in conclusion

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in conclusionin conclusion

in conclusion


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In conclusion, There is no need for you to apologize, because we can't accept your apologies. Things are not so easy as you expected. 最后我想说,你没有必要向我们道歉,因为我们不会接受你的道歉,事情远不是你想的那么简单。
In conclusion let me say that you must stand strong in your beliefs, and see further than the attempts of the dark Ones to distract you. 最后让我作个总结,你必须坚强得站立于自己的信念中,看得更远些,比那黑暗势力企图使你分心。
In conclusion, the data strongly suggest that if you're single, you (or someone you know) should learn a little bit about photography. 总而言之,以上数据充分显示:假如您是单身一族,您(或者您认识的某个人)怎么说也得学点摄影技术。
On the contrary, it is easy to see that the author of The Possessed, familiar with these paths, in conclusion took a quite different way. 相反,人们很容易就会发现,《群魔》一书的作者虽是轻车熟路,但结果去走向了一种截然不同的道路。
In conclusion upon this color objection, we have to say that we meet here in open daylight. There is nothing sinister about us. 总之在反对种族歧视的问题上,应该说我们是在这里公开集会,我们的身边没有任何威胁。
Dear friends, in conclusion, I would like to say that we in Russia are ready to expand relations with China on all fronts. 最后我想说的是,俄罗斯愿意深化同中国在各领域的关系。
In conclusion, the Trespass Notice has not been validly issued given that Kevin enjoys rights as a director and co-owner of the company. 结论:“禁止非法侵入通告”无效,因为凯文享有作为董事和公司拥有人之所有权利。
In conclusion, I'd like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. 最后我想说我今天玩得非常开心。
In conclusion, category is a society "in the philosophers' eyes" and a society the reality of category. 所以,类是“哲学家眼中”的社会,社会则是类的现实化。
In conclusion, it is possible for a mere teenager to bring about changes in the world around us - and I plan to do so. 总之,即使是一名青少年亦有可能带给我们周遭的世界一些影响我打算这么做。
In conclusion, the Delegation pointed out that it intended to fully participate in the session and looked forward to a positive outcome. 该代表团最后指出,它打算充分参与会议,并期望有一个积极的结果。
In conclusion, I would like to thank all that have helped me in the research. 最后,我想感谢所有在研究中帮助过我的人。
We ought to put this on the agenda, in conclusion, which must be carried out in three weeks. 总之,我们应当把它列入议程,该议程必须在三周内得到执行。类型七:先行词。
In conclusion, the result of this study shows that regulation about point bearing piles in the design code should be reviewed further. 研究结果显示现行设计规范关于点承桩之规定确有?得进一步检讨之必要。
In conclusion, you'd better look at the bright side of the matter. 总之,你要看到这件事积极的一面。
In conclusion, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well as commercial ties. 最后,敬请各位为我们日益增进的友谊和商业往来而干杯!
In conclusion, PCa management requires risk stratification with a combination of variables, PSADT being one of the most reliable predictors. 结论,前列腺癌的管理需要由多个变量组合而成的危险因素分级处理,PSADT则是其中最可靠的预测因素之一。
In conclusion, the developed fingerprinting method is expected to be a powerful tool for the identification of animal drugs. 说明核苷类化合物指纹图谱有望成为动物药鉴别的新方法。
In conclusion, the authors say that red heads have no greater risk during surgery than the rest of the population. 总之,研究者们认为,在外科手术中,红头发的人并不会比其他人的风险更大。
In conclusion, I wish all medical care providers will treat patients with sincere heart and enjoy the moment of helping people. 总而言之,我希望医疗人员们能够真心的医治病人并且真心喜欢帮助别人。
In conclusion, protecting wildlife is of great significance, as it is a vital cornerstone of the survival and future development of mankind. 重申观点1:动物保护是至关重要的,因为它是人类生存与未来发展的基础。
In conclusion, the fatigue properties of microstructure carefully controlled ferrite-pearlite steel could be as high as that of QT steel. 总之,组织精细控制的铁素体-珠光体型非调质钢的疲劳性能可达到调质钢的水平。
In conclusion, N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine was the ligands which had the highest affinity to SBA among the 17 kinds of ligands. 通过以上试验表明,N-乙酰-D-半乳糖胺是17种待选物中与SBA亲和力最高的糖配体;
In conclusion, China's relations with its Asian neighbors have been moving forward, which is a fact that no one can reverse. 总之,中国同周边亚洲邻国关系在发展,在进步,这是任何人也不能改变的事实。
In conclusion, the higher hand grip might to be a characteristic of adolescent judo athletes compared with wrestling and Sanshou athletes. 由此可见,青少年柔道运动员手握力较青少年摔跤和散打运动员的手握力大可能是其特点。
In conclusion, the more explosive swing player will benefit more of a stiffer shaft in terms of control and power. 总结一下,挥拍爆发力强的人在控制和力量方面都能受益于较硬的拍杆。
In conclusion, comparing with the cultural, historical, geographical and other records, we proved the result of our research. 最后,对照文化、历史、自然地理等文献,以证实本研究的方言分区结果。
In conclusion of This article, China's TV public service ads over 20 years of aesthetic changes were summarized and sorted. 在结语部分,本文对中国电视公益广告二十多年来的美学嬗变,进行了历史性梳理和特征性归纳。
In conclusion, people prefer to go traveling rather than stay at home during holidays for a combination of reasons. 最后,人们较喜欢去旅行,而不是留在家里假日期间结合起来的原因。
In conclusion, it gives me great pleasure to propose a toast to William Shakespeare, our man of the world. 最后,我非常高兴地提议,让我们为属于世界的威廉•莎士比亚干杯!