go wrong

  • na.走错路;失败
  • 网络出毛病;出错;发生故障

go wronggo wrong

go wrong


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... adult n 成人 ; 成年人 go wrong 走错路,误入歧途; 不对头;出毛病 follow-up n 后续 △ ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 15. first of all 首先,第一 16. go wrong 走错路 18. make a noise 吵闹,喧哗 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... do sb. wrong 冤枉(委屈)某人 go wrong 出错;发生故障 all the years round 一年到头 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... do sb. wrong 冤枉(委屈)某人 go wrong 出错;发生故障 all the years round 一年到头 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... go up 上升,(物价等)上涨 go wrong 出错;发生故障,出毛病 grow up 成熟;成年;发展 ...


大学英语4级英语词组 ... go without 没有 go wrong 发生故障,出毛病;出错,犯错误 had better 还是…好,应该 ...


人教新课标高中英语单词表(山东)_爱问知识人 ... adult n 成人 ; 成年人 go wrong 走错路,误入歧途; follow-up n 后续 ...


高中英语语法-高三英语知识点综合训练3_英语网 ... 17.take off 脱下,起飞 18.go wrong 出问题 19.in all 总之 ...

This kind of boiler is very safe. If it were to go wrong, the controlling system would cut off the fuel oil supply automatically. 这种锅炉很安全。万一锅炉发生故障,控制系统会自动切断燃油的供给。
It was as if the Universe was letting me get a real taste of what can go wrong on the day of a speech. 就像是老天要让我尝尝在演讲那天出错的滋味。
And it's scary to think how much more can go wrong before Inauguration Day. 人们不敢想象在就职典礼前经济形势会恶化到什么层度。
Money is just a commodity, and it is quite ridiculous to put the blame on a non-living object when things go wrong. 金钱只是一种商品,而当事情一旦出错,就把责任归咎于一个没有生命的物体上,这是如此的荒谬不合逻辑!
There have been no disasters among the consortia so far, but sooner or later something is likely to go wrong. 到目前为止,财团中并未出现什么大的灾难,但是早晚会有一些东西出错。
The plans of four once-famous opera singers to put on a concert at their retirement home go wrong as buried grudges come to the surface. 四位过气的歌剧演员计划在他们的养老院办一场演唱会,但随着过去压抑的恩怨浮出水面而难以实施。
A couple things go wrong, and believers may start to look for the next bit of bad luck. 两件不幸的事发生后,相信此说法的人可能就开始寻找下一次厄运了。
But if you look beyond the next few weeks, the fear that something will go wrong later is all too realistic. 但是,如果你长远地来看接下来的几周后,对不久后某种东西将会出问题的担忧就太现实了。
'Good gracious, yes-but you must n't let him scratch that wound, 'said the vet, washing his hands. 'If he does, it may go wrong. ' “真有礼貌,是的-但是你千万不能让他抓到伤口。”兽医一边洗手一边说“如果他这样做了,那会很糟的。”
When all you think of all day long is a pretty face inside a song, with a thought like that, you can't go wrong about the girls of summer. 当一整天你想到的是歌曲里面的可爱脸庞,有了那样的想法,你不能错怪夏日女孩。
As he thought about all that could go wrong, he felt very much alone. 他知道这个手术有死亡的风险,想到这点,他更觉得孤单。
But if you make a 39% return on equity when everything goes right, what if things go wrong, and a hedge fund or two blows up in your face? 在一切顺利的情况下ROE比率达到39%,但是如果情况异常,或是一、两个对冲基金操作失败,情况又会怎样呢?
He might have thought he could not go wrong by opposing a "war from which we may not be able to free ourselves for years" . 他可能认为反对“一场多年无法摆脱的战争”不会有错。
But the skycrane has never been used before, and there is plenty else that could go wrong. “空中起重机”从未使用过,在实际中还可能出现诸多其它差错。
How much can go wrong in the two months before Mr. Obama takes the oath of office? 在奥巴马宣誓就职之前的两个月里,美国这辆失控的马车还会向错误的方向跑多远呢?
But the sky crane has never been used before, and there is plenty else that could go wrong. 除“天空起重机”从未用过外,可能出岔子的地方还有很多。
As you have seen, many things can go wrong as far as packages are concerned when developing your schema in teams or two or more designers. 正如您所看到的那样,只要团队在开发方案时您去关注包,就会发生很多情况。
So it was not so difficult, but of course we needed to be careful that if something did go wrong, we at least had some margin. 比赛不是很困难,但是我们必须小心翼翼,以防万一出什么问题的时候至少我们还留有余地。
If something starts to go wrong at an investment, the investor wants to be able to reach it in no more than an hours car commute. 如果有点开始在投资出毛病,投资者能够到达它在只达小时的汽车交换。
The traditional manual material management, management process trivial, complex, low efficiency and easy to go wrong. 传统手工的资料管理,管理过程繁琐而复杂,执行效率低,并且易于出错。
It's like having a little lawyer on your shoulders all day long, whispering in you ear, "Could that go wrong? Might that go wrong? " 就像是有一个小律师站在你的肩膀,整天对着你的耳朵窃窃私语,“这个会出问题吗?那个可能有问题吗?”
Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, as the company is called, said 'so many things can go wrong' in such a flight, but 'it all went right. ' 空间探索技术公司又称SpaceX,其创始人穆斯克(ElonMusk)说,在这样一次飞行中有太多东西可能出现问题,但它一切顺利。
As I learned when I got to Washington, after things go wrong, the willingness to take responsibility often vanishes. 我后来到了华盛顿之后才懂得,事情出了岔子之后,往往是没有人愿意承担责任的。
Executives face possible prison sentences if things go wrong; keeping a bit of cash on the balance sheet is a kind of insurance policy. 一旦出现问题,高管们就有可能要面临牢狱之灾,在资产负债表上保留一点现金,也是为了以策万全。
Then you'll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, waiting for everything to go wrong all over again. 结果你得花掉下半辈子的时间回头看,等着一次又一次重蹈履辙。
Then you will spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, waiting for everything to go everything to go wrong all over again. 结果你得花掉下半辈子的时间回头看,等着一次又一次重蹈覆辙。
Who would have expected a tie-pin go wrong went so far as the heart of their own and eventually died a tragic death. 岂料,一针下去竟误扎自已的心脏,最终抢救无效不幸身亡。
When things do go wrong, make sure there are mentors or coaches ready to help junior managers confront and draw lessons from their mistakes. 如果年轻管理者遭遇到挫折,应确保有人来引导和教育他们面对自己的错误,从中吸取经验教训。
It is common wisdom that we learn from our mistakes, but too many managers seem to forget this and try to assign blame when things go wrong. 从失败中学习,这是句老掉牙的话,但是太多的管理者好似忘了它,而且在事情做错时总是习惯责骂。
We have all experienced days when everything go wrong. A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get ou of control. 我们都曾经经历过诸事不顺的日子.有时一天开始时可能还算顺利,但是突然间一切似乎都不可收拾了。