle ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand up 立起;(论点)站得住脚 stand up for 为…辩护;维护;坚持 stand up to 勇敢地面对;坚决抵 …


英语中的谚语 ... stand on one’s own feet 自立 stand up for 拥护,支持 swear black is white (帮人)颠倒黑白,指鹿为马 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand up 立起;(论点)站得住脚 stand up for 为…辩护;维护;坚持 stand up to 勇敢地面对;坚决抵 …


人教版高二Unit 3 Art and Architecture ... stand for 代表;象征;赞成 stand up for 拥护,辩护 6.fill up with 用……充满 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand up 立起;(论点)站得住脚 stand up for 为…辩护;维护;坚持 stand up to 勇敢地面对;坚决抵 …


光影快客的博客 - 光影快客 - 网易博客 ... so what? 那怎么样呢? stand up for 忍受 suit one's taste 对某人的胃口 ...


... a dime a dozen 一毛钱一打,不值钱的东西 stand up for 挺身而出,替谁说话 knight in shining armor 漂亮骑士,白马王子 ...

Let me stand up for the history, English and art classes, even in the face of today's economic realities. 请让我为历史、英文和艺术课摇旗呐喊,即使在如今的经济现实面前。
Is the software development organization willing to stand up for the merits of these changes to the workforce? 软件开发组织愿意坚持这些变更对职工的价值吗?
I believe that you are innocent (of the crime), and I'll stand up for you anywhere. 我相信你是清白的,无论在哪里我都会支持你。
You are being legitimately assertive when you stand up for your rights in such a way that the rights of others are not violated. 如果你在主张自己的权利时没有冒犯他人的权利,这种果敢自信就是正当的。
The private sector needs to stand up for the system that will allow you to thrive over the long run. 私营企业需要站出来支持这个会让你在长期发展中茁壮成长的体系。
I remember watching her bake cheesecakes , hem skirts, efficiently manage departments at Macy's and stand up for her children. 我记得看着她烤牛乳饼,给衣裙缝边,高效率地管理梅西商场的各个部门以及站出来为她的孩子辩护。
How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame. 我是多么痛恨自己如此懦弱!痛恨自己不能站起来反抗,这让我感到深深地羞愧。
I've seen people who stand up for me with courage and I've discovered some with a hidden side. 我看到一些人鼓足勇气站在我身边,也看到一些人不为人知的一面。
Like the elders or nobles, we are afraid to stand up for fear of men, and just follow what people do. 像那些长老贵胄那样,我们不敢站稳立场,因为害怕他人,并只是盲目地跟随别人。
Assertiveness training can reduce stress by teaching you to stand up for your legitimate rights without bullying or being bullied. 果敢自信训练通过教会你维护自己的正当权益但又不欺负人或被人欺负,来帮你减轻压力。
Some women simply like to test you to see how well you stand up for yourself; others just like to exert their own power. 有些女人仅仅想测试一下你有多么坚持自我;另外一些则仅仅喜欢执行他们自己的权力。
I made you and everyone who supported me a promise: to stand up for our shared values and to never back down. 我使你,大家谁支持我的承诺:站起来为我们共同的价值观和永不退缩。
Be ready to courageously stand up for what you know to be right. 准备好为了你所信仰的而站起来吧。
She refused to stand up for a white man and was arrested by the police. 她拒绝给一个白人让座而被逮捕了。
Jeff, you've got to stand up for your rights at work. 这位哥哥对弟弟说:杰夫,你在工作的地方得挺出身来维护你自己的权益。
Do not be in a hurry to leave the king's presence. Do not stand up for a bad cause, for he will do whatever he pleases. 不要急躁离开王的面前,不要固执行恶,因为他凡事都随自己的心意而行。
Stand up for yourself and she'll respect you more. Letting a woman walk all over you is a clear sign to her that you're needy. 自立将使她更尊重你,让一个女人老是围着你转,这清楚的标志着,你需要她。
Stand up for your rights. Chances to express your ideas and beliefs can bring popularity as long as you're not arrogant. 只要你坚持立场,不妄自尊大,适时地阐述自己的观点和想法一定能为你赢得众多的好评。
Once more, we've seen the incredible potential for technology to empower citizens and the dignity of those who stand up for a better future. 而且,我们已经看到了技术在给民众授权和给期待美好未来的民众尊严过程中发挥出了难以置信的潜力。
would make her a mature woman unafraid to stand up for her beliefs. 让她成为勇于守护自己信念的成熟女性。
if you do not agree with my ideas, I hope you can stand up for me in good faith by giving me a little encouragement. 如果你连我的构想也不认同,希望你可以为我站出来参选给予一点善意的鼓励。
That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause. 那个候选人是个胆小鬼,他决没有为任何事业仗义执言的勇气。
I feel more inclined to stand up for what I believe as I stand up physically. 我觉得当我站直了的时候,我更愿意支持维护我相信的事物。
But some people would take advantage of you if you don't stand up for your own rights. 但是,要是你不采取行动维护自己的权利的话,有的人就会欺负你。
Thus what I should do is only to seize the gesture, stand up for the light. 因此我所要做的只是保持当初的姿势,指引光明。
All of these helped me take ownership of my meals and stand up for my ideal diet, which in turn helped me stand up for myself. 所有的这些都帮助我成为了膳食的主人,建立了合理的饮食,转而也帮我保持了自我。
A company to maintain their rights are not the people, but also expect him to stand up for the interests of the company do? 一个连自身权益都不敢维护的人,还能指望他为公司的利益挺身而出吗?
That doesn't mean you shouldn't stand up for your beliefs, but sometimes fighting in the legal arena can be a bad business decision. 这并不意味着你不应该坚守你的信仰,但是有时候在法律竞技场上争吵将会是个很坏的商业决定。
The goal of assertiveness is to stand up for your rights without violating those of others'. 自信的目标是在不违反别人的权益下维护自己的权益。
You always gonna stand up for yourself. You just have to fight for yourself, because basically nobody else gonna fight for you. 你要为自己辩护。你要为自己斗争,因为其他人是不会帮你做这些事情的。