even so

  • na.即使如此;确是那样;〈古〉正是那样
  • 网络虽然如此;尽管如此;即使这样

even soeven so

even so


SO翻译成中文是什么意思_百度知道 ... so long as adv. 只要 even so 虽然如此,即使如此 so far as 只要;就…而言;在…范围 …


SO翻译成中文是什么意思_百度知道 ... so long as adv. 只要 even so 虽然如此,即使如此 so far as 只要;就…而言;在…范围 …


四级真题词汇 - 豆丁网 ... even if 即使 even so 尽管如此 even though 虽然 ...


高中英语常考词组短语大全[D-E][嘉兴英语网] ... even now 即使在现在 even so 即使这样, 尽管如此 even though 即使;纵然 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... even if/though 即使,虽然 even so 虽然如此,即使是这样 ever since 此后一直,从那时起一直 ...


词汇_nexjm_新浪博客 ... require sth. of sb. 要求某人做某事。 even so 即便如此,尽管如此。 whereas conj. 反之,但是。 ...


... nonetheless( 然而) even so尽管是) ◇It was cold. Nonetheless,I went swimming.( 那天很冷。但是,我还是去游泳 …

Even so, it never occurred to me that you could get paid to do calculus. 即便如此,我也从未有过以微积分为职业的念头。
We had to use a strong torch, but even so it was hard to see anything. 我们不得不使用强光手电筒,但是即便如此,还是很难看到东西。
Even so, regulators have to have some sort of control on the incentives of management, as long as taxpayers bear residual risk. 即便如此,只要纳税人还需承担残余风险,监管机构就应对管理层的激励机制施加某种控制。
Nora didn't completely trust him, even so, and she liked him even less when he began to speak of other women who came and went in his life. 劳拉没有完全信赖她,他开始谈论那些女人--他生活中遇到的女人,劳拉一点都不喜欢他。
Even so, he said, the problem of people who need defibrillators not getting them is far worse. 尽管如此,他说,更为严重的问题是需要除颤器的人却得不到。
Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not, like humans, reproduce so slowly. 尽管如此,如果它们不象人类一样繁殖如此缓慢,它们对人类的掠夺也不会如此无能为力。
Even so, the promise came with a caveat: that the speed of enlargement must take account of the EU's "absorption capacity" . 不过,这个声明还是遭到了批评:扩展的速度必须考虑到欧盟的“吸纳能力”。
Even so, tonight, as you relish your accomplishments, I want you to think about what lies ahead for you and the world you'll shape. 尽管如此,今晚,我希望你们在欣赏自己的成就时,能思考一下未来和你们将塑造的世界。
Even so, the nationalisation debate is likely to rage on for at least the next two years, scaring away much-needed potential investors. 虽然如此,至少在今后的两年,关于国有化的辩论很可能会愈演愈烈;而那些该国急需的潜在投资者也可能就此打了退堂鼓。
Even so, such rebates will raise the deficit sharply relative to how much they boost growth. 即便如此,这些退税举措在拉动经济增长的同时也会大幅度拉升财政赤字。
He never acknowledged (receipt of) our letter. But even so we know he was pleased to hear from us. 他从没收到我们的信。但是尽管这样,他听我们告诉他后,他还是很高兴的。
Even so, Mr Bate says his field work has convinced him that counterfeits kill at least 100, 000 people a year, mostly in the poor world. 即便如此,贝特先生说,通过实地调查,他确信假药每年杀死至少十万人,大多数发生在贫穷国家。
But even so, Ben Hodges, a member of the Woods Hole team, thinks the glider could operate for a year or so before having to be recovered. 但即使如此,伍兹霍尔组的一员,本•霍奇认为这个滑翔器在再维护之前可以使用一年。
Even so, that does not add up to a compelling case for regulation, since it is hard to see how consumers could be made better off. 即便如此,这并没有增加强制监管的措施,因为判断如何让消费者更加得益是很难的。
Even so, said the Court, he did conduct investigations under the Act, issue guidelines, and initiate injunction actions. 即使如此,法院称,该官员的确根据《公平劳动标准法》做了调查,发布了指导方针,并提起强制令诉讼。
Even so, gay rights groups called it a major advance for the families of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender individuals. 即使这样,同性恋权利团体仍认为这是对同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者家庭的一个重大的进步。
Even so, it's not entirely easy to blog freely, especially in a country with media controls like China. 可是,在中国这个依然存在媒体控制的国度,要想完全自由的透过博客发表言论也不十分容易。
Even so, depending on your APM system and application server implementations, some of this work may have already been done for you. 虽然如此,根据您的APM系统和应用服务器实现的不同,有些工作可能不用您再亲历亲为了。
Even so, scale is usually not an advantage when it comes to pharmaceutical research and a creative atmosphere can easily dissipate. 即便如此,就药品研发而言,规模效应通常不是优势,相反会对创新的氛围造成伤害。
Even so, we know more about him now than any of his contemporaries did. 既便如此,我们对他的了解也比那个时代要多。
The president will naturally have something of a spring in his step for the next few weeks. But even so, the victory may be fleeting. 在今后几个星期内总统自然是步伐轻松的,尽管胜利可能不会持久。
Even so, the emerging world has been unable to push forward a candidate to head an institution that historically has meant so much to it. 即便如此,新兴世界一直未能推举出一位候选人,角逐一个历史上对其一直意义重大的国际机构的领导人之位。
Even so, she was still able to save up part of her income to donate rice to help other low income families. 尽管如此,她把省吃俭用的钱存下来买大米,捐给低收户的朋友。
Even so, the idea that consciousness seems to be an emergent property of the brain can take us somewhere. 即便如此,意识似乎是大脑的自然属性这一认识也能对我们有所启示。
Even so, on the surface Google isn't necessarily quite cheap enough to lure value investors. 即便如此,从表面上看,谷歌股价并非足够便宜能吸引价值投资者。
Even so, the company had to pay investors much more than it would have done just four months ago. 即便如此,宝钢要向投资者支付的利率,还是远高于四个月前的水平。
Even so, there was still a firm expectation in London as Sunday dawned that something would be done to save Lehman. 即便如此,在周日黄昏降临的时候,伦敦方面仍在坚定地期待着有什么方案会挽救雷曼。
Western leaders say China's currency manipulation gives it a home field advantage. But even so, China faces domestic pressures. 西方领导人说中国对货币的操纵,给了它一个主场优势。但即使如此,中国仍然面临着国内压力。
Even so, enough big institutions seem to have signed on to get close to the 90% figure, according to senior bank executives involved. 即使这样,足够多的大组织为了接近90%的数据似乎已经签署,据与此有关的资深银行高管所说。
A warning voice told him that this campaign, even so far, was too dangerous for a man in his precarious position. 一个声音在告诫着他,这场战役对于他那样一个地位摇摇欲坠的人,即使是不再往下开展,也是极其危险的了。