draw up

  • na.写出;正容;整(队);拉起(鱼网等)
  • 网络起草;草拟;停住

第三人称单数:draws up 现在分词:drawing up 过去式:drew up 过去分词:drawn up

draw updraw up

draw up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... draw to a close 结束;终结 draw up 起草,制订 dream of 梦到;梦想;向往 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... draw in ( 火车、汽车 ) 到站 draw up 写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up 穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... draw in ( 火车、汽车 ) 到站 draw up 写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up 穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... draw to a close 结束;终结 draw up 起草,制订 dream of 梦到;梦想;向往 ...


考博英语词汇 ... draw in 拉入,吸人; (火车,汽车)进站,到达;吸收 draw up 起草;拟订;(使车、马)停下 dress up 化装;装饰…


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... dragon 龙 draw up 起草,拟订;(使)停住 drawer 抽屉 ...


石油英语词汇(D6)--石油百科 ... draw twister 拉伸加捻机 draw up 拟定 draw vice 紧线钳 ...


draw英语单词是什么意思_百度知道 ... draw together 把...连接在一起 draw up 写出; 草拟, 制订 air draw 气枕压延 ...

Draw up a list of what's important, then draw up a list of what you have to do the next day and compare the two. 列出一份清单,写上重要的事情,然后再列出一份你第二天必须做的事情的清单,然后比较二者。
It was like watching a starved plant draw up water, to see her drink in his companionship. 这情形就象看着一株憔悴的植物吸进水份一样,眼看着她和自己在一起吸收着友谊。
The XML Query Working Group did not draw up a formal list of the principles that guided the design of XQuery. XMLQuery工作组没有起草指导XQuery设计的正式原则表。
For a construction project for which the developing unit is required to draw up a detailed construction plan, it shall submit such a plan. 需要建设单位编制修建性详细规划的建设项目,还应当提交修建性详细规划。
He looked so tired that I asked him to draw up a chair and take the load off his feet. 他看来很累,所以我要他拿张椅子坐。
One of the earliest activities of the Query working group was to draw up a formal statement of requirements for an XML query language. Query工作组的早期活动之一就是起草XML查询语言需求的正式声明。
The organisation was asked to draw up plans well over a year ago, but it has yet to issue a final report. 该组织被要求在一年前开始起草计划,但它还需要发布一个最终报告。
Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy. 其目的就是构建一个国际社会认可的框架来推行非集权化和当地的民主建设。
The White House also is ordering government agencies to draw up a communications plan to explain their operations in a time of crisis. 白宫还下令政府机构制定联络计划,以便在危机时期能传递工作信息。
An announcement Friday carried by state-media said the North would draw up new regulations for the Kaesong industrial complex on its own. 北韩星期五通过国营媒体发表声明说,北韩将自行制定开城工业园区的新规章制度。
He said he has directed his administration to draw up a full range of options to respond to the crisis. 奥巴马说,他已授意美国政府制定全方位的选择方案,以应对利比亚危机。
The Chair said he would draw up all the proposals and during consultations check whether there were any new proposals on the list. 主席说,他会准备所有的提案,并在磋商期间检查清单上是否有新的提案。
Is responsible to draw up the company each finance system, the design arrangement reasonable effective finance flow AND-OPERATION policy. 负责制订公司各项财务制度,设计安排合理有效的财务流程与操作方针。
The task of this meeting should be to identify your objectives, allocate roles for your group members and draw up a constitution. 这次会议的工作是要确定你的目标,分配你们小组成员角色及制定规则。
Most couples draw up divorce papers when they're missing out on an amazing moment of deepening and enlightenment and connection. 很多夫妻因为错过了加深彼此了解,互相开导和沟通的重要时刻,而签署了离婚协议。
exhale, downward dog, bend your knees, draw up to your belly, ground evenlly with your hands, and feel the spine getting longer. 呼,下犬式,屈膝,伸展直到腹部,双手均匀施力压地,感觉脊柱越拉越长;
Assist Manager production draw up the department annual plan to meet the company development strategy. 依据公司发展战略目标,协助生产经理组织制定部门的年度计划;
Just a moment, please. I'll draw up your bill for you. Your bill totals yuan. 稍等一下,我帮您结算账单。你账单总计元。
An important clue, he said, is found in the faces of apes, which draw up their mouths as well. 他说,在类人猿身上发现了一条重要线索,它们也会咧开嘴。
Just a moment, please, madam. I'll draw up your bill for you. 请等一下夫人,我将为您出账单
Just a moment , please . I'll draw up your bill for you. you. 请等一下,我帮你您结算账单
Before the government attempts to turn Taipei into a Northeast Asian Double Gold Hub, it needs to draw up plans for a new Sungshan Airport. 在擘画台北未来成为东北亚双黄金航线之前,可能政府必须先规画出一个新松山机场的建设计画来;
The condition allow and draw up to hold some mountain climbing activities, dancing party and swim a skill etc. activity. 条件允许,拟举行一些登山活动、舞会、游艺等活动。
The Delegation felt that the proposals fell within the efforts already made to draw up a plan of action for WIPO for development. 该代表团认为,这些提案符合为WIPO制定发展行动计划的一贯努力。
For all the fuss about Britain, the main failure in Brussels was to draw up a plan to save the euro. 英国造成的麻烦中,最主要的失败是没能在布鲁塞尔制定拯救欧元的方案。
This item draw up to find out a kind of method to blend these informations that have the different characteristic and form together. 本项目拟找到一种方法将这些具有不同特征和形式的信息融合到一起。
A group created at the meeting will draw up a plan for the next year, said Stott. Stoot说,此次会议建立的一个小组将在明年提出一个方案。
Client: Great, it's a deal! Let's draw up the contract! Nice doing business with you! 客户:太好了,成交!让我们草拟合同吧!和你做生意真好!
Some see a market opportunity and draw up a business plan to take advantage of it. 有些发现了市场机遇,然后筹划自己的商业蓝图来把握机遇。
He said India remained a threat but confirmed that it is the ISI's role to draw up security assessments. 他说,印度依然是一个威胁,不过确认拟定安全评估报告是ISI的责任。