exposed to

  • un.容易遭受
  • 网络接触;暴露于;曝露于

exposed toexposed to

exposed to


鱼太聪明 别再吃它(四) ... 2.stock n. 储存;库存 exposed to 接触…;暴露于…中 1.endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的 ...


英语—医学 ... exist in[ 存在于] · exposed to[ 暴露于] · faced with[ 面临] · ...


评点新托福阅读机经背景知识 ... Imitate: 模仿,效仿 exposed to曝露于,公开揭露 bits and pieces: 曲子的部分调子或小 …


评点新托福阅读机经背景知识 ... Imitate: 模仿,效仿 exposed to: 曝露于,公开揭露 bits and pieces: 曲子的部分调子或小 …


英文科 ... tether 栓绑 exposed to 暴露於 oxygen tank 氧气筒 ...


lie to me 第一季 第十三集_看lie to... ... disaffected: 有叛意的 exposed to: 容易受到,受到 profile: 人物简介 ...


汪海涛:2009年考研英... ... 和 “遵守 observe”。 第二段中的“面临 exposed to”、 “一次性产品 disposable products”、“unrecycla…

"It may very well be that this tolerance is lost once the immune system is no longer exposed to the allergen daily, " Wood says. “一旦免疫系统不每天接触过敏原,这种耐受性可以会消失。”Wood说。
Treatment for an abrasion is similar to that of a burn, since raw skin is exposed to the air and can easily become infected. 擦伤的处理与灼伤的处理类似,因为皮肤里层暴露于空气中,易受感染。
The treated mice were able to remember to avoid parts of a cage floor where they had earlier been exposed to a mild stimulus. 接受药物的老鼠能够记住避开曾在笼中遭受过轻微刺激的地方。
Do not like people to see all of my heart, just as has been stripped naked, exposed to the sun. 不喜欢让人看到我内心的全部,就如被剥光衣服,暴露在阳光下。
Even if you only listen for five or ten minutes each day, you'll still be exposed to the language, and that's what you are trying to do. 就算每天只听四到五分钟,只要你持续接触这种语言,你也会有所收获的。
The study doesn't say how much more likely it is for people to develop lung cancer if they're exposed to higher levels of the pollutants. 该研究没有谈及,如果人们暴露于较高程度污染的环境中,其易患肺癌的程度有多大。
"Day in and day out for 50 years, some of these women might be cooking six hours a day, exposed to pollutions, " says Rehfuess. 瑞弗丝说“有些妇女一天要花6小时做饭,五十年里日复一日,每天都生活在污染中。”
PMs must be continuously challenged and exposed to projects to put knowledge into practice and therefore becoming better at it. 项目经理们必须持续接受挑战,把知识应用到项目实践中去才能学会做得更好。
Oh no! you've been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! what's the best course of treatment? 哦不!你被暴露在辐射中,因为变异,你得肚子上长出了一只手,你觉得最好得治疗过程是什么?。
After dehairing, the carcass is usually exposed to open gas flames to remove remaining hair and reduce surface contamination. 脱毛后,畜体通常被置于天然气明火上,除去剩余的毛并减少体表污染物。
A study compared people who walk or bike to work, to see how much black carbon they were exposed to. 研究比较了步行与骑自行车去工作的人,看看他们吸入了多少黑碳。
The most distinct characteristic of this form is the bright red hue that this trap takes on when it is exposed to plenty of sunlight. 这种个体最明显的特色就是在照射充分光线下,全株会展现出鲜红色调的样子喔!
When exposed to more carbon dioxide, poison ivy plants produce a more allergenic form of urushiol, the substance that makes skin itch. 当处于高二氧化碳的环境下,毒藤植物会产生一种让人皮肤痒的物质「漆酚」。
At times, they have been exposed to more radiation in a few hours than they are supposed to endure in a year. 有时,他们在几个小时中受到的辐射量比他们一年受到的都要多。
That seems to have been the feeling of sailors who'd been exposed to a tasty kind of sauce during their voyages to Malaysia. 当水手们在前往马来西亚的途中尝到了一种特别好吃的调味汁时,他们或许正是这么想的。
All the key behavior of the system is exposed to the application as a set of events, with the appropriate event state. 该系统的所有关键行为都以事件集及合适的事件状态的形式公开给应用程序。
So you know this lecture's series as I said, is an opportunity for students to be exposed to leaders in the technological world. 所以大家知道我说的这个讲座系列,为学生创造了机会去接触,技术世界的领导者们。
In a nuclear power plant accident, the general population is not likely to be exposed to doses high enough to cause such effects. 在核电厂事故中,一般民众不太可能暴露在足以造成这样的影响的高剂量辐射下。
During the course of a transaction, the intermediate (possibly inconsistent) state of the data should not be exposed to other transactions. 在事务的执行过程中,数据的中间(可能不一致)状态不应对其他事务公开。
Without adequate cooling, certain parts of the engine which are exposed to very high temperature as result of burning fuel, would soon fail. 若没有足够的冷却,发动机的某些部件处于燃油产生的高温中,不久就会损坏。
As it is, the public has continued to be exposed to the potential, though extremely rare, hazard of HIV in donor blood. 由此,人们还要继续面对在供体血液中尽管极其稀少,但仍然存在潜在HIV病毒的危机。
So often, we forget to moisturize and protect our chest, which is often exposed to the sun because of low-neck and v-neck clothing. 所以常常,我们因为穿了低领和V领的衣服,胸部会暴露在阳光下,而因此忘记去为胸部保持滋润,而保护到胸衣部。
Investigation shows that the more frequently a woman is exposed to the sun, the higher the density of her bones. 调查显示女性越常暴露阳光下,骨质密度越高。
If you've never been exposed to this concept of superposition before it can be a little confusing. 如果您以前从未接触过叠加这个概念,那么它可能有点儿令人困惑。
Any ship, goods or other movables are exposed to maritime perils. Such property is in the Act referred to as "insurable property. " 受海上危险影响的任何船舶,货物或其他动产。此种财产在本法中被称为“可保财产”。
The risk of cardiovascular diseases of workers exposed to higher noise was 2. 764 times of that of workers exposed to lower noise. 接触较高噪声者患心血管系统疾病的可能性是接触较低者的2.764倍;
An unmanaged user component throws an access violation when trying to use a managed object that had been exposed to COM. 非托管用户组件在尝试使用已公开到COM的托管对象时会引发一个访问冲突。
Some of the children, myself included, rode in the back of the truck, exposed to the sky and whatever weather might develop. 一些孩子也包括我在内,乘坐在卡车上的后面,暴露在天空的下面,而没有考虑天气会怎样变化。
for part of the day he went into the court - yard , seated himself on a stone with his head bare and exposed to the blazing sun. 那天下午他走到天井里,光着头坐在一块石头上,曝晒在炽热的阳光底下。
If you think you might have been exposed to an STD then you should go to see a doctor. 如果你认为你可能已经暴露在性病,那么你应该去看看医生。