begin with

  • na.从…开始
  • 网络以…开始;开始于;以…为起点

begin withbegin with

begin with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... beat up and down 来回奔走 begin with 以…开始;开始于 to begin with 首先,第一 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... attach to 附属于,隶属于 begin with 从开始 break into 闯入 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... beat up and down 来回奔走 begin with 以…开始;开始于 to begin with 首先,第一 ...


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... come across 偶然遇见,碰上 begin with 以„开始,以„为起点 come up with 提出 ...


中考英语必备短语_百度知道 ... 88、恳求某人做某事 beg sb to do sth 89、由…开始 begin with 90、首先 to begin with ...


初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... come to an end 告终,结束 , begin with 以…开头 , sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上 . ...

To begin with, he seems to have created a straw man that bears little relation to the true assumptions made by evolutionary psychologists. 在开始,他试图创建一个假想的对手对进化心理学家的假设没有任何联系。
Now that it's splitsville, people talk about it as if Leong had a master plan to begin with. 如今梁李分手,人们议论纷纷,就好像梁洛施要开始实施什么大计划一般。
The lessons here assume you know nothing about harmonica. Choose a harmonica in the store and just begin with it. 至于口琴嘛,你可以看一下草堂作坊里的几种口琴,都很适合初学者。
That's at least twice for each iteration, and the exact number of iterations through the list will depend how ordered it was to begin with. 每次循环至少执行两次,遍历列表需要执行的精确循环次数取决于列表最初排序的情况。
Jobs has been subject to extravagant cheerleading, and it's not as if he was overendowed with a sense of humility to begin with. 但乔布斯受到了过分的吹捧,而他自己似乎也不怎么谦虚。
At the time, we may have resented this intruder---but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with. 在当时,我们兴许怨恨这位不速之客---但是后来长大了,也就认识到了心上人本来就不属于我们。
Therefore, this biography will begin with Rowan's early childhood and how those around him influenced what he would grow up to be. 这个传记从他童年和周围环境开始,正是这些影响促使他成为长大以后的样子。
Every stroke of the quill leaves me a little poorer . . . or would, if I were not a beggar to begin with. 每用羽毛笔写下一次,我就变的越来越穷……或者将会,若我不在一开始就是个穷光蛋的话。
It is not necessary to tell any quartet player the world that they began with Haydn. All quartet everywhere begin with a little Haydn. 不需要告诉四重奏的演奏者,全世界各地都知道四重奏是要从海顿的一些作品开始的。
Maybe she was never a panda hugger to begin with. Maybe she was trying to give the panda the finger. 也许一开始她就不是一个熊猫拥抱者。也许他当时正试图把自己的手指给熊猫。
And I'm going to be talking, to begin with, as I said, about diarrheal disease organisms. 而我将要谈论的,正如我所说,首先从痢疾病菌开始。
Mature breeding birds are very expensive - even a fertilised ostrich egg isn't cheap so you need quite a bit of capital to begin with. 周到的养殖鸟类非常昂贵,甚至繁殖鸵鸟蛋不便宜,所以你需要许多资金才能开始。
I should require that your company provide me with an apartment. If impossible, I can accept a bed in the company's dormitory to begin with. 本人要求贵公司提供一套单元房,如有困难,我要求一开始能在公司集体宿舍里有一个床位。
Oh, that depends how much they hate you to begin with. 哦,那首先取决于他们有多恨你。
as they vote for her to be the 2nd Runner-Up, the 1stRunner-Up, or the new Miss Universe. And we'll begin with Miss Namibia. 他们要选出季军,亚军,还有新的环球小姐。我们将从纳米比亚小姐开始。
In clinical electrocardiography, of course, one does not begin with a depiction of electrical actors arising in the heart. 在临床心电图上,人们自然不是首先描绘从心脏中产生的电向量。
But the fact that the Church was slow to canonise this remarkable man suggests that to begin with it did not accept his version of events. 但是,教会却迟迟不给这么出色的人封圣,此事表明:开始,教会并不承认这种说法。
Begin with a simple: "I know you've noticed that Dad and I have been upset lately, so we wanted to let you know what's going on. " 很容易开始:“我知道你注意到你爸爸和我最近很忧虑,所以我们希望你能知道事情进行的怎么样。”
'I expect you know almost everybody living near here, 'I said. 'Do you know a woman whose names begin with the letters L. L. ? ' “我觉得您认识住儿附近的几乎每个人。”我说道,“您认识姓名以L.L。字母开头的女士吗?”
If the resistance that disallowed the Well-Being to begin with is not released, it will show up in the form of another and another disease. 如果一开始就有的对幸福安康的不允许没有释放,它就会以一种又一种别人疾病的形式表现出来。
Let me say, to begin with , that I have always spoken highly of him. 首先,让我说明我一直是称赞他的。
Fortunately, even if you know nothing about business, you can begin with a dream, a castle in the air, and then build a foundation under it. 幸运的是,即使你对商业一无所知,你也可以上路,带着梦想,带着你的空中楼阁,但接下来请为它打下根基。
To begin with it wasn't easy to get used to. Peacetime played havoc with our minds - it was like being drunk. 乍一停,很有一点弄不惯,和平反而使人心乱,像喝醉酒似的。
Barzah: A bad neighbourhood to begin with . . . it had gone from bad to worse the Friday I decided to drive through and take a look. 这个社区的情况从一开始就很糟糕,从这个周五开始变得更糟了。我决定驾车驶过这里看看情况。
We may begin with one, and that "a little one, " and yet it will "become a thousand. " The LORD is great at the multiplication table. 我们开始可能只是「一」,而且是小小的「一」,但它可变成千,这是上帝奇妙的乘法表。
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said consumers should begin with one meat-free day a week. 联合国政府间气候变化小组的主席拉金德拉帕乔里说,消费者应该每周有一天不吃肉。
To begin with , India was a great nation with a rich culture and tradition and a mosaic of great diversity . 首先,印度是一个有丰富文明和传统的伟大国家,文化有其多样性的特点。
To begin with, one's individual income does not wholly reflect the extent to which one's self-value and social value are realized. 首先,个人的收入不能完全地反映个人价值和社会价值的实现程度。
If the boots fit, immediately begin with an activity - like a dog walk - to take his mind off the boots. 如果适合的靴子,立即开始与活动-像狗散步-靴子脱下他的脑海。
To begin with, one of the more surprising reveals that came out of yesterday's news is that the OS cannot be installed on your own computer. 首先,从昨天的新闻中透露出一个更为令人吃惊的消息是,这个操作系统不能安装在你自己的电脑上。