it seems that

  • 网络似乎;看起来;好像

it seems thatit seems that

it seems that


主语从句_百度百科 ... It is strange that… 奇怪的是…… It seems that似乎…… It happened that… 碰巧…… ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... It occurred to sb. that… 某人忽然意识到…… It seems that看起来…… It seems to sb.… 在某人看 …


八年级下册英语期末复习提纲 人教版_百度知道 ... sit close to... 坐在……旁边 it seems that 好像,似乎 learn about 了解,听说 ...


必备单词BEST2 - 豆丁网 ... Unit17 In the future professor 教授 it seems that 看起来好像 improbable 不可能的 ...


翻译练习:大学英语八级汉译英练习4戎夷 ... ... *唉: alas *看来: it seems that *实现: realize;come true;don’t work;won’t do ...


八年级英语下导学案(全).rar 新目标 ... 2.Reading 部分的新单词及短语。 ) It seems that + 从句 be late for/to 迟到 ...


什么是主语从句?_百度知道 ... It must be proved that… 必须指出…… It seems that好像是…… It happened that… 碰巧…… ...


----... ... It is unwise to …… 是不明智的 It seems that ... 好像……,似乎…… It turns out that ... 结果是,结果证明 ...

He said: 'Remarkably, it seems that the secret to long-term happiness in a relationship is to skip a first relationship. ' 他说:“显然,长期幸福恋爱的秘密是忘记初恋。”
Billy: It seems that you know more about salary advances than I do. 比利:看起来你比我更懂得有关提前支薪的知识。
It seems that today, something is wrong with your own neural, no tweaking, the last few days to the shaping of dies, just works account. 看来今天自己的神经有点问题,只好自己调整好,这几天把这几张都好好的深入塑造下,这样对自己作品有个交代。
It is always possible to break the vicious circle of fear and guilt. Because it seems that it is not always hard to say it first. 总是有可能去打破恐惧和负罪的错误怪圈,因为先说出口看起来并不总是很难。
Loose lips may still sink ships, but for the moment it seems that an indiscreet keystroke can do just as much damage. 嘴巴不牢仍然可能使得大船沉掉,但就目前来看,不警觉的键击同样可能带来相当的损害。
However, it seems that this product is no longer available for download. All the IBM links lead to nowhere. 但是,这种产品好像不再提供下载,所有的IBM链接都是无效地址。
It seems that the production line has been out of capacity to meet the demand of the whole province -- you'll have to ask Peter. 看起来生产线的能力无法满足全省的需求。这方面你得问彼得。
It begins just as mundanely as any other day, and on the surface, it seems that there is nothing special about it. 表面上看,并没有什么特别的事,只是日复一日,同样的结束。
On the surface, it seems that the only ethical issue might regard the suppression of this freedom. 表面看来,仅仅的道德问题也许会遏抑自由。
It seems that close to me, on the side yard to a grid, but I always find it. 它,似乎离我很近,就在身边某个格子里,而我总找不到它。
It seems that the sky will clear up, and it promises to be a fine day tomorrow. 天空似乎马上要放晴了。明天可望是个好天气。
In this environment, the master can only choose the real recluse recluse, it seems that the only way not to be contaminated. 在这种大环境下,真正的大师只能选择隐逸遁世,似乎只有这样才不被污染。
It seems that this particular celebration will go on for a couple of days. 似乎谷歌这种特别的庆祝方式将会持续数天。
It seems that she is just a few drinks, and display a the excitement, the characters are all toward a kid. 看来她是刚喝了几口酒,呈现出一种兴奋的情绪,正在朝一个画外的人物调笑。
In the past, everything is gone, her mother: "Oh, " say, it seems that I discovered what, but we do not have been said. 过去,一切都过去了,妈妈:“唉”的一声,似乎让我发现了什么,可是我们一直都没有说。
It seems that this was not really theft at all, but a re-appropriation of found material, a "remix" if you will. 好像这根本不是偷盗,只是对已发现材料的重新占有,如果愿意你也可以称它为“重新混音”。
It seems that some of the early Christians even felt that Paul's being in prison was a mistake and was never meant to be. 有些初期的基督徒甚至认为保罗被囚是一个错失,是不该发生的事情。
Historically, it seems that the rich, like the poor, have always been with us. 历史上,富人就如穷人一样,似乎一直都伴随在我们左右。
Although it seems that he may not be destined for the great things in life his mother wishes he "ll achieve, McDull never gives up. " 尽管看起来在人生中他不可能取得像他妈妈所希望的那种成就,但麦兜从不放弃努力。
It seems that the Fed might have painted itself into a corner. 看起来,美联储好像已经把自己逼到死角了。
A few days also had not seen the figure of this man again later, he disappeared inside wherefrom ridge pole house it seems that. 后来几天再也没见过这个男人的身影,他似乎从那栋房子里面消失了。
Carry incidentally, be in a few places of China, remarrying is to have it seems that what hold wedding afternoon is consuetudinary. 顺便提一下,在中国的一些地方,再婚似乎是有在下午举办婚礼的习俗。
the foot of the aircraft hit the ball in the sky, it is said that the plane is to attack the white house, it seems that bush to thank him! 这脚球把天上的飞机打了下来,据说着飞机是去袭击白宫的,看来布什要感谢他了!
"Was such a . . . " We looked at the witch on the verge of death, it seems that she began to experience a bit of sympathy. “原来是这样…”大家看着奄奄一息的巫婆,似乎开始有点同情她的遭遇了。
Too hastily, it seems that this love into a love of traditional American-style trap. 太仓促,似乎这一段恋情陷入了传统的美式爱情的陷阱。
obviously very difficult to determine the specific time, Now it seems that "stands in" means that this is only a later time. 显然是很难确定的具体时间,现在看来,“主张在”的意思是这只是一个稍后的时间。
It seems that every time I speak to him or look at him on TV he looks quite relaxed. 好像每次我和他联系或者在电视上看到他时,他总是看起来很轻松。
When she was in her first year in senior high school, I was so worried about her cause it seems that she'll never concentrate on her study. 当她在她的头一年是在高中,我对她的事业是如此担心,似乎她永远不会集中在她的研究。
I really thought she'd be there to help me, but it seems that she's just a fair-weather friend. 我当时真的以为她会来这儿帮我,看来她不是个能共患难的朋友。
It seems that there was a canopy of water that was above the sky and water below, on the land. 在这里可能是说有水高于天上的穹苍,同样在其下也有地上的水。