in silence

  • na.沉默着
  • 网络沉默地;静静地;沉默不语

in silencein silence

in silence


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... in return 作为报答 in silence 沉默地,无声地 in space 在宇宙空间 ...


中考英语作文题目集锦._百度知道 ... 看不见 out of sight 静静地 in silence 和…类似的 be similar to ...


人教版八年级下册英语重点短语 - 好研 ... 18. the city of …… 城,……市 21. in silence 沉默不语 22. take place 发生 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... in return 作为报答 in silence 沉默地,无声地 in space 在宇宙空间 ...


Forever - 梅凤、 - 网易博客 ... turn out 结果是,证明是 in silence 在沉默中 burst into laughter 突然笑出声来 ...


和平之月_百度百科 ... 10.深蓝 Deep Blue 11.寂静 In Silence 12.虹桥的尽头 End Of The Rainbow ...


初二英语英语(下册)重点词组与句型_英语网 ... in the playground 在操场 in silence 默默地 in order to 目的 ...

Life with him would not be at all worthy of Tatyana. The girl, making no protest, suffered in silence. 对她来说和他共同生活是完全不值得的。姑娘没有作任何辩驳,她默默地忍受着痛苦的折磨。
On this occasion, the ex-manager ate his as he went, plodding the dark streets in silence to his bed. 这一次,这位前经理边走边吃,默默地拖着沉重的脚步走过夜色中的街道,回去睡觉。
On being left alone with his wife, Jondrette began to pace the room again, and made the tour of it two or three times in silence. 容德雷特独自和他女人待在一道,又开始在屋子里走起来,一声不响地兜了两三个圈子。
His Uncle sat looking at him for some time in silence. 他的舅舅坐在那里默默地看了他一些时候。
In silence, suddenly, it seems as if all the windows of the world are thrown open and everything is as clear as on morning after rain. 在沉默中,好像忽然间所有的窗户都被打开了,每一样东西都像雨后的早晨那样清晰。
It wounded his dignity, and he locked himself up in silence, then, although the crowd begged him to go on. 这也太伤他的体面了;他闭口藏舌,再也不肯出声,可是那群人还请求他往下说。
I watched him climb the hill in silence. I expected him to come the next day but he did not come. 我默默注视他爬上山。第二天我想他还会来,但他没有。
He returned to his condo and plopped on his bed. He did not move the rest of the night. He flew home in silence the next morning. 回到租住的公寓后,麦迪扑通一声把自己扔到床上,整个夜晚,他就这样一动不动。次日一早,他便飞回了家乡,默默地,一言不发。
Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence , neither seeming willing to broach the test question of the business . 海利和那陌生人默默无言地吸了一会儿烟,好象谁都不愿先提这笔生意中最伤脑筋的问题。
Petya had been strutting up and down in silence. 彼佳沉默地在房里踱来踱去。
He heard me all through in silence, and then, in a broken voice, begged me to let him go to bed. 他默默地听完我这些责难,始终没有作声,最后才用哭丧似的声音恳求我,让他去睡觉。
Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward, Finally, she was the only runner left in sight. 道格和我在沈默观看了,当她慢慢地前进了,终于,她是在视线内的唯一的赛跑者。
Lily walked in silence for a while. Severus knew she had not thought about this. 莉莉一声不吭地走了一会儿。西弗勒斯知道她肯定没想过这事。
For some time he continued to sit in silence. Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head. 他静静地又坐了一会儿,然后抬起头来,安详地、有见地地举起了双手,点了点头。
He looked at him in silence, feeling Duo's invisible wings wrap over him. 他安静的看着对方,感觉到迪奥似乎有双看不见的翅膀正拥抱着他。
he said to the tippler, whom he found settled down in silence before a collection of empty bottles and also a collection of full bottles. 小王子问酒鬼,这个酒鬼默默地坐在那里,面前有一堆酒瓶子,有的装着酒,有的是空的。
In silence as touching your breath, night Chengzhe Feng children and pacing to see all my well-being, carried out on the boat quiet natural. 在悄无声息中你的气息那样缠绵,深夜乘着风儿踱来,见我一切安好,载着月之舟静然离开。
when the sun goes down to the west, the east of his morning stands before him in silence. 日头在西方落下时,他的早晨的东方已静悄悄地站在他面前。
As I passed, he looked at me in silence with burning tears that spoke to my shame and scalded my heart. 我从他身边经过时,他静静地看着我,热泪盈眶,让我为自己的行为深感可耻。
Look at the cousin, she seems to be pleased for his masterpiece, and I sigh in silence, only feel uncomfortable all over. 看看表妹,她似乎正在为自己的杰作高兴,我默默的叹了口气,只觉得浑身不自在。
Sometimes, he would also sit in silence, absorbed in his own thoughts. I wondered what was going through his mind? 有时也会静静的坐在那儿有所沉思,他在思索些什么呢?
All she could do now was to shun the scornful gaze of men, and to bear in silence the great change that was coming upon her. 她现在的唯一办法,就是避免人们侮蔑的注视和默默忍受身上要来的巨大变化。
For hours she sat in silence listening as he talked to her and then she began to be afraid of something. 她一连几个小时安静地坐在那里听他讲话,接着心里就怕起来了。
If I say I love you , would you laugh loudly and accept it in silence but wonder if it is true as a result of your love for me ? 如果我说我爱你,你会不会很开怀地大笑,然后默默地接受?但是由于你对我的爱,你会担心这是不是真的……
I can do nothing but gaze into the distance and pray in silence to send you my blessing by means of light breeze. 我只能遥望远方默默祈祷,让轻风捎去我的祝福。
Oliver crept away to the old churchyard, and sitting down on one of the green mounds, wept and prayed for her, in silence. 奥立弗偷偷走进那片古老的教堂墓地,在一个长满青草的坟茔上坐下来,无声地为她哭泣,祈祷。
His wife, also in her sixties, wept in silence by the side, as the man told other parents of gays or lesbians about the story. 当他向其他同性恋孩子的家长讲述这个故事的时候,他60多岁的妻子在一旁默默地哭泣。
They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul. 他们走过棺木,他们的内心感到震憾不已,并哑口无言,仿佛有人触及到了他们灵魂的深处。
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 我不许女人讲道,也不许他辖管男人,只要沉静。
It's not true so much these days, but you did used to see whole classes of children sitting in silence. 现在这种景象已经不多见了,但是你过去常常看到整班的孩子都安安静静地坐着。