in contrast to

  • un.相形之下;与…相比;与…相反;与…对比
  • 网络“与……相比;与。。。相反;与……形成对照

in contrast toin contrast to

in contrast to


英语中什... ... ) in excess of 意思是:“超过”, ) in contrast to 的意思是:“与……相比”,都不合题意。 be popular for 因……而 …


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... on the contrary 反之,正相反 in contrast to 与……相反 out of control 失去 …


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... B. inexcess of 超过: C. in contrast to 与…形成对照: A. permission 允许,同意,一般用于 ...


考研英语知识运用:非谓语动词_教育_腾讯网 ... opposed to (反对), in contrast to (与……成对比), be used to (习惯于), ...


SAT语法重要考点解析1_天道留学 ... take pride in 因……而骄傲 contrast with/in contrast to 相比之下 think about/over 思考 ...


托福听力结构法备考心得_津桥国际学院官网 ... “similar to (与……类似)”、 “in contrast to与……对照)”、 、differ,“alike …


高考核心词汇(一)_冰灵冰凌_新浪博客 ... in all 总共 in contrast to 和…形成对比 in brief 简单扼要的 ...


【中考备考】中考英语写作常用词汇和必备句子 ... in contrast 相反;大不相同 in contrast to 和……对比 in the same way 同样 …

In contrast to Head Match, which can be used to match every page in a subdirectory, Exact Match can only be used to match one single page. 与此相反,以标题匹配,可用于比赛的每一个网页放在一个子目录中,完全匹配只能用来匹配一个单一的网页。
In contrast to the clumsiness of many XML toolkits I encounter, ElementTree should take you just a few minutes to install and begin to use. 与我使用过的许多笨拙的XML工具包相比,ElementTree只需几分钟即可安装好并开始使用。
They are always going to be with you no matter how rough life gets (in contrast to many humans unfortunately). 不管生活多么艰苦,它们都会跟随你左右(与之相比,很多人很不幸地没有做到这一点)。
In contrast to the universal nature of the DNA code, the histone language and its decoding machinery differ among animals, plants and fungi. 与此相反的普遍性的DNA代码,组的语言和其解码机制不同的动物,植物和真菌。
In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate in her treatment of others. 和她哥哥完全不一样,她对别人总是很体贴。
"There's no harm that we know of at all, in contrast to many antidepressants, " he said. "And it might be of some help. " “和我们所知道的抗抑郁药相比,没有害处,”他说。“而且它还有很多帮助。”
In contrast to many speakers, he said he was not concerned about over-regulation but about a return to business as usual. 不过和其它许多演讲者的看法不同,鲁比尼表示他更担心的不是监管过度,而是企业业务何时能恢复正常.(完)
But in contrast to this, in the developing world, far away, the aspiration of the average family there was to have food for the day. 但是相对的,在遥远的发展中国家,中等家庭的愿望则是每天能够有食物。
She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her brunette hair. 她突然间注意到,在她妈妈的满头褐色头发之间,有几缕儿白头发长了出来。
in contrast to his three conservative successors who each quit the post of prime minister within a year. 与他的三个任职不到一年就辞职的保守派继任者形成鲜明对比。
Auction-based pricing is sometimes referred to as "dynamic" or "fluid" pricing, in contrast to set or static pricing mechanisms. 基于拍卖的定价有时指的“动态”或者“波动”的价格,这和预设或者静止定价机制大不相同。
In many American states, in contrast to Britain and Spain, a lender has no recourse to a defaulting homeowner's income or other assets. 与英国和西班牙不同的是,在美国很多州,放贷者对于违约房主的收入或其他资产没有追索权。
He fought this election as the champion of the poor and a man of the people, in contrast to his more cerebral predecessor, Thabo Mbeki. 同南非前任总统塔博-姆贝基截然不同的地方是,祖马是以贫民救星和人民之子的身份参加了此次选举。
These findings stand in contrast to what some vocal opponents of gay or lesbian parents might have expected. 这样的研究结果与那些口口声声反对同性恋父母的人所预期的恰好相反。
In contrast to other creatures, hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seem as though they are very sleepy. 与其他动物,冬眠熊不像它们都死了,但他们似乎是非常困。
In contrast to the Pru, Aviva has ruled itself out of the race for parts of AIG, declaring any assets would be "grossly overvalued" . 和保诚不同的是,英杰华已表示不参与竞购美国国际集团的部分业务。该公司宣称,任何资产都将“被严重高估”。
The very distinctive leaf margin makes this species easy to recognize, in contrast to the varieties that have been proposed within it. 非常特别的叶缘使本种容易识别,与其变种可以区分。
For example the concept of a customer might be hits on a web site in contrast to a set of owners of accounts. 例如客户的概念可能会在网站上遇到,与帐户所有者形成对比。
In contrast to the violet CTp needed correction, and processing have to be very careful to avoid exposure. 与此相反的是紫激光CTp需要经常校正,并且处理时也要非常小心,以避免曝光参数发生变化。
In contrast to the aerodynamic winged vehicle, a true ballistic missile is controlled for only a few minutes at the start of its flight. 与空气动力有翼导弹大不相同,一枚真正的弹道导弹只在起飞的几分钟内受人们控制。
All this is in contrast to Charles and Diana's marriage, where the bride was just 19, had no higher education, and came from a broken home. 所有这些都和当年带戴安娜王妃与查尔斯王子的结合完全不同,当时戴妃只有19岁,也没有高学历,且来自一个婚姻破裂的家庭。
In contrast to the mechanism of conduction and convection , radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum . 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真空中进行。
In contrast to the last presidential cycle, there was little evidence that the campaign for president had begun. 相对于上一次总统周期,很少有证据表明,对总统竞选开始了。
In that sense play stands in contrast to work, and is usually regarded as an activity that alternates with work. 在这个意义上,玩乐与工作形成了鲜明的对比,它通常可视为一项与工作交替出现的活动。
In contrast to what Keynes wrote, Krugman allows for a situation where the public is indifferent between debt and cash. 同凯恩斯的主张不同的是,克鲁格曼允许该现象的发生--公众对债务和现金持中立态度。
However, in contrast to Buddhists and Taoists, neo-Confucians did not believe in an external world unconnected with the world of matter. 然而,与佛教徒和道教徒,新儒家并不认为在外部的世界与世界无关的事项。
In contrast to Haeckel's drawings, these photos show remarkable differences between the early embryos of these species. 对照这些照片和海克尔的手笔画就不难发现,鱼,蝾螈,鸡和人的早期胚胎形象大不相同。
Online networks, in contrast to the old kind, are open to all and easy to join. 同老式的社交网络相比,在线社交网站有极高的开放性,非常容易加入。
The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6. 2 million a year earlier. 这家公司本季度亏损了700万元,与去年同期620万元的赢利形成了对照。
He carved out a niche as a pro-Western liberal, in contrast to his hard-line father and siblings. 他成长为一个亲西方的自由派,这一点与其走强硬路线的父亲和兄弟姐妹明显不同。