to some extent

  • na.在某种程度上
  • 网络在一定程度上;从某种程度上讲;从某种程度来讲

to some extentto some extent

to some extent


词组_百度文库 ... compensate for 弥补,补偿,赔偿 to some extent 在一定程度上 in detail 详细地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give expression to 表达出,反映 to some extent 在某种程度上 catch sb.'s eye 引起(某人)注目 ...


初二词组_百度知道 ... 根本不,一点也不 not……at all 从某种程度上讲 to some extent 不是...而是... not but ...


八年级下册外研版英语单词_百度知道 ... 8、extent n. 程度,范围 9、to some extent 从某种程度来讲 ①collect v. 收集 ...


巧用插入语,提升考研写作... ... at the mercy of 在······支配下 to some extent 从一定程度上讲 at length 终于,最后;详细地 ...


《背诵为王全套文本》全文在线阅读及txt下载 ... official 官方的 to some extent 达到某种程度 billion 千万 ...


八年级下册英语期末复习提纲 人教版_百度知道 ... see off 送别…… to some extent 从某种程度讲 need doing sth. 需要被…… ...

Frankly speaking, we don not know each other quite well before our marriage and I hurt her to some extent at the first. 坦白的讲,我们在结婚前几乎不了解彼此,而且从某种程度上说我在一开始的时候还曾经伤害了他。
All that being said, the data seen here is still valuable to some extent. 尽管如此,这张图表在某种程度上还是非常有价值的。
Everyone is judgmental to some extent, no matter how much they'll deny it. 不管他们承认与否,每个人在某种程度上都有些批判意味。
To some extent, the elder might have saved one's life while this guy trying to go through the red light, for he might be hit by other cars. 或许就因为老人的一块砖还救了闯红灯者的一条命呢,因为说不定他闯过去的下一秒就会被其他车撞。
I think it's far more better for you (and, to some extent, for me too) to let you think things by yourself now. 我认为这对你更好(并且,一定程度上来说,也是对我更好)现在让你们自己思考问题。
Compared to that of original image, image quality and image size for the part of interest image have been improved to some extent. 较之原始图像,利用该方法得到的区域图像符合人眼视觉特征,在图像质量和尺寸大小方面均有改善;
To some extent, whether you can get a thing done or not does not depend on your ability, but on how much you want to do it. 从某种程度上说,能否完成一件事不是取决于你有多大的能力,而是你多想。
The sciences are trying to break out of this, to some extent, but econ is a long ways from doing that. 科学家们正在尝试着打破这一规则,但在某种程度上,这对于经济学而言还有很长的路要走。
And pointed out that: This system, unique for the Gaochang until the yeast's kingdom, is still to some extent inherited. 并指出:这种制度,为高昌特有,直至麴氏王国,还在一定程度上承袭。
To some extent, history of western Music is seem to be a history that reflect the music genre's development and change . 从某种意义上说,一部西方音乐史也就是一部表现音乐体裁兴衰嬗变的历史。
To some extent, it has a clear physical significance due to taking into account of two main strain parameters on the critical plane. 该参量考虑了临界面上的两个控制疲劳损伤的主要参数,因而其本身具有一定的物理意义。
The Internet Archive is doing this to some extent, but I'm not sure it's the kind of rigorous archival that scholars crave, useful as it is. 在某种程度上网络存档正在做这个,虽然它有用,但是我不知道这是不是学者们渴望的那种严格的存档。
That's the best word that I've ever heard today. She did to some extent. She patented an idea that later became the crutch of mobile phone. 这是我今天听到的最好的话了.在某种意义上说,她确实发明了.她申请过一个专利,而这个专利就是奠定了现在手机技术的基础。
No wonder man to say, lady vain, in fact, to some extent, a woman who was also been spoilt by a man, isn't it? 也难怪男人要说,女人虚荣了,其实从某种程度说,女人的虚荣也是被男人宠出来的,难道不是吗?
I think, to some extent, be able to understand the academic line, a highly unified academic is not a true academic. 我认为,某种程度上,学术的认识不可能高度一致,高度统一的学术不是真正的学术。
To some extent, China's embrace of the car has been a predictable result of growing urban affluence. 在某种程度上,中国对轿车敞开怀抱一直都是不断富裕的城市生活可以预见的结果。
But identifying and exploiting concepts common to two or more categories can smooth over the boundaries to some extent. 但确定和利用两种或多种类别的公共概念能够在某种程度上打破相互之间的藩篱。
Obviously things have improved significantly and the main tail risks we had at the beginning of the year have to some extent dissipated. 显然,情况已经明显好转,且年初的主要尾部风险在一定程度上已经消散。
This highlights the point that AgBank is to some extent, like all major Chinese banks, an arm of the state that must lend when it's told to. 这凸显了一个事实,即农行和中国所有大银行一样,或多或少地是一个国家机关,政府让它贷款,它就必须贷款。
In such a case, Reformation, to some extent, turned to be a turning point for the transition of economic ethics. 宗教改革从某种程度上成为这种经济伦理转变的一个契机和转折点。
Wang said he wept many times while writing the lyrics, which to some extent were mainly based on his own decades-long singing dream. 王太利说,自己在写这首歌歌词时哭了很多次,这些歌词在某种意义上来自于他几十年来一直坚持的歌唱梦想。
But the subjective evaluation measures were to some extent not consistent with the result of the performance. 不过主观评估结果与绩效测量结果并不完成一致。
However, there is no denying that the role of the US dollar in its current status has been weakened at least to some extent. 但是,毫无疑问,美元的地位在某种程度上有所削弱。
Bathsheba's feeling is always to some extent dependent upon her whim, as is the case with many other women. 就象其他许多女人一样,巴丝谢芭的感情在某种程度上也总是受其冲动所支配的。
"From Huawei's standpoint, there's nothing to lose, " he said by telephone. "To some extent, they've tried everything else. " 他在电话中说到:“从华为的角度来看,(这样做)并不会有什么损失。从某种程度上说,他们已经试过了其余所有的方法。”
in spite of its important effect in the long - term construction of the army , it has its own historical limit to some extent. 尽管在长期的军队建设中发挥过重要作用,但是还带有一定的历史局限性。
Two years of intense suffering have brought Irish wages down to some extent, although Spain and Greece have barely begun the process. 长达两年严重经济困难让爱尔兰的工资得到一定程度的下降,但是西班牙和希腊还没有开始这一进程。
Chinese activity in the Arctic to some extent mirrors that of other non-Arctic countries, as the region warms. 在一定程度上,随着该地区的变暖,中国在北极的活动反映了其他非北极国家在这里的活动。
Before arrival of the next social tide, to some extent, design methods of expression and reproduction will tend to be balanceable. 在下一次社会浪潮汹涌到来之前,表现与再现的设计手法虽然此此起彼伏,但将在某种范围内趋向平衡。
The results show that this method can improve the system's performance to some extent. 实验结果表明,噪声多高斯建模方法还是能够在一定程度上提高系统识别的性能。