engage in

  • na.从事;参加
  • 网络参与;从事于;忙于

第三人称单数:engages in 现在分词:engaging in 过去式:engaged in

engage inengage in

engage in


法律翻译技巧_法律博客 ... 6 、 engage: 雇用 7 、 engage in: 从事 9 、 declare: 声明 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... to the effect that 大意是说 engage in 从事于,参加 enter for 报名参加(比赛) ...


四级词组短语_百度文库 ... feel good 感觉好 engage in 参与 in other words 换言之 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... to the effect that 大意是说 engage in 从事于,参加 enter for 报名参加(比赛) ...


六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... devote to 致力于 engage in 忙于,从事 face up to 勇敢面对 ...


考博英语词汇 ... dry up 干瘪;干涸;(思路等)枯竭 engage in 从事;进行 equal to 相等;相同;敌得过;担得起;胜任 ...


MBA英语常考的各类短语及习惯搭配 ... dwell on 凝思;详述 engage in 从事于,忙着;订婚 expose to 使……受到,使……朝 …


字典中 业 字的解释 ... (15) 罪孽[ sin] (1) 使从事于,以…为职业[ engage in] (3) 使成业或乐业[ work] ...

To the best of my recollection, that chicken did not engage in what I would call "road crossing behavior. " 就我记忆所及,这只小鸡根本不能算做我会称作的“穿马路行为”。
Another option, he says, is to " leave the scene of the craving. Change your setting and engage in other things that don't involve food. " 另一个办法,他说,是“离开想吃东西的场所。改变一下环境,做一些与吃无关的事情。”
Mr. Gates said that the United States did not intend to engage in hot pursuit of the operatives into Iran. 盖茨先生说美国不计划紧追活动分子到伊朗境内。
Also, mice that have been genetically engineered to lack the gene engage in a number of behaviors suggestive of autism, she said. 还有,经遗传工程处理过的缺少RORA基因的老鼠证明了若干种使人联想到自闭症行为,她说。
He would have been a religious reformer, if he had not been too scornful of the vulgar to engage in propaganda. 如果他不是过分地藐视流俗而能从事于宣传的话,那么他或许会是一位宗教改革家。
Yet, the decision to engage in such a relationship creates the sense of separation and a highly complex defense against reunion. 然而,当你有心建立这类关系,就会产生分裂感,以及极其复杂的防卫系统来抵制重新复合的可能。
He said they represented He and I and as there is no separation, my thoughts would be His and we would engage in this co creative endeavour. 他说那代表着他和我是一体的,正因为是没有分离,我的意念即是他的,我们将一起共同合作。
Facebook is leaving it up to users to engage in social networking via the medium that best suits their needs at a particular moment. Facebook让用户做主,选择在特定时间,通过最适合自己需求的媒体来参与社交活动。
It is prohibited to organize, force, induce, shelter or introduce a woman to engage in prostitution or to act indecently against women. 禁止组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍妇女卖淫或者对妇女进行猥亵活动。
having initially acquired the ability to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical work. 具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。
Analysts said the move was likely to increase speculation that countries were set to engage in a bout of competitive devaluation. 分析师表示,此举可能助长各国将开始一轮竞争性货币贬值的预期。
We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. 然而,本公司甘愿答应与贵公司先实行试试合作,为此后合作打下根蒂根基。
There are a few days in the year when I do not engage in telling lies, and today happens to be one of them. 一年中有那么几天我不想说谎,而今天恰巧就是这样的日子。
It adds an extra dimension to your sense of aesthetics, removing the guesswork that you necessarily engage in during the design phase. 这有助于为你的美学感觉增加额外的“现实”尺度,消除掉在你专注投入于设计过程中制造的一些假想。
The authors of one study conclude, "We still do not know which factors encourage individuals to engage in deliberate practice. " 一个研究的作者这样总结:“我们始终无法知道是什么因素使人们投入到深思熟虑的(有意识,蓄意的)练习中去。”
In a few days the children would engage in their games as merrily as ever without the sense of any gap left by her departure. 几天以后,孩子们就会像往常一样玩起他们的游戏来,不会感到因为她的离开而缺少了什么。
Engage in the economic life of a husband and wife the latter is not to find someone to marry feeling, but found a debt partners. 夫妻的经济生活一搞分帐,感觉就不是找人结婚,而是找了个债务合伙人。
fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retaliation permitted by WTO rules. 若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。
We ask you all to be part of the movement for peace and not engage in violence no matter how much you are incited. 我们要求你们所有人成为和平运动的一部分,不管你们被怎样煽动,都不参与暴力。
It is easy to see how they might be attempted to engage in activities not in the best interest of shareholders. 很容易看到,这些人会如何试图致力于那些并不符合股东的最佳利益的活动。
"We are willing to engage in dialogue and consultation with concerned parties on this issue, " he said at a regular news briefing. 他在例行记者招待会上表示:“我们愿意在这个问题上同有关各方进行对话和沟通。”
It might not be possible to always curb your anger, but it is possible to minimize the amount of time you engage in it. 总是压抑住你的愤怒,也许是不可能的事,但是把生气的时间最小化却是可能的。
So we have to be very cautious of you know what kind of activities we engage in. 所以我们对参加哪种集体活动都会谨慎的考虑。
The IHT said the paper 'does not engage in unethical practices with regard to our circulation or any other part of our business. ' 《国际先驱论坛报》称,该报在发行以及任何其他业务方面都不存在不道德的做法。
She added that Kraft hoped to engage in friendly negotiations with Cadbury but did not rule out a hostile offer. 罗森菲尔德补充说,卡夫希望与吉百利进行友好协商,但不排除进行敌意收购。
For you to do engage in OFDM system simulation and related postgraduate theses, and no comprehensive simulation program provide the program. 为各位搞仿真和做OFDM系统相关论文的研究生,而没有全面仿真程序的人提供本程序。
I, for one, am glad to engage in a conversation about women and porn and I'm glad that Lady Porn Day inspired me to do so. 我现在就非常乐意参与到关于女人核色情的谈话中。我想这是女人色情节激励我这么做的吧。
Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to "admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action" . 李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。
But whether the long winter nap bears appear to engage in qualifies as true hibernation has always been another matter. 但无论是漫长的冬季午睡黑熊进行资格成为真正的冬眠一直另一回事。
As he said on his Web site, he is keeping the multiple options to "further constrain their ability to engage in monopoly pricing. " 就像他在自己网站上说的那样,他是保持多重选择以“进一步限制他们(指这些公司)进行垄断性定价的能力”。