save money

  • 网络省钱;存钱;攒钱

save moneysave money

save money


初三英语短语归纳 - 豆丁网 ... writing paper 稿纸 3. save money 存钱 , 省钱 4. take the elevator 乘电梯 5. ...


初三英语短语归纳 - 豆丁网 ... writing paper 稿纸 3. save money 存钱 , 省钱 4. take the elevator 乘电梯 5. ...


English - 泪落半夏的日志 - 网易博客 ... “费钱” cost money, “攒钱save money, “浪费钱” waste money, ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 514. rush out 冲出去 516. save money 节省钱 518. send away 开除,解雇 ...


音标这样学 有效~_音标吧_百度贴吧 ... 3. 开支明细 Expenditure 4. 节省开支 Save Money 1. 接电话 Answer the Phone ...


牛津7B Unit5 短语和重点句 ... sb 救人 money 节约钱 hospital 住院 ...


英语高分作文单词_百度文库 ... Save time 节省时间 Save money 节省金钱 Save space 节省空间 ...


4、节省费用save money):l 延长织物35%的寿命 l 延长涉水电器50%的寿命 l 精简60%香波、洗发水等洗涤剂 l 管道维修费 …

Fly to one of these and you could save money, as well as have more options for travel dates. 往其中一个机场飞行,你可以省下一笔钱,同时你有更多的选择旅行日期。
After years of going to my friendly bathhouse I have recently purchased a membership, to save money since I go three times a week. 在我多年去到那个友好的浴室之后,最近我购买了会员,因为我每周要去三次这样能够节省很多钱。
John had his sods education in view when he began to save money. 约翰省钱的目的是为使他的儿子受教育。
This enables you to save money by buying in bulk without shorting the length of your update plan. 这使您购买组合许可来省钱的同时又不会缩短升级计划期,
Go grocery shopping once a week. You'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once. 一周去一次杂货店。在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。
I see. I'll buy the endowment policy, for it enables me to save money for my own old age and provide money for my husband if I die. 我明白了,我要买养老保险,因为它使我老年有钱花,我死后,我丈夫也会有钱花。
If you want to save money, how much money do you want in the bank by the end of the year? 如果你想省钱,你希望到底年底银行里能有多少钱?
'How much of a contraction in demand will we have because if people want to have something they'll have to save money before they buy? ' 如果因为人们需要攒钱才能购买他们想要的东西,我们的需求将面临多大的萎缩呢?
Eaglen agreed that personnel cuts are likely - and, she said, the wrong way to save money. 易格拉认为,裁军是有可能的——她还说,这是节省经费的错误做法。
It is not always possible to take a call due to some tariff constrains or the caller may be expecting a call back from you to save money. 它并不总是能采取一个电话,由于一些关税限制或来电者可能期望从你回电话省钱。
It was his strong influence that made me give up the thought of going to a normal school to save money for the family. 正是因为他的极力劝阻,才使我打消了去上师范,以减轻家庭负担的念头。
Still, he continued to call on owners as he traveled across the USA, sleeping in his car to save money. 但是,他在穿越美国的旅行途中仍坚持拨打电话给那些餐馆经营者。为了节省开支,他睡在小汽车上。
Make it a sub-conscious habit to save money in things that you do every day, even if it is a few dollars. 在每天的生活中你都要有一个省钱的潜意识,即使那只是几美元。
As a result of officials trying to save money by getting the Internet to do a translator's job, a total of 7500 brochures had to be binned. 官员们之所以借助互联网来完成翻译工作,是想节省开支,结果7500本旅游手册不得不作废。
I'm trying to save money. I've decided to brown-bag it from today. 我要省钱,我决定从今天开始自己带饭。
"If you could turn the operating room in a [hospital] building into a plant, it would save money on health care, " he said. “如果你可以把(医院里)的手术室变成生产车间,这将在医疗方面节省费用。”他说。
But he thought himself to save money, the heart is very happy. 不过转念一想自己倒是能省钱,心里倒是挺高兴。
Pay your bills electronically. You can save at least half the time when paying monthly bills and save money on postage. That's a good deal! 使用电子付帐。这样你在付每月帐单的时候可以节约至少一半时间并且可以省掉邮资。真是一个划算的办法!
I'd like to take a vacation with my wife. However, we have decided to save money for a rainy day . 我想跟太太一起去度假,不过后来我们还是决定存些钱以备将来不时之需。
You know, I'm trying to save money to buy a car. I also have to support a family. So I'm busy trying to make ends meet. 你知道,我要攒钱买车,又要养家糊口,所以我正忙着收支平衡。
At this point I was just waiting to get eliminated and working out and trying to save money. 只希望赶紧结束我的软禁期,出去找工作,然后存点钱。
One New Jersey man decided to paint the exterior of his house to save money. It was all going well until the ladder slipped. 新泽西有位仁兄为了省钱,决定自己粉刷屋子的外墙。本来一切顺利,但到了最后,梯子滑倒了。
And, to save money, they should buy more programming from outside, rather than trying to make it all in-house. 而且,为了节约他们应该从外界购买更多的节目,而不是试图全部自己制作。
These professionals may also be able to help you find ways to save money in your foreign financial affairs. 这些专家可能帮助你节省国外生意的财务资金。
Across the country, cash-strapped state governments are shutting down business for a day at a time to save money. 全美各地腰包紧张的州政府都开始暂停办公一天,以便节约资金。
So, if you can save money right from the beginning, the rest of your life is going to be a lot easier. 所以,如果你从一开始就在攒钱,你接下来的生活会轻松的多。
The salary is fine to live on, but whether you can save money depends on how much going out and traveling you do here. 工资是好的生活,但是否可以省钱取决于有多少走出去,你在这里做的旅行。
This may be a bit more expensive in the short run, but in the long run could help your organization save money on implementation costs. 在短期的运行中,费用可能会多一些,但是长期的运行将有助于您的企业节约实现成本。
First of all, you can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of save money. when you really need money, you can tae it out. 首先我们可以把钱存入银行养成一个节约金钱的好习惯。当你真的需要钱的时候,你可以取出来。
By connecting them to suppliers storefronts on the internet, he said the merchants can get a more reliable stream of goods and save money. 他表示,通过把他们与互联网上的供应商商户联系起来,批发商可以更可靠地获得商品并节约资金。