adapt to

  • na.使(自己行动)配合(同伴)
  • 网络适应;适应,适合;使适应

adapt toadapt to

adapt to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take action 采取行动;提出诉讼 adapt to 适应 add up 加算,合计 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... accustom to 使习惯 adapt to (使)适应,适合;改编 第五十七组 adhere to 粘附,胶着;坚持 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... turn to 转向,变成;求助于 adapt to 使适应,使适和 get accustomed to 变得习惯于 ...


高三英语Unit1—16简案_免费教案_当知网 ... 19.the key to 关键是(在于) 20.adapt to 适应于 sunken into 堕入 ...


大学四级单词卡片 - 豆丁网 ... ad 广告 adapt to 变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应 付… 85 add 加, 加入; 增加, 添加 86 ...


2011年高级商务英语考试口语练习18 ... ... adapt from 根据…改编 adapt to 使某事物适应或适合… adjust the losses 评定损失 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... 24. 把……归功于…… 25. adapt to 使自己适应于 26. lock sb. up 把某人锁起来 / 监禁起来 ...

This shows that the Romans did not understand the law to adapt to its own circumstances the ratio of effective use. 由此可见,罗马人是在不理解适应律本身的情况下有效地利用了比例。
Bernanke said the U. S. strategy "will continue to evolve and be refined as we adapt to new developments and the inevitable setbacks. " 伯南克说,美国的战略方案将继续变动和修改,以应对新动向和不可避免的挫折。
Personally yes, it's not easy to adapt to this time difference, but it's something that goes gradually, day by day. 我个人觉得有点影响,要适应时差不是很容易的,不过这也是个逐渐的过程,一天天的就好了。
The board's forecast was prepared to help its business members adapt to a changing world economy. 这家机构提出这些预测数字是为了帮助会员企业适应世界经济的变化。
He taught her how to rely on her other senses, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. 他教她依靠自己的其他感官,尤其是听力,来判断她在什么地方,怎样适应新的环境。
Education and social security will have to adapt to a world in which jobs continue to be created and displaced at a rapid rate. 教育和社会安全将不得不适应一个工作机会持续被高速地创造和替换的世界。
When the departure time approaches, these kids feel, because they did not know their parents could not adapt to her life. 当离别时刻到来时,这些孩子忐忑不安起来,因为他们不知道自己能否适应没有父母在身边的生活。
How to let the children to adapt to life in the kindergarten, like children Park? 怎样才能让孩子们能更快的顺应幼儿园生存,喜好上幼儿园?
Furthermore, England seems a bit sad to me and I don't think it would be easy to adapt to life there. 此外,英格兰似乎有点悲哀,我不认为适应那里的生活是件很容易的事。
At the moment, China and many other world governments, are in a hurry to be adjusted to adapt to this new reality. (AuthorJiefudaier)此刻,中国乃至许多世界其他国家的政府,都在匆忙地进行调整,以适应这一新的现实。
Abbas said the Hamas-led government must be given a chance to adapt to the basic requirements of the international community. 阿巴斯说,必须给予哈马斯领导的政府适应国际社会基本要求的机会。
My ability to adapt to a very strong, has always been able to quickly enter the role, does not need too long to adapt to the process. 我的适应能力很强,一向是可以很快进入角色,不需要太长适应过程。
Static routing also fails completely to adapt to network outages and failures along the route due to the fixed nature of the route. 静态路由由于路由固定的特性,因此根本无法根据路由来适应网络中断和故障。
A UI module partial match mechanism is then used to adapt to attribute changes up to a certain level. 此外还使用了UImodule部分匹配机制,在一定程度上适应属性的变化。
Susan had thought she would adapt to life there soon but she found later things were so easy and she began to feel homesick. 苏珊以为自己会很快适应那儿的生活,可后来发现事情没那么容易,于是她开始想家。
Yet he is the prisoner of his culture, unable to adapt to the ways of France or to understand his "assimilated" offspring. 然而他却囿于阿拉伯文化,无法适应法国的方式或了解他“被同化的”后代。
For most farmers around the world, trying to adapt to these changes "will pose major challenges, " Wednesday's IFPRI report said. IFPRI在周三发布的报告中指出,对世界上大多数农民而言,尝试适应这些变化“给他们带来了很大挑战”。
He said he would work to make his religious work adapt to China's socialist society. 他说,他会努力把他的宗教活动与中国的社会主义制度相适应。
When he first signed he was a young player coming to a top side in a different country and trying to adapt to a different style. 当他被签入利物浦时,这个有前途的年轻球员踏入了另一个国度,在一个顶级联赛中努力适应不同的踢球风格,为梦努力着。
Just like in the long run, in the dark on the sun is a adapt to the same process. 就象长期处于黑暗中的人初见阳光是有个适应过程一样。
In his speech in London, Mr. Paulson emphasized that the financial markets have yet to adapt to the changing climate. 在伦敦的演讲中,保尔森强调金融市场仍必须适应变化的气候。
has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork, can adapt to the team quickly, has a good sense of adaptation and coordination. 具有较强的进取精神和团队精神,能快速容易团体,适应和协调能力好。
He said just as the terrorists adapt to changing conditions, so will the United States. 他说,恐怖分子在适应变化的形势,而美国也将这样做。
that's a perfect description of you. you can do it, snake. but you've got to be flexible. . . adapt to each situation uniquely. 这句话用来描述你最合适不过了。灵活柔软的你能够做到,且适合任何非一般的情况。
Out of these efforts -- driven by the necessity to adapt to an ever-changing market -- the enterprise architecture discipline developed. 除了这些努力之外--还由那些必须适应于-每个变化的市场-驱动。
It also gives the world time to agree how much money should be given to help poor countries adapt to climate change and also cut emissions. 它还给了全世界足够的时间来就以下问题达成一致:到底需要多少资金来资助穷困国家适应气候变化问题、并推动其同样减少排放。
The results of experiment show that this correction method can adapt to a variety of rules of changes in the speed of sound of liquid media. 实验结果表明,这种校正方法能适应各种不同规律液体媒介的声速变化。
It's especially special that I cannot adapt to shallow waters, but it's okay for me to swim in deep waters. 尤其特别的是,我总是无法适应浅水区,却能在深水区中安然无恙。
But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence. 但至少,被迫既要适应丰裕糊口、又要适应捉襟见肘的糊口,比过着不知悔改、放纵无度的糊口更有益成长。
Yet there has never been a more important time for media conglomerates and their financiers to act and adapt to the Internet age. 但对于媒体集团以及金融家而言,行动起来适应网络时代的时机从未如此重要。