back and forth

  • na.来回地
  • 网络反复地;往返;前后

back and forthback and forth

back and forth


大学英语四级常用词组 ... right away 立刻,马上 back and forth (前后)来回地,往返 back away 逐渐后退 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at times 有时,间或 back and forth 来回地,反复地 back of 在...后面 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... right away 立刻,马上 back and forth (前后)来回地,往返 back away 逐渐后退 ...


光学专业英语_百度文库 ... wobble 摇晃 back and forth 前后 panel 白光 板 ...


back 的中文意思_百度知道 ... back-fence adj. 邻居的, 邻居间的 back and forth 来来往往地 back away 逐渐后退 ...


take me away_百度百科 ... Was never said 暧昧模糊的最初 Back and forth 来来回回 Inside my head 在我的心底一一浮现 ...


裕兴新概念英语第三册 - 豆丁网 ... Up and down 上上下下 Back and forth 前前后后 Black and white 黑与白,黑人和白人 自从 ...

Once you get used to it, and to the particular person you're pairing with, you slip into a flow, switching back and forth naturally. 一旦您习惯了这种做法,并且适应了与您结对的特定人员,您就会进入这种流程,很自然地来回互换角色。
Edward, I've gone back and forth the last few days trying to decide whether or not I should even write this. 这几天我思前想后,考虑是不是该给你写这封信。
A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, LONG. - handled racket. 羽毛球一种体育运动,在一定高度、宽度的网子范围内用一只轻的长柄球拍前后截击羽毛球
We had this ability to be kind of a yin and yang on problems: one guy would say that's unsolvable, and our roles would flip back and forth. 在解决问题上,我们是阴阳相济的:其中一个人可能会说这个问题没法解决,然后我们的角色就会此消彼长。
In this pose, your stomach is almost touching his bent knee; use it for support and leverage as you rock back and forth, and up and down. 这种姿势,你的腹部几乎接触到了他弯曲的膝部;利用它做支撑保持平衡,你可以前后或者上下摆动。
But the legal back-and-forth didn't appear to derail the discussions about splitting up Wachovia, said people familiar with the matter. 但是知情人士称,法律上的纷纷扰扰看起来并没有使瓜分Wachovia的讨论停顿下来。
Documents can be worked on live, rather than emailing copies back and forth and trying to keep track of versions. 我们可以在线进行文字工作,而不是把复制文本通过电邮寄来寄去,试图找寻版本。
You know, do all the pianos in Redmond on Monday rather than going back and forth across 520 three times a day. 你知道意思,星期一把Redmond地区的钢琴全部搞定,而不是一天之内在520公路来来回回三趟。
Users can finger-swipe back and forth across various articles from a single news source, or up and down through up to 20 news sources. 用户可以手指轻扫在各种物品来回从一个单一的新闻来源,或向上和向下通过多达20个新闻来源。
No, she was in a conversation with a group of people and talking back and forth. And. . . I'll let Governor Palin speak for herself. 不,她在与一群人对话和交谈。而且…我会让佩林州长自己辩白。
The session had been a back-and-forth one, with traders weighing new signs of global recession against promising signals for the U. 周一股市一直上下拉锯,交易员在全球衰退的最新迹象和美国金融业及房地产市场出现的良好信号之间进行权衡。
If the head turns back and forth really slow, it may seem as if the character is stretching his neck. 如果头从后往前转的很慢的话,角色看上去只是在活动颈部而已。
The subject is still under debate since the Japanese government has switched back and forth between accepting the charges and denying them. 由于日本政府于承认这些指控与否认该事,表现出摇摆不定的态度,这问题依然备受争论。
I felt pretty silly walking back and forth across the bar, and the only guy who looked was the creep checking everybody out. 我觉得很无聊的步行跨越栏来回,唯一的家伙是谁看的蠕变检查每个人了。
After the match he just paced back and forth and was unable to sit down for fear of cramping all over his body. 比赛后他只能来回渡步,没法坐下来,生怕全身肌肉痉挛。
He began a shuttle back and forth between New York and Washington that would define the rest of his life. 他担任国内政策研究协调人,开始在纽约和华盛顿之间来回奔波,这成为他以后终身的生活方式。
It's kind of almost like a mini-game as you travel back and forth between the major land masses . 在你在地区之间来回旅行时就像一种迷你游戏一样。
a few back and forth waiting at the place where you and I met while Chouchangbaijie. 几回回等候在你我相遇的地方而愁肠百结。
Among them, there was a CEO of a grand German firm, who always had to go back and forth between Tokyo and Osaka, for business reasons. 客人中有一位德国大公司的总裁,因为业务需要常常往返于东京和大阪之间。
Our parents both worked full time and riding our bikes back and forth wasn't exactly a hardship, it was more like a grown-up responsibility. 我们的父母都有全职的工作,骑车上下学也不是一件苦差事,这更像成长的责任。
Tesla put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, the crown of his head inches from the longhouse rafters. 泰斯拉把手背在身后,来来回回地踱步,他头上的头罩在长屋的房椽上慢慢移动。
Since there was no direct transportation between my home and the newspaper office, a fellow worker drove me back and forth to work. 由于在我家和报馆之间没有直接的交通路线,一位同事开车送我上下班。
All those people, all that money sloshing back and forth, and, perhaps most beguiling, all that growth: it is enough to make a banker swoon. 那里的所有人,所有来回周转的钱,而且也许最具吸引力的是所有这一切的快速增长:足于令任一位银行家开心到晕倒。
It's so much fun to see that object go back and forth in 21 seconds, that I will go. . . 很有趣地发现物体,来回用时是21秒,我将。
It was walking back and forth on the wall of the building over the door to Mister's store. 蜘蛛在先生药店门上方的墙上走来走去。
Now she preferred the garden, and did not dislike to promenade back and forth in front of the railed fence. 她现在比较喜欢待在花园里,并不厌烦常到铁栏门边去走走。
He moved a pair of long poles back and forth in front of him as he climbed. 他攀登山峰时在前面来回移动着一对长竿子。
Maya moved back and forth with her but for much of his schooling Barry chose to stay in the US with his grandparents. 玛雅跟着她来回迁徙,但是巴利选择跟外祖父母待在一起,在美国完成了大部分学业。
hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation. 那时,雹与火掺杂,甚是厉害,自从埃及成国以来,遍地没有这样的。
ChiChi ran back and forth in front of his chair, straining at his leash as if to run down the beach. 吉吉在他的椅子前面来来回回地跑,奋力拉扯皮带,似乎想跑下海滩。