tear down

  • na.拆毁;扯下;猛冲
  • 网络拆除;拆卸;拆除某物

第三人称单数:tears down 现在分词:tearing down 过去式:tore down 过去分词:torn down

tear downtear down

tear down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... taste of 有…味道(或气息) tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁 tear off 急速脱掉 ...


高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... put down 记下,镇压 tear down 拆毁,拆除 turn down 关小,调低 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... taste of 有…味道(或气息) tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁 tear off 急速脱掉 ...


高中英语词组大全 ... tea room 茶室 tear down 拆卸 tell lies 撒谎 ...


高一英语词汇表 ... get through 通过;度过;到达 tear down 弄倒某物;拆除某物 incredible adj. 难以置信的 ...


四级词汇练习:Tear them apart!_新浪教育_新浪网 ... tear away (使)勉强离去; tear down 拆掉,拆除; tear into 攻击,抨击…


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... come down 下落,传下 tear down 拆毁,拆除 6.动词+ at come at 向……袭击 ...

"I'll listen to what they propose, but I'm not ready to tear down the institution in order to remake it, " he says. 我将听听他们的建议(NUP的建议)但我并不准备分裂组织,重建组织。
Those who long to see an independent Palestine must also stop trying to tear down Israel. 那些期盼看到巴勒斯坦独立的人也不应该再要求摒弃以色列。
And he said, I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and I will gather there all my wheat and my goods. 又说,我要这样办:要把我的仓房拆了,另盖更大的,好在那里收藏我一切的麦子和财物。
Is about to tear down the wall around the enterprise which will enable departments directly facing the market for services. 即将企业四周的墙推倒,使各部门直接面向市场进行服务。
It is often cheaper to tear down buildings than to repair them. 拆毁建筑物常常要比维修它们便宜。
Of course, keep focused on markets like the United States and Europe, but simultaneously work to tear down trade barriers among yourselves. 继续重视美国和欧洲这样的市场是理所当然的,但同时也应当努力消除你们彼此之间的贸易壁垒。
The first thing we did when buying our new flat was to tear down the wall between the kitchen and the living room. 我们买了新公寓后的第一件事就是自己动手拆掉厨房和起居室之间的墙。
Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 又说:‘我要这么办:要把我的仓房拆了,另盖更大的,在那里好收藏我一切的粮食和财物
Ksplice also provides a pair of hooks to run setup and tear-down code immediately before and immediately after the kernel is updated. Ksplice还提供一对hooks,可以在更新内核之前和之后运行设置和清理代码。
(tear down) In terms of cost, it's a lot cheaper to tear down a 50? year? old building than to rehabilitate it. 从成本角度考虑,拆掉一幢50年的建筑比修复(rehabilitate)它要便宜得多。
Tear down, smashing you asleep at the face, a dream, you calling me gently, let me , endure the pain, wave, my back to the clouds. 一滴泪滑落,砸在你熟睡的脸,梦中,你轻轻地呼唤着我,让我肝肠寸断,强忍着悲痛,挥挥手,我又回到了云端。
Then the man began to tear down the ceiling of his house, and burn that in the Oven. 接下来,这个人开始拆除天花板,放进炉子里烧。
You'll rue the day when you hear the battle cries of a hundred thousand iksar as they tear down the gates and decimate Freeport ! 当你听到成千上万的伊克萨人在突破并佔领自由港时发出的战吼,你将会怀念以往的日子!
He was trying to tear down Mr Li's good name by saying some bad words behind him. 他企图用在背后说坏话的方式毁坏李先生的好名声。
We have to set up our shop to make these things and that takes about a day to set up and another half day to tear down when we finish. 这些产品在工厂生产时,光装置就要花一天,在生产完毕后,又要花半天时间拆除。
Its first act was to tear down the Quantum Gate network, the primary method of traveling to and from distant systems. 它的第一件事就是拆除量子门网络,来往遥远系统的主要方法。
So he said to the men of Peniel, "When I return in triumph, I will tear down this tower. " 他向毗努伊勒人说:“我平平安安回来的时候,我必拆毁这楼。”
The city government planned to tear down the whore-house. And the news irritated all the prostitutes. 市政府计划拆除妓院,这项消息激怒了所有妓女。
When a received callback indicates errors processing the WS1 message, the converged application may also tear down the call. 如果收到的回调表明处理WS1消息时出错,聚合应用程序也可能终止调用。
Obviously, the best measuring equipment is portable instrument because the train wheel is hard to move or tear down. 显然,对于不便拆卸与人工移动的铁道车轮,其测量工具主要还是便携式仪器。
we heard about sons and daughters on their way to Iraq and the need to tear down an old hospital that had become a blight on downtown. 我们听到镇民的儿女准备去伊拉克战场的事,听到拆除一家旧式医院的必要,因为它给市区带来不好的影响。
On January 2 his gaming flagship, Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, announced that it would tear down the Lisboa hotel and casino. 1月2日,他旗下的博彩旗舰产业澳门博彩股份有限公司(SociedadedeJogosdeMacau)宣布,将拆掉葡京(Lisboa)赌场酒店。
Now Sanders wants to share her story in an effort to tear down the stigma of mental illness. 现在桑德斯想分享她的故事以洗去精神疾病的阴影。
Now, two-dozen men can tear down a mountain in several months, and only for about a few years-worth of coal. 现在只要二十几个人就能在几个月内把一座山开采一空,而开采出的煤炭只够使用几年。
Tear down the dangerous wall as soon as possible , or sometime it may fall down and injure your family . 尽早拆除这垛危险的墙,否则不知什么时候会倒下来伤害到你家人。
After one man is arrested, the protesters try to tear down the barbed wire of the security barrier with their bare hands. 在一人被捕之后,游行示威者们试着空手去拆毁安全隔离墙的铁丝网。
A drop of tear down from my cheek behind the big sunglasses and fell into the sea. 一滴液体从我硕大的墨镜后面顺着脸颊留下来掉进海水里
I will tear down your castle, stone by stone if I have to, but I will have your head. 我会粉碎你得城堡,如果需要的话,一块石头也不放过,不过我会保留你的头颅。
The first step, says Mr Jarvis, is to tear down any walls around the website. 贾维斯先生说,第一步是拆掉网站周围的“墙”。
The only way to remove that lock is to explicitly tear down Derby's connection to the database. 去掉这个锁的惟一方法是拆掉Derby到数据库的连接。