
  • adj.全面的;多方面的;全能的;多才多艺的
  • 网络全能型;全方位的;综合性的




英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... all-american 全美国的 all-around 全面的 all-congnering 所向无敌的 ...


介绍2008奥运会的一个比赛项目_百度知道 ... 标枪( Javelin) 全能( All-around) 短距离跑( Dash) ...


nba2k0 my player提问_百度知道 ... Rebounding 篮板手 All-Around 全能型 Scoring 得分型 ...


英语常用口语每天学 第118课:他的体格真棒 -... ... ★ bulge 鼓起,突起 ★ all-around 全能的 ★ tough 强硬的,艰难的 ...


all round中文 ... all-round cooperation 全方位合作 all-round;all-around 全面的;全方位的... all-sky photometer 全天光度计 ...


PETS-3词汇及例句[旺旺英语论坛] ... backward somersault 后空翻 all-around a. 全面的;综合性的 the uneven bars 高低杠 ...


体育运动竞技场 ... Three-Day Event 三日赛 All-Around 个人全能 Balance Beam 平横木 ...

At this point, maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and deliver messages to all around the world. 在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。
He was joking, of course, but there is no denying the passion with which soccer fans all around the world follow their favorite teams. 当然他是在开玩笑,但是世界各地的球迷追随他们喜爱球队的热情是无可否认的。
however it's very likely you are not able to see the magic & potential that's all around you, just waiting to be discovered. 目前你运势绝佳,但你却非常有可能看不到你周围这些神奇的潜力。它们等待着被你发现。
He sent out a beam from his forehead, and that beam shot all around the cosmos, and suddenly they came. 他从前额发出一束光,这光照亮了整个宇宙,突然,分身诸佛出现了。
She was sitting on the floor on her green shawl, with her property all around her. In her hand was a small bowl, which she was polishing. 她坐在铺著绿色披巾的地上,工具散放在四周,手中则是她正在抛光的小碗。
If I were to copy and paste this code all around, then change the field structure of the book table, I would be in a bad way. 如果我四处拷贝和粘贴这个代码,然后修改了book表的字段结构,那么我可能就麻烦了。
Today, Santa Claus is famous all around the world as the kind, old man who brings Christmas gifts to the children. 今天,圣诞老人以一个善良,年长的老人转为为小朋友送去圣诞礼物的形象闻名世界。
Durant is a great scorer -- maybe the best in the league -- but LBJ is one of the greatest all-around talents the NBA has ever seen. 杜兰特是非常棒的得分手--或许是全联盟中最棒的--但是LBJ是联盟中至今为止最最全面的球员之一。
I vaguely see the face, not a word is spoken, the stillness of the sky is all around. 我模糊地看到他的脸,他一句话也没说,四围是天空的静默。
There's a photograph of me rafting an iceberg, the melted sea all around, the sea that should have been solid. 有一张照片,上面是随冰山漂流的我,冰山周围是融化了的海水,那海原本应该是坚实的。
Maybe it's all around to see If we try And maybe it's been inside of me All this time Love love love Love love love! Love love love! 或许就在目光所及只要我们看得用心可能就在我的身体无时无刻与我相依爱啊爱啊!
Technology is all around us, expanding the limits of what is possible. 技术无处不在,拓展着无限可能。
The story is all around the subject and the viewers eyes can wander the scene reading new information with each pass. 完整的故事就围绕在主体人物的旁边,读者的眼睛每次扫过画面都可以获得新的信息。
Of course, r goes all around the z axis, but I'm just doing a slice through one of these vertical half planes, fixing the value of theta. 当然,r可以围绕z轴转圈,但我只做了一个垂直的半平面,对于一个确定的θ来说。
The tracks of the big bear were all around the barn, and there were marks of his claws on the walls. 牲畜棚周围都是大熊的脚印,四周墙上还有它的爪子印儿。
Color is all around us. We see it all the time. Most of us have no idea the impact color has on our lives. 但我们中的大多数人并不知道色彩对我们的生活究竟有怎样的影响。
Soldiers stood all around the Knave of Hearts, and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand. 士兵们都站在红桃杰克周围,国王旁边站着白兔,手里拿着一个喇叭。
From his perch in Angel Court, in the heart of the City, he watched the rapid expansion all around him. 在天使家园,他的位于伦敦市中心的家中,他见证了周围的金融企业的快速扩张。
If we were all so easy to open ourselves up emotionally, perhaps things all around us would be better. 如果我们都能敞开我们的心扉,或许我们周围所发生的事情会变得好一些。
Tireless running, the point in time, the long - range force, ginger can be called on the first pitch in a all-around Wang. 不知疲倦的奔跑、及时的分球、雷霆万钧的远射,生姜头在绿茵场上堪称一位全能王。
Mezmerized by the snow that is all around him, Little Snow Bear sneaks off to see if the rest of the world is as much fun. 他看过了周围的白雪之后,很想知道这个世界的其它地方是不是也一样这么好玩。
One wife in Orbuch's marriage study planned a treasure hunt for her husband all around the city that led to a skating rink. Orbuch婚姻研究中的一个对象为自己的老公设计了一个寻宝路线,目的地就在溜冰场。
Even though it was just a small hole-in-the-wall cafe, people from all around flocked to Mel's Diner to enjoy a genuine home cooked meal. 虽然迈尔的简便餐厅只是个小吃店,人们从各地涌来享受真正的自制口味。
Brush Your Teeth Brush, brush, brush your teeth Use some toothpaste too Brush up and down and all around And eat what's right for you. 刷刷你的牙刷,刷,刷刷你的牙,用些牙膏更加好。
However, many of you who keep abreast of what is happening all around the world, are picking up the clues to what is about to happen. 然而,你们许多人继续与所有发生在世界中的事情并肩前行,一直在取得关于一切发生之事的线索。
Palm Pre developer events are going on all around the world, though, so expect to see more apps for that platform quickly. 不过,PalmPre开发竞赛正在全球各地如火如荼地进行,所以,我们不久将能在Palm平台上看到更多应用。
Meanwhile, a howling crow glided the sky, splashing the sense of chill all around the night. 一只乌鸦凄凉的鸣叫越过夜空,溅落了漫天的寒意。
And I, says Jehovah, will be to her a wall of fire all around, and will be the glory in her midst. 耶和华说:我要作耶路撒冷四围的火城,并要作其中的荣耀。
And a look will know that this inaction lay people LiuLaoDan division of the same or and widely read many just all-around Dan division. 而且一看就知道这无为居士还是和刘老丹师同类的博学多才的全能丹师。
"We have had security all around the building, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, " Barnes &Noble Chief Executive Steve Riggio told Reuters. Barnes&Noble首席执行官SteveRiggio对路透社说:“我们一周七天,每天二十四小时对小说进行监视保护。”