in trouble

  • na.为难;被捕;未婚怀孕
  • 网络有麻烦;处于困境中;遇到麻烦

in troublein trouble

in trouble


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... wizard n 神汉;男巫;术士;奇才 in trouble 处于困境中;有麻烦 come across 偶然遇见;碰上 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... wizard n 神汉;男巫;术士;奇才 in trouble 处于困境中;有麻烦 come across 偶然遇见;碰上 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... in time 及时,正好 in trouble 处于困难中;遇到麻烦 in two minutes 两分钟以后 ...


09年中考英语词法复习题_免费试卷_当知网 ... laugh over 笑着谈论某人或某事, in trouble 陷入困境。 shout at 为"冲某人喊叫"…


高中英语必修一词组,和固定搭配··_百度知道 ... be worried about 担心(状态) in trouble 处于不幸中 be sentenced to 被判处 ...


人教版高一英语词组_百度百科 ... a series of 一连串的;一系列的 in trouble 在困境中 come across 遇到,碰到;偶然遇见 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... in time 及时,正好 in trouble 处于困难中;遇到麻烦 in two minutes 两分钟以后 ...

Last but not least, try to get on well with your classmates. Be ready to help whoever is in trouble. 最后,但是重要的是,尽力与同学好好相处,总是准备好给处于困境的人帮助。
He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly, like a man in trouble. 他在一张长凳上坐了下去,显得不拘礼仪,固执己见,象一个心烦意乱的人。
Was in trouble, sigh, a total of ancient and modern, such as the concept of such generation is really easy to find. 才难之叹,古今共之,如观等辈,实不易得。
But if Greece's partners bail it out, defying the euro's founding treaty, the currency will suffer. Either way, the euro is in trouble. 但是如果希腊的合作者采取救援行动,挑战欧元的创建条约,这种货币将会受到损害,不论如何,欧元都遇到了麻烦。
It looked as if Mido elbowed Del Horno. If you take a ten-yard run-up and your elbows are up, you are always going to be in trouble. Mido看起来好像肘击了德尔奥尔诺。如果你的肘部向上并且抬高十码,你将遭遇麻烦。
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 他若求告我,我就应允他。他在急难中,我要与他同在。我要搭救他,使他尊贵。
He would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble. 他常不顾自己的工作去帮助有困难的人。
Amy, Vicky and Erin all sneered at her and made fun of her but I didn't dare do anything, at least not something I would get in trouble for. 艾米,维奇和埃琳都嘲笑她取笑她,但我不敢做任何事,至少是那些会使我惹上麻烦的事。
The government seems to have a policy of helping only those Canadians in trouble abroad whom it does not have reason to see as undesirable. 似乎政府的施助政策所针对的加拿大人只限于那些深处异国、陷入困境、又未列入不受欢迎之列的人。
Afraid of his strict father, the little boy always turns to his mother for help whenever he gets in trouble. 小男孩害怕他严厉的父亲,每当遇到麻烦,总向母亲求助。
Bear Stearns collapsed largely because other institutions stopped doing business with it, fearing it might be in trouble. 贝尔斯登的垮台,主要是因为其它机构担心它可能遇到麻烦,而停止了与该行的业务往来。
Thus the economy of these countries is often affected when the U. S. economy is in trouble. 因此,一旦美国经济陷入困境,这些国家也会受到影响。
He always claims himself to be the salt of the earth, but he never offers his hand when his neighbors are in trouble. 他总标榜自己心肠好,但当他的邻居有难时,他从没有伸出援助之手。
She used to ask her elder sister for help whenever she was in trouble. 过去一遇到问题,她就会去找她姐姐帮忙。
it never occurred to me that he might be in trouble. 我怎么也没想到他陷入了麻烦
Her father was a good friend of mine, and I felt honour bound to help her when she was in trouble. 她父亲是我的一个好朋友,因此当她有困难时,我觉得在道义上有责任帮助她。
He is always trying to help people in trouble. 他总是尽力帮助困难中的人们。
It's true that how much joy we can get from the teachers' praise, especially when we meet some difficulties and are in trouble for a while. 千真万确我们从老师的表扬中获得很大的欢乐,尤其当我们身处麻烦和困境久了。
Fortunately for you, a couple of guides were coming down the glacier and saw you were in trouble. What were you doing? 您很幸运,几个导游从冰川上下来,正巧发现您遇到了麻烦。您在那儿干什么?
Much of their investment is in real estate and now that the property market looks like it might be in trouble, the issue is even more acute. 地方政府投资很大一部分都流进了房地产市场,而目前楼市似乎又处于困境,所以这个问题变得更加严重。
But the King grew angry and said, "He who helped thee when thou wert in trouble ought not afterwards to be despised by thee. " 国王见小公主这个样子,就生气地对她说,“在我们困难的时候帮助过我们的人,不论他是谁,过后都不应当受到鄙视。”
He catches the ball on his toss, shakes his head and we knew we were in trouble. 他拿着扔过去的球摇摇头,我们知道自己麻烦了。
She knew that if she called out for her oldest sister, she would probably get in trouble. 因为她知道要是她再叫住大姊的话,可能就要惹上麻烦了。
It's not bad to be in a narrow niche, but if that niche has no growth ahead of it, you could be in trouble. 一个狭隘的市场定位并不是太过糟糕,但如果没有多大的发展前途,那你就会有麻烦了。
Everytime you fall in trouble, do not try to call your parents and tell them how bad you are living your life. 每次你遇到困难时,不要总是告诉你父母,和他们说你现在生活的很坏。
Only you could get in trouble in a town this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know. 只有你才会在这么小的一个城市里遇到麻烦。你知道吗,你本来会打破他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据的。
We were in trouble to start with, and it was all over when Mondale said he would propose a hefty tax increase to reduce the budget deficit. 民主党的竞选从一开始就不顺利,而且蒙代尔说他将提议大幅度增加税收,以减少财政预算的赤字,更惹了不少麻烦。
I as well as my friends am ready to help you, when you are in trouble. 你遇到困难时,我和我的朋友愿意帮助你。
The best thing to do is to leave them alone but watch from a distance and call the RSPCA only if you're sure they're in trouble. 这时候能做的最好的事就是不要去打扰他们,最多在远处观察。只在你确认他们遇到麻烦的时候,呼叫RSPCA的电话寻求救援。
He always claimed to be a faithful friend of ours and did not show his colours until we were in trouble and were badly in need of his help. 他总是自称是我们忠实的朋友,但到了我们遇上了麻烦,非常需要他的帮助时,他才现了原形。