the origin

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the originthe origin

the origin


正 欧文·斯通(Irving Stone)写的《起源》(The Origin)一书,副题为“达尔文传记小说”,是一部以达尔文历史为背景的文学作品。这 …


Phim video clip... ... 漫谈同性恋. rmvb 原点 The Origin (跨性别、同志、性别认同) 爱你爱我爱自己 Love Myself ...


一堂美国文化课:讲授美国梦 ... Teaching the American Dream 一堂美国文化课:讲授美国梦 The origin 来源 The developmen…


Table of Contents -... ... 背景 The Background 源起 The Origin 策导委员会 The Steering Committee ...


原点阅读The Origin)”丛书,是由清华大学出版社发起创建的科技文化类图书品牌,秉承“科学让个人更智慧,让社会更理性…


Electrical Engineering By... ... Philosophy 哲学一谈 The Origin 软体与电力电子的关系 软体领域 Computer Software ...


这个名为起源the origin)的洗漱盆设计是由一个名叫”nothing design group”的工作室设计,整体给人的感觉像我们中国的书 …

When you begin a merge branches operation, you know which changes from the origin you want to be applied over in the target. 当你开始一个合并分支操作,你知道你要从源应用到目标的变更。
Biluochun regardless of how the name of the origin of the tea has a long history, as early as a tribute tea is no doubt of. 碧螺春不管如何对茶叶原产地的名称历史悠久,早在赞扬茶是没有疑问。
Although the origin of this holiday was purely religious, it has evolved into a highly secular celebration each year. 尽管这个节日的起因纯粹是宗教性的,但它已演变成了每年的非常世俗化的庆祝活动。
But the origin of the jury system has been a topic of controversy in the long-term legal history, yet still no definite answer. 但关于英国陪审制度的起源,却一直是法制史中长期争论的话题,至今仍无确切答案。
It may not be the sort of thing to discuss over dinner, but research is opening a lively debate on the origin of the anus. 这也许不是饭后闲谈的事情,但是研究正开启关于器官起源的激烈的争论。
Hopefully, you can see that if I take a normal vector to the sphere it is actually pointing radially out away from the origin. 我希望大家能够了解,如果我将法向量平移至球面,那么它将以原点为心向外放射。
So, the position of this point, P, is going to be the same as OP knowing the vector OP from the origin to this moving point. 点P的位置就是,从原点指向这个运动点的向量。
Now, I introduce you the origin of the famous western ciy, and hope that this can favor you to understand the city for a reference! 在此,我向大家介绍这座西部文化名城名称的由来,希望能为您了解这座城市提供参考!
About the origin of the modern state of national history pedigree, it is often the invention of modern times. 有关现代国家起源的民族史系谱,往往是近代的发明。
People are losing a sense of work ethic, the idea of working for what you got, unable to really be thankful for the origin of things. 人们失去了职业道德意识,为了得到什么而工作,是无法真正感激事物根源的。
Money is not, as is usually said, the origin of all evils. 金钱并非像平常说的那样是万恶之源。
However, up to now, so much controversy exists for the origin of five elements & philosophy connotation of five elements. 但是关于五行学说的起源及哲学内涵至今还存在许多争论。
Angst as an inevitable result of nihilism, it corresponds to the origin form and nature of nihilism. 恐惧作为虚无主义的必然结果,与虚无主义的起源形式及本质相对应。
This request could not be forwarded to the origin server or to any parent caches. 这个请求无法被发送到服务器的起源或任何母公司缓存。最有可能的原因是,这个错误。
The origin of this Chinese-American dish is a bit of a mystery. 这个中式美国食物的由来到现在还是个谜。
The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage. 人类灵魂的下方--往往被称之为阴暗面--是每一个自我破坏的行为的发源地。
I believe the number of population of any ethnic group should not be a factor that obscures the origin. I explain some evidences. 任何种族都不能利用人口数量来模糊本源,我将陈述一些证据。
a So, as I've said, if I set rho equals a, that will be just a sphere of radius a centered at the origin. 我已经说过了,如果把ρ设为,就得到一个以原点为球心的球面。
The text, based on the origin and content of the brush style as a premise, trying to put forward the specific ideas of my own. 对笔法的产生与内容的探问,是对笔法深入研究的必要前提。本文即从这两方面提出自己的见解。
Disguising or concealing the origin or nature of any crime-related income or the proceeds generated therefrom by any other means. 以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得及其收益的来源和性质的。
Researchers have been trying to explain the origin of the ammonia that triggered the formation of the first biomolecules on Earth. 研究者们已经试图解释氨的来源,引起地球上第一个生物分子的形成。
The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated by scientists. 宇宙的起源问题现在仍然是科学家们激烈争论的话题。
The origin of this phrase is linked with an early British practice, at a time when forests were still the exclusive property of royalty. 这个成语的来由是和早先英国的一个行为有关,那时候森林还是皇家的专属财产。
I have no doubt that the origin of this system, achieving mensuration by way numeration, so to speak, is to be sought in the East. 我并不怀疑,这种通过计数的方法来测量的体系,其源头在东方。
I will attempt to make a few observations on the origin and nature of our asthma. 我想要对“我们的哮喘”的根源和本性讲几个观点。
So it is rather easy to spoof the origin of a complaint, while giving Facebook and the accused no chance for a direct rejoinder. 因此,这是比较容易谎报投诉来源的,同时这也使得Facebook与被投诉方都没有直接反驳的机会。
Yet the origin of the matter they observe will remain shrouded in mystery. 但是,这些物质的起源将永远保持著神秘。
But the fact was that you had to exclaim how such unbelievable thing happened in real life when you saw the origin of the chaos. 但事实是,当你看到这出闹剧起源时,你不得不惊叹这样难以置信的事情竟会发生在现实生活中。
The origin of the the hybrid yeast used for making the popular golden brew has been a persistent mystery. 用来酿造普通金色啤酒的混合酵母的起源一直是个谜。
Is a one pairs of each season, each is an age of a tree, which bearing in mind the origin of life. 每一棵对都是一个季节,每一棵树就是一个年龄,它铭记着生命的本源。