aside from

  • na.暂置不论;加之;除…外
  • 网络除...外;除…之外;除了

aside fromaside from

aside from

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/wwwroot/ on line 152


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as well as 除...外(也),即...又 aside from 除...外(还有) at a loss 茫然,不知所措 ...


英语语法 介词 ... apart from 除……之外(别无);除……之外(尚有) aside from 除……之外(尚有) far from 远离,远非 ...


全新版大学英语综合教程第三册单词汇总_百度文库 ... premium 保险费;奖金;奖品 aside from 除了 cut back 减少;削减 ...


PETS4,有兴趣的进来一起学![旺旺英语论坛] ... Output 输出, Aside from 除了…以外 Drawback 缺陷 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ay as well 还是…的好 aside from (美)除…以外 ask after 询问,问候 ...


大学英语三级高频词汇表下载,浙江省大学英语... ... as regards: 关于,至于 aside from: 除了…之外 at a loss: 不知所措,亏本 ...

But aside from trying to grab a little more shut-eye, what exactly can you do to try to improve your memory? 但除了试图争取多一点睡眠时间,你究竟可以怎么做,来提高记忆力呢?
Aside from her duties as an assassin, Ventress was also a field commander and proxy presence for Count Dooku. 除了负责充当杀手,文崔斯也是战地指挥官和杜库伯爵的全权代表。
However, aside from being only sixteen, two years below the usual age, the plain fact was he did not study for it. 但是,这除了因为他当时只有16岁,比正常的入学年龄要小两岁外,直接原因就是他没有为这次考试复习。
Aside from some decorations at Pizza Hut, there seems to be very little attention in China given to the symbols and motifs of October. 万圣节虽然是十月的标志性节日,但事实上,在中国,我们基本上只能从必胜客餐厅里的装饰感受些许的节日气氛。
I pulls his hair aside from in front of his eyes and looks at his long eyelashes. 我把他眼前的头发捋到一旁,看着他长长的睫毛。
What good I do, in the common sense of that word, must be aside from my main path, and for the most part wholly unintended. 我做什么好,凡属于一般常识的所谓好,一定不在我的主要轨道上,而且大多是我自己都无意去做的。
Aside from transforming plain old human skin into stem cells, the placenta and amniotic fluid seem to have an abundance of these cells. 除了改变普通人类皮肤成干细胞,胎盘和羊水似乎有大量的这种细胞。
Do not turn aside from what they tell you, to the right or to the left. 他们所指示你的判语,你不可偏离左右。
But it was a risk for them to treat me as anything aside from sort of a witty court jester when we were in public. 但是在公共场合,他们如果不把我当成是好笑的小丑,他们就会有危险了。
He walked in the way of Asa his father and did not turn aside from it, doing what was right in the sight of the LORD. 约沙法效法他父亚撒所行的,不偏左右,行耶和华眼中看为正的事。
Aside from burning a few bridges, he ensured that the two weeks' notice he gave turned into two weeks of sheer misery. 除了烧桥之外,他还两周通知将会变成悲惨两周。
Aside from a brief respite of a year or two when he had a council flat, the London streets have been the only home he's known. 除了在公屋里呆过短暂的一两年外,伦敦的街巷已成为了他所知唯一的家。
Aside from her shoes and a sizable number of handbags, Ms. Mellon's clothing collection veers towards simpler pieces. 除了鞋子和数量可观的手包,梅隆的衣服则倾向于更为简单的设计。
Aside from that, she has only a few TV episodes of the rebooted "90210" on her resume. 此外,她的简历还包括在电视剧《新飞跃比佛利》中演过几集。
Just two more months before she has her boy. Aside from the occasional bout of morning sickness, it's been smooth sailing for her so far. 在她生小孩的两个多月前除了偶尔的晨吐外其他一切正常,现在孩子已经顺利出生了。
It has been found out to be good for the human heart aside from piquing romance right into the atmosphere. 除了保留激起浪漫气氛的权利,它已经已经被证明是有利于人类的心脏的食物。
I went into it for money, and aside from the satisfaction of being able to help the family, money is all I got out of it. 我经商只是为了挣钱,除了能补贴家用给我带来一点满足以外,钱是我经商得到的一切。
PHP has no limit on the size of a string, aside from the amount of host memory available. PHP对于字符串的长度没有限制,只要主机的可用内存够大就行。
The best thing for me is, aside from just being a part of such a great movie, I was able to learn so much from all these amazing teachers. 对我来说最好的事,除了就可以成为这样一个伟大的电影,我就能学到这么多来自这些了不起的老师。
It was an evening of joy. This match, aside from being a good training, was also useful to have fun. 这个夜晚很欢快,这场比赛除了一场好的训练以外,还很愉快。
Are any other units aside from the Dark Templar going to have multiple models (ie. male and female Ghosts)? 除了黑暗圣堂之外,其他单位会有多个模型吗?(例如幽灵兵就有男性和女性)?
Aside from using compound movements studies also seem to favor using heavy weights when trying to stimulate greater testosterone levels. 除了这些混合的运动外,还有研究似乎还推荐举重这一项运动来刺激更高的睾丸激素。
Only a handful of his 150m compatriots, aside from his family and a few religious leaders, ever saw him again. 此后,除极少数国民,他的家人以及一些宗教领袖外,再没人见过总统本人。
He says that aside from any questions about health risks, including from pollution, adult pigeons are not that easy to catch. 他说不考虑任何关于健康风险,包括污染的问题,成年的鸽子也不是那么容易捉到的。
But aside from the site description and the absurd price, what guarantee is there that this whip is right for you? 但除了网站的宣传和离谱的价格,怎能保证这个鞭杖让你顺心合意呢?
Despite his junior love-guru status, Alec says there are no ladies in his life, aside from his mother. 虽然身为年少的爱情专家,但亚历克说自己的生活中除了母亲还没有其他女士。
Unfortunately, the urban heritage tends to be set aside from city development. 不幸的是,城市文化遗产往往是拨出从城市发展。
But aside from all the specifics, I had a few (spoiler-free) initial thoughts about something larger that I believe Avatar represents. 除了具体的细节,我有一个初步的想法就是对于阿凡达的大致的看法。
Aside from it's deviation from the book, the film's most glaring problem are the dark seekers themselves. 除了它是偏离了书,电影的最明显的问题是黑暗的探索者自己。
Regeneration in narrower sense has no meaning outside of ordo salutis; it doesn't take place aside from the Word. 狭义的重生,在圣灵救赎次序以外没有意义﹕重生并不离开上帝的道而独立发生。