ben bernanke

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ben bernankeben bernanke

ben bernanke


美联储主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)发表国会证词,警告有可能退出量化宽松政策,美元因此扭转弱势急剧反弹,白银T+D市场承 …


美联储主席贝南克(Ben Bernanke)相信,这次不会发生这样的情况。为平息猜疑、让市场放心,他和他的副手过去几天来竭 …


美国联准会主席柏南克Ben Bernanke)给人的印象也是如此。他总是耐心而专注的听取别人的意见,然后用心思索,认真与 …

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the economy is going through a very difficult period. 美联储主席伯南克说,美国经济正经历一个非常困难的时期。
Ben Bernanke is to be reappointed for a second four-year term as chairman of the Federal Reserve, according to a White House official. 一位白宫官员表示,本-伯南克(BenBernanke)将被再度任命为美联储(FederalReserve)主席,开始他在该职位上的第二个四年任期。
At this point Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke rubs his hands together expectantly. 在此之前,联储主席本.伯南克一直在摩拳擦掌的期待着什么。
Ben Bernanke has sketched out a route to the exit, but does not intend to use it for a while. 本•伯南克(BenBernanke)已经草拟了一条退出路线,但他暂时并不打算使用。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the housing slump will continue to be a drag on U. S. growth into next year. 做为名词,有累赘,拖累的意思。美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克认为,房屋市场的不景气会继续成为美国经济成长的绊脚石。
Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the public and investors should take "considerable comfort" . 美联储主席BenBernanke说,公众和投资者应该“相当安慰”。
In theory, Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson and Tim Geithner were as well prepared as anyone for this sort of event. 按理说,本-伯南克、亨利-保尔森和蒂莫西-盖特纳都是做出了充分准备来应对此类危机的绝佳人选。
To that end, he said he thought Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Paulson were right to voice support for the dollar last week. 因此,他认为美国联邦储备理事会(FED,美联储)主席贝南克和财长保尔森上周发表言论支撑美元是对的.(完)
Chairman Ben Bernanke spooked markets just a few weeks ago when he said the forecast for recovery remains "unusually uncertain. " 美联储主席本伯南克在几周前曾表示,美国经济形势依然很不明朗,导致股市下挫。
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the economy had a high degree of slack, which should help to keep inflation contained. 美联储主席伯南克周二表示,美国经济的资源闲置度很高,应有助保持通胀受到抑制。
If Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke had a tank, I wouldn't just be in it; I'd probably be the bouncer checking ID's at the door. 美联储主席,本.伯南克(BenBernanke)要是有辆坦克,我不光会在里面,我可能还是那门口查证件的保镖。
Ben Bernanke, Fed chairman, has defended his actions and said he was fully aware of the global importance of the dollar. 美联储主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)为其行为进行了辩护,表示自己完全清楚美元的全球重要性。
Fed chairman Ben Bernanke recently gave a speech denying that it had loosened credit too much, though he admitted to lax bank regulation. 美联储主席伯克南近来发表演讲,否认过度放宽信贷,不过承认对银行的监管有所松懈。
President Obama has nominated Ben Bernanke for a second term as chairmen of the Federal Reserve, the United States central bank. 美国总统奥巴马提名本·伯南克担任美国中央银行美联储主席第二次任期。
None of this comes as a surprise to the former Princeton University professor who now chairs the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. 这些对于前普林斯顿大学教授、现任Fed主席贝南克(BenBernanke)而言,都将是意料之中的事情。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the latest increases in energy prices have added to inflation risks. 美联储主席伯南克表示能源价格的最新上涨已经增加了通货膨胀的危险。
The year started with Ben Bernanke, Time magazine's Man of 2009, being confirmed to another term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. 本.伯南克开了个头,美国时代周刊的2009年最有影响力的人,美联储的主席。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and other economists have proclaimed the end of the worst recession since the Great Depression. 美联储(FederalReserve)主席贝南克(BenBernanke)和其他经济界人士已经宣布,大萧条时代以来最严重的衰退已经结束。
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke continued to fare best, with an average grade of 76 out of 100. 美联储主席贝南克(BenBernanke)的表现依然最好,平均分数为76分(满分100分)。
Since Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, hinted in late August that it was on its way, financial markets have responded vigorously. 因为美联储主席伯南克曾在8月晚期暗示,QE2正在准备实施,金融市场对此反应很是热烈。
Mr. Bunning was the only committee member to vote against Ben Bernanke 's confirmation as Fed chairman almost four years ago. 邦宁先生是参议院银行委员会里唯一在四年前投票反对任命本·伯南克担任美联储主席一职的参议员。
GETTING rid of a bad name is difficult; but a consistent message can do it, as Ben Bernanke has proved. 摆脱坏名声是困难的,但保持前后论调一致可以达到这个效果,伯南克(BenBernanke)已经证实了这一点。
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has opened the door to a further easing of monetary policy, but officials have said they are hesitant to act. 美联储主席贝南克曾为进一步放宽货币政策打开大门,但另有官员表示不愿采取行动。
But in congressional testimony on Wednesday, central bank chairman Ben Bernanke played down the possibility of a government takeover. 但是美联储主席伯南克星期三在国会作证时降低了政府接管的可能性。
Mr Paulson said he did so at "the request" of Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman. 保尔森表示,他这样做是应美联储(Fed)主席伯南克(BenBernanke)的要求。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's average grade rose slightly to a 72, but 26% gave him the equivalent of a D or F. 美联储主席本。伯南克的平均分数略为上升到72,但26%的给他评级为D或F级。
But such fears have been mitigated, for some, because Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is himself a student of the Great Depression. 但对一些人来说,恐慌已经得到缓解,因为美联储主席本·伯南克本人就是一位研究大萧条的学者。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress Monday it would be "appropriate" for lawmakers to consider "a fiscal package. " 周一联邦储备主席贝纳克告诉议会说,立法部门去考虑投放这个“经济包”是有必要的。
As I write this, investors around the world are anxiously awaiting Ben Bernanke's speech at the annual Fed gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyo. 我撰写这篇文章时,全世界的投资者都在焦急地等待伯南克在怀俄明州杰克逊城举行的美联储年度例会上的讲话。
When asked whether Ben Bernanke should be re-appointed as Federal Reserve Chairman, Buffett said 'I don't see how you could do better. ' 当被问及贝南克(BenBernanke)是否应该连任美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)主席时,巴菲特说,我看不出谁能比他做的更好。