
美 [eɪ]英 [eɪ]
  • na.
  • n.英文字母表的第一字母;【乐】A音
  • art.冠以不定冠词主要表示类别
  • 网络一个字符;専用道路;一命题



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 1 个字母the first letter of the English alphabet

3.[c][u](学业成绩)第一等,优,甲the highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work or course of study

4.[u](表示两个或更多可能性中的)第一个used to represent the first of two or more possibilities

5.[u](代表一个假设的或不指名的人)甲used to represent a person, for example in an imagined situation or to hide their identity


from A to B

从一地到另一地from one place to another

from A to Z

从头到尾;彻底地;完全including everything there is to know about sth

2010... ... R:r! q$ f% v 十三 N% D% a' f% M5 5 V! p 表 ...




一般国道自动车専用道路 (A')(收费道路)椎田道路SHIIDA ROAD目录 收费车种区分为普通车、大型车与特大车三种。


在这种特殊情形下,我们可以另成一命题A'):「有一个其形式为X4+1并小于18之素数」,这个命题之证实法就是很简单的 …



oh never metion it, a factory beside my house made noise all around yesterday, i'd gotta be deaf without an earplug. 别提了。昨天我家旁边的工厂不断发出噪音一整天,如果没有耳塞我可能就聋了。
looks dry to me, but you may be able to squeeze out a few drops. 那个柠檬看来已经干了,但也许你还能挤出几滴汁来。
The shortish and baldish former gold salesman is about as far from the popular image of a Wall Street titan as you can get. 这位前“黄金推销员”个头不高,有些谢顶,远非你所想象的那种受欢迎的华尔街巨头。
Paltrow portrays an opportunistic thief with a willingness to lift the jewelry from the dead and a cold-hearted view of men. 帕特洛描绘与愿意取消从死者和一冷心肠的人认为是机会主义的珠宝窃贼。
Through chattering teeth, she told her that she was cold, that she wanted a sheet for her gurney. 她问,能不能给她个床单。她太冷了,牙齿都冷的一直在打架。
In recent years, Henry Hu, a finance professor at Texas University, has often been a thorn in the side of the banking world. 近些年,得克萨斯大学(TexasUniversity)金融学教授亨利•胡(HenryHu)屡屡被银行界视作眼中钉。
I suppose if I were East Indian, then I would be proud of it, but as such, I only pointed it out as a known fact. 如果我要是东印度人,那么我确实会骄傲,但我只是将那些当做众人皆知的事实说了出来。
The researcher as teacher differs from the previous analogies, and that very distinction is often thought to make him or her a good teacher. 把教师比作研究者与刚才的比拟不同,有个很大的差别就试,常常以为研究工作能使他或她成为好老师。
You really love the Man, with a total not to tell you thinking, because in fact his plan for you with the most beautiful real future. 真正爱你的男人,总告诉你不要胡思乱想,因为其实他在为你们谋划着最美丽真实的未来。
It was like they were taken into a bomb alley and attacked. They complained of brutality and shameful treatment. 就好象他们被带入了一条充满炸药的小路然后被攻击了。他们抱怨遭受到的野蛮而无耻的袭击。
Now that have such a good chance, you might as well take advantage of it to improve your oral English. 既然有了这样的机会,你不妨好好利用,来提高你的英语口语。
Must be able to handle a multitude of tasks in an intense, ever-changing environment while remaining calm and collective. 必须能够在压力且多变的工作环境下处理多项工作任务,并保持平静及团队合作精神。
You still don't sense our politicians are saying, "Wait a minute; stop everything; we have got to work together. " 你还没有理解我们这些政客们所说的话,“等一下,放下手上的一切活。我们必须一起工作。”
Would we be prepared to knock industry for six simply because we felt that house prices were getting a bit too sporty? I don't think so. 仅仅因为感觉到住房价格太活跃,我们是不是就准备彻底打跨这个行业呢?我不这么看。
The group had an average age of 34 and had slightly more men than women. Of these, 39 percent had a history of mental health problems. 受调查者平均34岁,男性略多于女性。其中39%的人曾出现心理健康问题。
My favourite job was probably as a bartender in Louisiana in the middle of Mardi Gras. I got to meet so many great people. 我最喜欢的,可能是在路易斯安那的狂欢节期间当酒吧招待,遇到那么多有意思的人。
He took Hachiko home, he gave Hachiko a warm home. 他把八公带回家,给八公一个温暖的家。
But somethIng wonderful started happenIng In the mIdst of all thIs. I began to see all the beauty around me In a wholly new way. 然而就在这时,一些奇妙的事情发生了。我开始以全新的方式看待我周围所有的美丽事物。
In the spacious hall they found a splendid feast which had been prepared by the Ogre for some of his friends. 在豪华的大厅里,他们看见一桌盛宴,那是怪物为他的一些朋友准备的。
It's like lying has become so habitual to them that they lie even when the truth would have been a more persuasive answer. 撒谎已经是一种习惯了,即使真相是种更具说服力的答案。
A rare disease also referred to as an orphan disease is any disease that affects a small percentage of the population. 罕见病,也被称为孤儿病,指那些仅在极少数人群身上发生的疾病。
Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm. 谁来吟唱圣歌?我,画眉说,她停坐在灌木上,我来吟唱圣歌。
You've got a lot to say and it can be easy to try to say it all at once. 你有很多话要说,轻松尝试一次性说完也很容易。
She had been so much a part of his plans for the future that he was now thinking of countries where they could farm together. 她曾是他未来生活计划中如此重要的一部分,以至于他现在还在考虑他们可以一起去哪些国家经营农场。
Powell, a classicist, said: "Like the Roman, I seem to see the Tiber foaming with much blood. " 他警告政府不能无限制吸收英联邦移民,身为古典学家的鲍威尔说:“好像罗马人,我仿佛看到了台伯河血沫翻腾。”
The debate is likely to continue as a Toyota official said the company had no plans to issue a more precise number. 由于丰田的管理人士表示,该公司不打算公布更详细的数据,因此,相关争议很可能继续下去。
Perhaps you could enlist a third party to hold on to cheques from the pair of you. 或许你们可以招募一个第三方来保管你们俩开出的支票。
The reason is simple: Penetration pricing often means that the product may be sold at a loss for a certain length of time. 道理很简单:使用渗透价格常常意味着产品在一定时间内是要以亏本价卖出的。
Let me remember those a act coutain was that I how fear, how think of the experience forget. 让我想起了那些曾经的一幕幕,是我多么恐惧、多么想忘记的经历。
The patient laughed. "Yes, " he said. He was dead six days later, a few months shy of his 80th birthday. 病人笑了。他说,“是的。”他在六天后去世,离他80岁生日只有几个月。