embark on

  • un.着手
  • 网络从事;开始;开始着手做某事

第三人称单数:embarks on 现在分词:embarking on 过去式:embarked on

embark onembark on

embark on


《北京青年》:重走青春路(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... installment 部分,章节 embark on 从事,着手 bourgeois 中产阶级 ...


笑一笑心情好 大笑瑜伽帮你减压-英语点津 ... laugh away: 用笑驱除 embark on: 从事;开始做 vibe: 气氛;环境 ...


About Schmidt ... 6. groom and bride: 新郎和新娘。 7. embark on: 开始。 8. Alma Mater: 母校。 ...


节约用地英语怎么说 - 已回答 - 问答 ... decide on sth 决定 embark on sth 开始着手做某事 ... The proper behavior 举止得体 ...


start和embark区别_百度知道 ... vt. 使从事;使上船 embark on 从事,着手;登上船 embark upon 从事,着手,开始 ...


新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson46... ... Comprehension 理解 2 embark on, 开始干。 3 lay out, 布置。 ...

If you answered no to more than one of these questions, you may not be ready to embark on a weight-loss program right now. 如果你对以上不止一个问题的回答是“否”,那么你现在恐怕还没做好开始减肥计划的准备。不用急。
She was now ready to embark on her journey of adventure. 她已为探险旅行作好准备。
Brisk walking is also very simple equipment, just a pair of comfortable athletic shoes fit, you can embark on the health of the road. 快走的装备也很简单,只需一双舒适合脚的运动鞋,你就可以走上健康之路了。
It was at least partly its sense of vulnerability to blockade that led it to embark on its tragic and ruthless rampage across Asia. 正是这种不堪封锁的脆弱性,至少在一定程度上导致日本走上了悲剧性和残忍的肆虐亚洲之路。
It has been known for a while that, in the face of deprivation, stress or direct threats, many animals embark on reproduction much quicker. 大家都知道,很多动物在面对掠夺,压力或者直接威胁的时候,会繁殖得更快。
But I do not know why, on the question of happiness, people often embark on a misunderstanding - the key to happiness, to others. 但不知为什么,就在快乐的问题上,人们却常常步入一个误区——把快乐的钥匙,交给别人。
Others will say that it was a mistake all along to embark on expensive reform at a time of acute economic distress. 其他人会说,在经济不景气的时候开始代价昂贵的改革自始至终就是个错误。
At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand, sell his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of his own. 不管怎么说,是她劝说父亲辞掉雇工的工作,卖掉那匹马,去从事一项属于自己的独立的事业。
Embark on this journey as long as the survival of the fittest logic of competitiveness, will be stimulated to seek the will of a strong-fen. 只要踏上这一征程,优胜劣汰的竞争逻辑就会刺激出一种强烈的奋求意志。
Equipped with stronger balance sheets, the banks were now ready to embark on the next cycle of dealmaking. 具备更强大资产负债表的银行,正准备启动下一轮交易撮合。
If everything had gone to plan Estelle would be about to embark on a flight from her Beijing home to England for her honeymoon. 如果一切按照按计划进行,28岁的品牌经理Estelle原本即将从北京飞往英国度蜜月。
There, the child must wait until several cubs are ready to embark on a quest together. 在那里,幼仔得等待有足够多的同伴们准备好,才能一起开始。
The World Bank president's comments came as he prepared to embark on a week long visit to Africa, beginning on Sunday, June 12. 世界银行行长是在他准备6月12日前往非洲进行一周的访问前夕说这番话的。
For those who embark on them, the fortysomething sexual relationship is often a way of reclaiming their youth. 对有婚外恋行为的女人来说,四十多岁时的性关系常常是一种让她们回到年轻时代的方法。
Demeter one of fraud do not know, once again embark on the journey around the East and West. 得墨忒尔不知其中有诈,再一次踏上了东西逛的征途。
Instead of trying to squeeze in a quickie, take the time to ask your guy to embark on this sexual experience with you. 取代那种想要挤出一顿快餐的办法,花点时间请你的伴儿和你一起进行这次性体验。
Of course, should the North decide to embark on a path of nuclear-weapons-free reform, the South will happily end it a guiding hand. 当然,如果朝鲜决定走上那条无核化的改革道路,韩国将乐意做一盏指路明灯。
Lying in tiny cubicles in darkness, wearing earphones, his students are able to leave their bodies and embark on their adventures. 他的学生们躺在黑暗的小隔间里,戴着耳机,他们能离开身体,开始探险。
It was Mr Gluckhovskoy who, having decided to embark on an EMBA, persuaded his wife to join him. 在这对夫妇中,格卢霍夫斯科夫首先决定学习EMBA课程,他随后说服了妻子和自己一起学习。
Later this month President Obama will embark on a bus tour through the Midwest that will focus on jobs. Mainly him trying to keep his. 奥巴马总统本月晚些时候将开始在整个中西部地区进行一个以就业为主题的巴士巡访,主要是他想保住自己的这份工作。
Zhang says the competition , humor and office gossip in the book intrigue d her. "I can't wait to embark on my own career, " she said. 张珊珊还说,书中所描写的竞争,诙谐幽默的语言和办公室八卦深深吸引了她。“我迫不及待地想开始自己的职场生涯,”她说。
at the beginning I would love to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale. 合资企业起步的时候,我希望有一个稳妥地速度和规模
But let me give you this advice as you embark on your journey here at Harvard. First, follow your passion, not your calculation. 当你们开始哈佛之旅的时候,我愿提出以下建议:首先,让激情而不是算计来引导大家。
It would be insane, for instance, for Germany to embark on an expansionary wage policy that led to higher unemployment. 举例而言,德国实施导致失业率上升的扩张性薪资政策就将是愚蠢的。
Hope you had a good break and is now full of energy to embark on this project. 希望你在度过了一个愉快的假期后将全身心地投入到这个项目里。
Gather the wisdom of ancient China as you embark on the greatest mahjong quest ever with The Great Mahjong! 麻将下载收集中国古代的智慧,当你走上了有史以来最大的追求与麻将大的!
and, whatever clout the ECB has gained from the crisis, it would be dangerous for its legitimacy to let it embark on mission creep. 还有,不管欧洲央行从此次危机中获得了何种影响力,让其偏离自己的使命,对于其正当性是危险的。
Many of those who embark on a PhD are the smartest in their class and will have been the best at everything they have done. 很多去读博士学位的人都是班上最聪明的学生,他们也可以把他们想要做的任何事情做到最好。
But you could probably let go of this round of general exploration and embark on the next stage. 但你可能放过这一轮的一般探索和开展下一阶段。
The next day, I embark on the most testing walk of the trip so far. 第四天我开始了此趟行程开始以来最具考验的徒步。