every now and then

  • na.间或
  • 网络偶尔;有时;不时地

every now and thenevery now and then

every now and then


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ever so 非常,极其 every now and then 时而,偶尔 every other 每隔一个的 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... neither...nor 既不……也不 every now and then 有时,时时,偶尔 just now 刚才,一会儿以前 ...


高二英语词汇表 ... look into 调查;观察 every now and then 不时地 wanderlust n. 漫游癖 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ever so 非常,极其 every now and then 时而,偶尔 every other 每隔一个的 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... neither...nor 既不……也不 every now and then 有时,时时,偶尔 just now 刚才,一会儿以前 ...


词组 idioms(中、英文) - 豆丁网 ... for ever 永远 every now and then 时常,不时,间或 every other 每隔… ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... ever so 非常,极其 186. every now and then 时而,偶尔 187. every other 每隔一个的 188. ...


“现在”的英语翻译_百度知道 ... do it now 现在开始;立即行动 every now and then 不时地;常常 as of now 此刻,眼下 ...

It's a very strong truth, but every now and then, we see you doing something that you know isn't right. 它是一个非常强大的真实,可是不时地,我们发现你做一些你知道是不应该的事。
Every now and then, too, there came little sparks and lightnings, as though the sun had struck upon bright steel. 那还不时发出小小的电花和闪光,仿佛是阳光射到了明亮的刀剑上似的。
Every now and then, the black hole swallows a bit of gas, a wayward planet, or even an entire star. 这个黑洞时不时吞下一点气体、一颗任性的行星,乃至一颗完整的恒星。
You take what you need, go in every now and then to see what's going on, and don't worry that you're missing things. 我们应该各取所需,时不时来看看有什么新的情况,而且不用担心会错过什么。
Have ya'll ever had the feeling when you think you've gotten over something, but it still haunts you every now and then? 当你们认为自己已经放下一些事情时,但它们仍会时不时爬上你们的心头……你们都曾经有过这种感觉吗?
He read for an hour, looking up every now and then to see raccoons and possums scurrying near the creek. 他读了一个小时,不时抬起头来看到浣熊还有负鼠在河边蹿来蹿去。
And now my life has changed in oh, so many ways. My independence seems to vanish in the haze. But every now and then I feel so insecure. . . 现在我的生活在许多方面都已变化。我的独立精神消失在薄雾中。但我常常感到非常不安全…
His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then. 他儿子把那张纸放在口袋了,一会儿一会儿拿出来看。
I stayed at home all day long, reading at a very slow speed, being absent every now and then, and chasing the time. 一整天都在家里读书,我读的很慢,很慢。时不时走神,然后追赶消失的时光。
In order to finish the seemingly little homework, even every now and then burn the midnight oil, did not dare to stop for a moment. 为了完成那看似不多的作业,甚至时不时挑灯夜战,片刻不敢逗留。
So the lion inquired what was the matter and why did the elephant's ears move with such a tremor every now and then. 因此,狮子询问是什麽事,为什麽大象的耳朵提出这样一个震颤每一个现在,然后。
Pettitte had vowed earlier this week that he would pause every now and then this season, trying to soak everything in and enjoy the ride. 派特提本周稍早还誓言本季将会时常停歇下来尝试去吸收任何事情并享受它。
But every now and then the sky grows black, the rain comes down in sheets, and the winds threaten to obliterate our shabby encampments. 但天空不时地变黑,大雨倾盆落下,狂风威胁着我们那简陋的露营地。
Every now and then, I get a little helpless, and I'm longing like a child to be loved. 时时刻刻,我感觉自己孤独无助,像个孩子似的渴望被爱。
He stood about, restless and uneasy, for a while, glancing at the door, every now and then, hoping she would repent and come to find him. 他在附近站了一会儿,心里很乱,十分着急,不时地朝门口瞅一瞅,希望她会后悔,会出来找他。
The only sound was a murmur, like flattened thunder, far up the glacier. Every now and then John paused and listened to it. 惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。博士不时停下来仔细聆听这种声音。
Of course, the paying customers got shafted every now and then, and after a while we began to take their complaints seriously. 当然,付费的客户有时受到欺骗,并且不久后,我们开始认真地对待他们的抱怨。
Like I said, it's tough, but I'm far from perfect and even make mistakes every now and then. 正如我所说,这很难,但人无完人谁能无错?
Every now and then I'd bring these points up to Andy, who would only smile, his eyes far away, and say he was thinking about it. 每次我向安迪提出这些意见时,他总是微笑着,目光飘向远方,嘴里说他会考虑考虑。
If you can't find any cheerleaders at home, you need to hang out with a friend or two who can shower you with sunshine every now and then. 如果在家里找不到啦啦队长的话,那就拉上三五好友外出游玩吧,他们时时地会在你的心里播散阳光的。
Hearing the touching story, she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief every now and then. 听了那个动人的故事后,她不时地用手帕擦一擦眼睛。
"Thanks, Captain, " Keane said, unable to keep the sarcasm from his voice. "I enjoy a night in the tank every now and then. " “谢谢你,队长。”基恩说话不免带点挖苦的口气,“每过那么一段时间在拘留所里呆个把晚上,也蛮不错。”
every now and then a movie comes out that is simply refreshing , and this was one of the best. 每一部电影面世,都会让人们耳目一新,而《阿甘正传》则是精品中之杰作。
Every now and then he would send me a letter, but he never returned to the paths and forests of our childhood. 后来偶尔能收到他的来信。但他再也没有回过我俩童年一起走过的道路和森林。
In the long run, taking a day off every now and then to get out of slump will make you happier and more productive. 最后,偶尔抽出一天,然后从消沉中走出来,会让你很开心,工作比平时更有效率。
Pedro: I don't write, you know, but I'll send a postcard every now and then. 你知道我是不写信的,不过我会不时给你寄张明信片。
Every now and then, though, one of Microsoft's subsidiaries goes out on a limb. 然而,时常地,就会有一家微软的子公司出于孤立无援的境地。
its actually smart to take a "mental health day" every now and then. dont feel guilty for taking a day off to get your life back in balance. 每隔一段时间放一天给自己“精神健康假期”其实是明智做法。让生活回复平衡,你无需对此内疚。
Stir the hot milk every now and then in order to make it a little colder. 时不时的搅拌热牛奶,这样能使它凉得更快些。
Every now and then, I see a tree shift in the wind and its bend has, to my eye, a distinctly maternal cast. 时不时地,我看见树木在风中摆动,在我的眼中,它的屈直都有清晰的母亲的痕迹。