in this way

  • na.用这个办法
  • 网络这样;用这种方法;以这种方式

in this wayin this way

in this way


九年级英语单词表 ... mixture 混合;混合剂 in this way 这样 pie 馅饼 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... in the years to come 在未来几年里 in this way 用这种方法 in time 及时 ...


WAY_百度百科 ... in the way of 至于说...,在...方面 in this way 这样,以这种方式 just the other way 恰恰相反 ...


Ru2 | Chinese Dictionary ... 如何 how;what way;what 如此 in this way;so 如下 as follows ...


高二英语知识点_百度知道 ... 4. day after day( 日复一日地) 5. in this way( 用这种方式) 6. bring ... on( 使前进) ...


就这样用英语怎说_百度知道 ... so that's that1. 就是这样;没别的了,这就完了 in this way 就这样 as thus 像这样,就这样;于 …


一道英语选择题_百度知道 ... by the way 顺便说一句 in this way 以这种方法 , 以这种形式 on the way 在路上;沿途 ...


按的英语翻译,按用英文怎么说 - n词酷在线词典 ... (result) 必然发生 (in this way) 按如下方式 (become clear) 豁然开朗 ...

Everyone of us should live up to the virtues passed down to us by our ancestors Only in this way can we be worthy of the name of a Chinese. 我们每个人都应该遵守从祖先那里传承下来的美德。只有这样我们才能无愧为中国人。
Only in this way will everyone be ready to help others and feel satisfied with it. 只有这样,大家才会愿意帮助别人,并从中得到满足。
The Centaur has never been used in this way before. 半人马座从没有被这样使用过。
In this way, each time the service is called, it is as though that service is being used for the first time. 这样,当每次调用该服务时,都好像是第一次使用该服务一样。
It is hard for me to describe how much it means for me to be accepted in this way by you all. 我很难描述以这种方式被你们大家接受对我意味着什么。
I don't think any of the gulf states would be very impressed if you were to see a high profile glitzy glamorous player fail in this way. 我不认为在看着这样一个金融史上的瑰丽奇迹分崩离析时会让其他海湾国家铭记教训。
In this way you know all the computers powered on are either flashing their BMC firmware or waiting for the IP address to be set. 这样,就可以知道所有开着的计算机正在刷新BMC固件,或者等待设置IP地址。
The drawback of staying on the ship seemed to grow as I thought about how wrong it was to treat Captain Bligh in this way. 留在船舶上的缺点似乎成长,我想到它是这样对待布莱船长错误。
In this way, we are not trying to force the young animal to resemble and perform like an adult horse. 通过这种方式,我们不是试图强迫小马驹模仿和做成年马的行为。
I work so hard . What I am doing is because of you and our future . Although you do not know, I still miss you in this way . 我努力工作,所有我做的都是为了你和我们的未来,尽管你不知道,但是我还是很想念你。
The beast is different. In this way, it seems to be a management of the extraordinary spirit of the universe. 的兽都不同。这样,看起来似乎有一种管理宇宙的非凡的气概。
Negative: Now the land is become less, if all the pet in Beijing will be buried in this way, how much land would be cost each year? 反方:土地那么紧张,如果北京市的宠物都这样安葬,每年要占用多少土地?
In this way, you can use these templates as a starting point for your own reports or to see examples of what is possible with reports. 通过这种方式,您可以将这些模板作为报表的起始点使用,或者查看报表中的范例。
When a region has such a diversity of problems, it is good to tidy-up in this way, get some problems behind you for good. 当一个区域有如此繁多的问题时,最好能以这种方式来处理,将某些问题永远甩掉。
The scientific reason is that they are able to turn into any of the body's myriad cell types, which is why they might be used in this way. 科学的原因是它们能分化为人体无数细胞类型的任何一种,这就是它们将能被使用到的方式。
In this way, these friends or relatives in the eyes of men, turns, and his wife OK couple of things. 就这样,这几个男性亲友在众目睽睽之下,轮流和他老婆行夫妻之事。
Today I'm glad to have the honor to stand here. I'm happy to tell you something about me in this way. 今天我很荣幸的站在这里。我很高兴我可以用这种方式讲述关于我自己。我的家庭成员有爸爸妈妈。
When they analysed the data from both telescopes in this way, they found a great arc across the sky. 当用这种方式分析两架望远镜观测到的数据时,他们发现一道巨大的弧形横跨在苍穹。
There is quite a number of things happened in this way in your life, it depends on your attitude to make one thing worth to do or not. 人生中确实有许多时候是这样:一件事是否值得去做取决于你如何看待它。
Trying to isolate Beijing in this way is likely to engender the sort of aggressive, nationalistic China its supporters fear. 试图通过这种方式孤立中国,很可能会促使其成为支持者担心的那种激进的、充满民族主义情绪的国家。
Lord, we know that this is all that we need. Lord, we are still looking to You how You would like for us to go on in this way. 主,我们知道这正是我们所需要的,我们仍然仰望你,求你给我们看见你生命的路,给我们看见你要我们如何往前!
For a man to excuse himself in this way and stop listening is much better than trying to explain away her hurt. 男人这样先行道歉及停止倾听,比试图去分析她的伤害好得多。
Another time, when we were riding, he yelled out a similar challenge. In this way and others he gave the impression of great unspent energy. 又有一次,我们在骑马的时候,他又这样叫了一声,提出挑战。从这一点和其它方面可以看出他精力过人。
In this way, a large pool of memory can be addressed as if it were linear. 按照这种方法,如果某个大的内存池是线性的,那么它就可以被寻址。
But, if you are one of those looking to improve their eyesight in this way, at least you can now do so with a decidedly clearer view! 但是如果你是指望用这种方式来改善视力的人之一,至少你现在有了更清楚更确切的看法:懂得看门道了!
Just how much money was lent to local government entities in this way is still unclear. 目前仍不清楚,到底有多少资金通过这种方式贷给了地方政府实体。
The argument for it would have to be, instead, that it would be desirable to reduce the liquidity of markets in this way. 它的论点原本应该在于,以这种方法来减少市场流动性是可取的。
In this way, the first works of the company choose widely knownly and able to bear the big rich man's game played popularly to be the theme. 就这样,公司的第一作品便是选择家喻户晓且通俗耐玩的大富翁游戏为主题。
The content of the End, in this way, is quite as limited, contingent, and given, as the object is particular and found ready to hand. 这样,目的的内容便是受限制的、偶然的、给予的、正如目的的客体是特殊的、现成的。
The creditor countries can indirectly impose discipline on Italy by controlling how much Rome can borrow in this way. 债权国可以通过控制对意大利的借款额度来间接强制施行一些准则。