grow up

  • na.长大
  • 网络成长;长大成人;成年

第三人称单数:grows up 现在分词:growing up 过去式:grew up 过去分词:grown up

grow upgrow up

grow up


初中英语短语大全 ... 73.want to be a history teacher 想成为一名历史老师 74.grow up 长大 future 在将来 ...


切原赤也_百度百科 ... Unforgettable—— 永不遗忘 Grow up—— 成长 Hurt—— 伤害 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... go through 浏览; 翻阅,通过 grow up 长大成人,成长 hand in 上交; 交纳 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... grow on (习惯)加深对…的影响 grow up 成熟;成年;逐渐形成 guarantee against 保证…不… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... grow on (习惯)加深对…的影响 grow up 成熟;成年;逐渐形成 guarantee against 保证…不… ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... feed vt. 喂(养) ; 饲(养) grow up 生长 fact n. 事实; 实际 ...


模拟人生秘籍_百度知道 ... Family 家庭期望 └ Grow Up 长大期望 Age 变旧 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... go wrong 出错;发生故障,出毛病 grow up 成熟;成年;发展 had better 应该,还是…好 ...

You know, I didn't grow up in a real museum culture in Burbank. 在伯班克长大的日子里,我没有接触过真正的博物馆文化。
I'm not going to let him grow up into a liar if I can help it. 只要我能做到,我不会让他长大后成为一个骗子。
You may still be trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. 你可能仍然处在摸索的过程,想弄明白到底什么才是你想要的。
rarely argue over toys and are easy to reason with, but suffer from a lack of shared interests as they grow up, the researchers claim. 研究人员称,姐弟或兄妹很少会为玩具争吵,也比较听话,但是他们在成长过程中缺少共同的兴趣爱好。
They are bored, this habit did not change until the grow up do they dare, do not dare admit that they love each other. 两人却乐此不疲,这习惯直到长大了也没改,他们什么都敢,就是不敢承认他们相爱。
Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldn't find it out until I grow up. 妈妈,您的爱,就像块糖,包在唠叨里,藏在责骂里,让我东找西找,直到我懂事,才找到。
A niece of ours, Sir Thomas, I may say, or at least of _yours_, would not grow up in this neighbourhood without many advantages. 我敢说,托马斯爵士,我们的外甥女,至少是你的外甥女,在这个环境里长大肯定会有许多好处。
Yet at the same time they remain young girls, trying to grow up in a harsh glare of unprecedented publicity. 但与此同时,她们还是年轻的女孩,试图在前所未有的公众关注下成长。
They made her audition several times and finally decided just to wait for her to grow up enough to do the role. 迪斯尼让塞勒斯多次试镜,最后决定等塞勒斯长大并能胜任这个角色后再开拍。
Oh dear! I'd nearly forgotten that I've got to grow up again! Let me see-how IS it to be managed? 啊,亲爱的,我几乎忘了我还要想法再长大呢,让我想一想,这怎么才能做到呢?
Our daughters Hannah and Sophie will have to grow up without their beloved Daddy, although I will see a part of him in them every day. 我们的女儿今后将在失去父爱的环境下长大,而我却每天都能从她们中看到他的影子。
But he had no close friends, until some of his younger cousins began to grow up. 他没有亲密无间的朋友,直到他的一些年轻的表兄弟长大成人。
But now, I would trade it all, just to be able to watch you grow up, to be the brave and caring man. 但现在我愿意交换这些来看着你一天天的长大,成为勇敢和有爱心的男子汉。
A child has the right to grow up in a healthful, caring environment, where caring is applied to circumstances rather than to persons. 儿童享有在健康,充满爱心的环境中成长的权利一句,该句中caring被用来修饰环境而不是人
One of us has to grow up and get out of the circumstance (in order to help the other). 为了帮助另一个,我们其中之一必须成长起来,走出困境。
"I liked to pick on people who were weaker than me, kids who obviously would grow up to be sissies, " he said. “我就爱找比我弱的人的茬儿,作弄那些娘娘腔,”他说。
One of my goals was to see my daughter grow up and happily marry. 我其中的一个目标就是看我女儿快快乐乐地长大。
The expression of such an inhibited temperament early in life does not guarantee that such individuals will grow up to be shy adults. 个体幼年具有拘束气质,并不等同于长大后一定是个害羞的成年人。
I used to think that I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, but now I realize that there are worse places to grow up in this world. 我一直以为我成长的地方很烂,但现在我发觉世界上还有更糟的地方。
The child wish to be a great scientist when he grow up. 这个孩子梦想长大后成为一名伟大的科学家。
I do not know by year's time to learn to grow up, that price is not too much, but I at least can be sure it is correct. 我不知道用一年的时间来学会长大,那代价是不是太大了,但我至少可以肯定那是对的。
Kids who grow up around them may spend a lot of energy trying to figure out a parent's mood or guess what that parent wants. 跟酗酒的父母生活在一起的孩子可能会花大量精力去摸清楚父母的情绪,或者揣测父母想要什么。
Therefore, this biography will begin with Rowan's early childhood and how those around him influenced what he would grow up to be. 这个传记从他童年和周围环境开始,正是这些影响促使他成为长大以后的样子。
RHETT: I've been waiting for you to grow up and get that sad - eyed Ashley Wilkes out of your heart. 白瑞德:我一直在等你长大,等那个有对忧伤眼睛的希礼•威尔克斯从你心里消失。
But she did grow up in a large house and she and her siblings attended private schools. 不过她确实成长于大户人家,她和她的兄弟姐妹们都上的是私立学校。
Children miss out on their education and therefore are unable to grow up and get better jobs. 孩子们辍学,这样不利于其成长,同时也不可能找到好的工作。
Her mother grow up in the hectic urban environment . 她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。
to grow up or not . I've noticed ever since the age of 5, life seems to get slowly harder . 我也不知道长大好不好。我发现5岁以后的生活会逐渐变得艰难。
I grow up day by day, but do not know why, the mother warm smile is no longer common, often severe instead on faces. 我一天天地在长大,但不知道为什么,母亲那亲切的笑容已不再多见,取而代之地常常是严厉的面孔。
The small turnip think, If I could grow up a bit more, just a bit more, that hare would give me a look. 小萝卜想,我要再长大一点就好了,再长大一点,那只兔子就能看到我了。