best of all

  • un.起码;充其量;怎么也;最
  • 网络最好的;最好的是;最好地

best of allbest of all

best of all

大学英语四级常用词组 ... at best 充其量,至多 best of all (好),首先 at one's best 处在最好状态 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... depend v. 依靠 best of all 最好的 railcard n. 火车优惠卡 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... might v.aux. 可能;也许 best of all 最好的是 country n. 国家;乡村; ...


欢迎光临--甪直中学课题组 ... 10 route of the walk 行走的路线 11 best of all . 最好地 12 the perfect place 完美的地方 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at best 充其量,至多 best of all 最(好),首先 at one's best 处在最好状态 ...


all的中文翻译,all中文是什么意思 -... ... in all 总共 best of all 最好不过的是 I'm all yours. 我完全属于你。 ...


牛津英语8B... ... 在湖边 by the lake 所有当中最好的 best of all 一大清早 early in the morning ...


词组_刘刘六二吧_百度贴吧 ... 7. a list of food 食品单 8. best of all 其中最好的 1. soft drinks 不含酒精的软饮料 ...

One night as I sat eating Mrs. H-----'s soda-bread, her husband told me a longish story, much the best of all I heard in Rosses. 一天晚上,我在H夫人家吃苏打面包,她的丈夫给我说了一个略长的故事,我在罗塞斯听到的最好故事便出自于此。
Best of all are the 16 illuminated touch-sensitive pads, which make it easy to build grooves with feel. 最棒的是第16照明触摸垫,这使得可以轻松地构建与感觉沟槽。
It navigated the crisis best of all the investment banks and does not run itself as if it is bound to get bailed out. 高盛是在危机中表现最好的投行,经营方式也没有给人以自恃无恐的感觉,就好像它一定会得到政府纾困。
Best of all, I realized that Tippy left behind all of my good memories of him. 最欣慰的是,我理解到蒂皮给我留下了所有美好回忆。
Best of all, in an age where wireless services and devices are beginning to rule the day, entrepreneurship can finally become color blind. 特别重要的是,在这个无线服务和无线设备一统天下的时代,创业者最后会失去方向。
Best of all, whether you used the dreaded word or not, it would be the meaningful further stimulus that the economy badly needs. 最重要的是,不管用不用那个禁忌之词,这都将成为美国经济迫切需要、且意义重大的进一步刺激措施。
We decided to buy a former rental car, only a year old, all the extras included, and best of all NO haggling - the price is the price! 我们打算去买辆淘汰下来的租赁车,只有一年车龄,要包括所有的额外费用,最好还不用讨价还价——标啥价就卖啥价!
Best of all, a fill light is easy to create: either a simple on-camera flash or a reflector is often sufficient. 最重要的是,一个填充光很容易创造:不是一个简单的闪光或反射器指向通常是足够了。
Best of all, you will have saved yourself quite a bit of money. 无论如何,少关注一些细节问题会给你省下为数不少的一笔钱。
Since the best of all no help at all, then I think we really do not fit each other, we really need to leave for people. 既然尽力了都无补于事,那么我想,我们真的不适合对方,我们真的需要离开大家了。
Marrying him seems best of all: the legal contract, in most jurisdictions, protects you against this sort of behaviour. 看起来嫁给他是最好的选择:在大多数法域中,法律合同都将针对遗弃行为给你提供保护。
I'd like to say that this is the best of all timer classes, but that would be misleading. 我愿意说这是所有定时器类中最好的一个,但这会引起误导。
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. 圣诞树四周最好的礼物是:幸福的家庭氛围,将人们彼此紧紧裹住。
Best of all, the cutter is composed of a row of assembled rotary cutting discs and is protected by a plurality of protective covers. 该切刀最好由一排组件形式的旋转切割圆盘组成,由若干所述护盖加以保护。
The doctrine , asserted by Leibnitz , that this world is the best of all possible worlds . 由莱布尼兹创建的一种理论,认为这个世界是尽善尽美的。
Best of all. . . if you think something is the best among lots of others, you can use this expression. (其中最好的……),如果你认为在很多事物中某事物是最好的,用这个表达法。
And best of all, sharing good times and bad with your pet will make you less likely to turn to food to feel good. 最棒的是,和宠物分享快乐和痛苦使你比较不会靠吃东西来得到快乐。
Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. 最棒的是,她能够维持她的理想体重。
It works best of all for Google, which is collecting profits at the rate of about $10 billion a year. 当然,最大的赢家是谷歌。它每年能够从中获得100亿美元的利润。
Best of all, the newly created code will respect the code formatting rules I've set up in my Eclipse preferences. 理想的情况是,新创建的代码应该遵守此前在Eclipse首选项中设置的代码格式规则。
Best of all, none of these changes require any update of the service logic or the mediation flow logic! 最大的优点在于,这些更改都不需要服务逻辑或中介流逻辑的任何更新!
If it is a hoax, then it would be the best of all hoaxes. 假如它是一个恶作剧,它将是所有恶作剧中最好的一个。我相信这是真的…
For young children it is usually not true because they don't like a sudden change in their lives. They like their homes best of all. 对于孩子来说更是这样,他们不习惯生活发生突然的变化,他们最喜欢自己的家。
Best of all, I still get to keep the best parts of being an introvert, like being able to focus during time alone. 当然了,我还是保留了内向的人的优良特性,在我一个人的时候也可以集中注意力做事情。
Is not this the best of all, that God is with us? 这不就是祂的名以马内利﹖上帝与人同在!
Only opportunity to make the best of all at me, pains, there will be a harvest. 有的只是良机,一切尽其在我,一分耕耘,就会有一分收获。
If well used, books are the best of all things; if abused, among the worst. ----R. W. Emerson. 如果利用得当,书籍就是最好的朋友;反之,如果滥用,它就会变成最坏的东西了。----R.W·爱默生。
As development tools become more sophisticated, it becomes increasingly difficult for a single vendor to provide the best of all tools. 随着开发工具变得越来越先进,一家厂商很难提供所有最好的工具。
Best of all, you can accomplish securing your application with a few lines of configuration. 最妙的是,仅需几行配置就可实现应用安全。
Best of all was a heavy, irregular-shaped wooden door that slid shut, separating the bedroom from the hall, closet and bathroom. 其中最妙的莫过于形状不规则的木门,滑动关闭,即可分隔卧室与客厅、壁橱和浴室。