straight away

  • adv.马上
  • 网络立刻;立刻地;毫不犹豫地

straight awaystraight away

straight away


典范英语5-8总结 - 豆丁网 ... save sb. from drowning 让我不被淹死; straight away 立即;马上; fade away 消失; ...


away的用法_百度知道 ... right away [口]马上, 立刻 straight away [口]马上, 立刻 away with 把...拿走[带走]; 离开 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... apply for 申请;请求 straight away 立刻地;毫不犹豫地 hold back 退缩;踌躇 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... apply for 申请;请求 straight away 立刻地;毫不犹豫地 hold back 退缩;踌躇 ...


北师大版高中英语单词及短... ... at all costs 不管多大代,无论如何 113. straight away 立刻,马上 114. wipe out 彻底毁灭 115. ...


实用口语-Simon老师2012年6月25日... ... Straight away. 马上,立刻。 I need to give x weeks notice. 我需要有x周的时间 ...


旅游服务业初级英语教程Lesson7... ... 琴: 噢,是这样。非常抱歉。 Jean:Oh yes,I see. I’m sorry. 并跟着重复Straight away. ...

He might have landed the wrong way, I don't know. I will have to see it again. Straight away he wanted to be substituted. 他可能落地的时候发生了意外,我不太清楚,我会继续了解的,我只知道他当时马上就示意他不能继续比赛,我们需要找人替换他下场。
I can't decide straight away but I'll think over your idea and let you know what I decide. 我眼下没法决定,可是我会把你想法好好想一下,再让你知道我的决定。
In Switzerland and the European Union banks face restrictions on how much of a bonus they can pay in cash straight away. 瑞士和欧盟的银行直接用现金当奖金的额数受到限制。
Afterward a couple of people figured out that it was really a self-experiment on me, but I didn't own up to it straight away. 后来一些人发现这其实是一个我拿自己做的一个实验,但我没有马上承认。
My boy wanted to eat the rice straight away. But then I thought, 'How can I let him leave the world after only a few years of life? ' 我的孩子想马上吃饭,但是我问自己怎么可以让这么小的孩子离开这个世界。
There have been games, Fulham I can think of straight away, where we have had countless chances to be one or two goals up. 有很多场比赛都是这样,我第一个想到的是富勒姆那场,我们有无数次的机会能领先一或两个球。
Don't waste any of that excited energy - make up with your partner straight-away with some between the sheets action. 不要浪费任何兴奋的能量-用最直接的方法也就是床上翻云覆雨来和你的另一半和解。
One of the comedians was a Manchester United fan, so he was ribbing me straight away - but I think I handled it quite well. 一位戏剧演员是曼联的球迷,所以他直接地戏弄我,但是我认为我将这个问题处理得很好。
Glen had a problem and Soto was ill, so it just a question of getting ready straight away. 壮神有些问题,基叔也还没恢复。因此我只能马上准备比赛。
I am trying to establish the facts and if I get any information I will let you know straight away. 我正在努力寻找答案,一有消息就会马上通知大家。
He wanted people just to take it out the box and plug it in and use it straight away. 他想要人们从盒子里拿出来,插上插头,就可以立马使用。
I can't decide straight away but I'll think over you idea and let you know what I decide. 我现在不能马上下决定,但是我会仔细琢磨你的意见,然后让你知道我的决定是什么。
I used to live in a violinist's house in London when I was a student, and straight away the guy said "you're squeaking" . 在学生时代,我曾经住在伦敦的一位小提琴演奏家那里,一旦我在演奏中出现换把杂音,他就会马上指出。
Charng-er swallowed the medicine and the body straight away from the ground, rushed out of the window float to the sky, fly away. 嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离空中、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。
If you don't get the hell out of here straight away, I'll lock you up for disturbing the peace and I'll never let you out. 要是你们不马上从这里滚出去,我就以扰乱治安罪把你们关起来,永远不放你们出来。
Sharon: Certainly. I'll make an appointment with him straight away. Is there anything else I can do to be helpful? 当然可以。我马上就去约他。还有什么需要我帮忙的吗?
Backlinks on URLS should be active straight away. We expect them to be picked up in search engines within 72 hours. URL的反向链接应该马上被激活。我们期望他们能够在搜索引擎注册采摘72小时内。
Metal ores are often found mixed with rock and dirt and are rarely pure enough to be processed straight away . 人们找到的金属矿石经常是和岩石及尘土混在一起,很少纯净得可以直接进行加工处理。
Now he found a new team which has allowed him to play straight away and he has found continuity. 现在他找到了一个新的球队,进攻都围着他在展开,他也在连续的进球。
She picked up the knife, looked at me and I took 10 shots. I knew straight away: I've got a picture. 她拿着那把刀,看着我,我拍了差不多10张-----直觉,我要的照片就在这里面了。
Today, I was trying to run some simple WCF application in visual web developer express 2008 and straight away run into problems. 今天,我试图运行一些在VisualWebDeveloper简单的WCF应用程序,并表示2008年马上遇到了麻烦。
So this interview straight away broke new ground: it was the first Camelot interview in which David joined the two of us for the interview. 所以这次采访马上有了有新的突破:它是第一次大卫也作为采访嘉宾加入我们两个的面谈。
The problem is often posed this way: you've got a friend in your car who will die if you do not get to the hospital straight away. 难题常常这样子摆到你面前:你的车上有一位生命垂危的朋友,如果你不能马上到医院,你朋友将死去。
The bull fell to its knees straight away, very close to where I was standing, and I felt a kind of electric shock go through my body. 公牛马上跪倒在地,离我站得地方很近,我感到自己体内就像过了一阵电。
Then with curses and oaths he said, I have no knowledge of the man. And straight away there came the cry of a cock. 彼得想起耶稣所说的话,鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。他就出去痛哭。
Mourinho will help me with the language barrier, and I hope I can start straight away and won't have any problem to be on the team. 穆里尼奥会帮助我克服语言障碍,我希望我不会在球队里遇到困难,尽快的融入这里。
for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. 这个年龄的象差不多已能干重活,可以很快挣回饲养它的开支。
Some get it straight away, like the teetotal James Milner and Jordan Henderson, and some not so much, like Joe Hart and Adam Johnson. 有些人远离饮酒,就像戒酒主义者米尔纳和亨德森一样,有些则不是,像哈特和亚当约翰逊。
I would be happy if you said to me tomorrow we start again straight away, cut out the holidays and lets go for it again. 如果你告诉我明天我们又重新开始了,我会很高兴,假期之后,让我们重新开始。
I told her straight away what I thought of her. 我把我对她的看法直截了当的告诉了她。